PART 1 ITEM NO. 11 (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) _____________________________________________________________ REPORT OF THE LEAD MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES _____________________________________________________________ TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL SCRUTINY COMMITTEE ON 19TH May 2003 _____________________________________________________________ TITLE: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS YEAR END RESULTS 2002/03 _____________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS: That members note the performance of those Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPI’s) and Local Performance Indicators (LPI’s) highlighted within the report _____________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The purpose of the report is to inform members of the year end performance, on those BVPI’s and LPI’s which are the responsibility of the Directorate, and are contained within the City’s Strategic and Best Value Performance Plan for 2002/03. _____________________________________________________________ BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS: (available for public inspection) N/A _____________________________________________________________ ASSESSMENT OF RISK: N/A _____________________________________________________________ THE SOURCE OF FUNDING IS: N/A _____________________________________________________________ LEGAL ADVICE OBTAINED: N/A _____________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL ADVICE OBTAINED: N/A _____________________________________________________________ CONTACT OFFICER: Wayne Priestley _____________________________________________________________ WARD(S) TO WHICH REPORT RELATE(S) N/A _____________________________________________________________ 1 KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Best Value Scrutiny Modernising Local Government Waste Management Performance Management ______________________________________________________________ DETAILS: Attached are seven of the ten BVPI’s/LPI’s for which the Directorate is able to provide final year end performance data for 2002/03, these are; BVPI 82b - The % of the total of tonnage of household waste which has been composted. BVPI 91 - The % of the population served by a kerbside collection of recyclables or within 1 km of a recycling centre. BVPI 166a - Score against a checklist of enforcement best practice for environmental health. BVPI 166b - Score against a checklist of enforcement best practice for trading standards. LPI 15 - The % of responses within the target times (for Environmental Health and Trading Standards complaints and requests for service). LPI 16 - The % of highways that are of a high or acceptable standard of cleanliness. LPI 21 - The number of household waste collections which were missed per 100,000 collections. It should be noted that three of the Directorate’s BVPI’s cannot be reported upon at this time due to circumstances beyond the Directorate’s control, these are. BVPI 82a The % of the total tonnage of household waste arising which have been recycled. BVPI 84 per head. - The number of kilograms of household waste collected BVPI 86 - The cost of waste collections per household. The reasons behind the inability to report on these indicators is as follow; BVPI 82a / BVPI 84 – The information to complete these indicators is provided by the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority (GMWDA), and the required information is not available until mid June 2003. As such 2 the City’s recycling rate and waste production per head statistics will have to be reported with the 1st Quarter Performance Indicators Report 2003/04, in July 2003. BVPI 86 The information for this indicator can only be gathered when the Council’s final accounts are verified, which normally takes place at the end of May. Therefore like the BVPI’s 82a and 84, this indicator’s results will have to be reported with the 1st Quarter Performance Indicators Report 2003/04, in July 2003. BVPI 90a/b/c are not reported upon as the information for these indicators is only gathered every three years as part of a Greater Manchester wide survey. A survey is currently planned for September 2003 and will form part of a later report. It is likely therefore that figures for this indicator may only appear in the year end report for 2003/04. BVPI 90a – c - comprises of the following indicators; BVPI 90a collection - The % of people satisfied with household waste BVPI 90b - The % of people satisfied with waste recycling BVPI 90c (not applicable to the City Council) The % of people satisfied with waste disposal _____________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION Of the seven BVPI’s and LPI’s reported upon, all but one have achieved or surpassed 2002/03 targets. The only indicator not to have seemingly achieved anything of any note is BVPI 82b – The % of the total tonnage of household waste which has been composted, which currently scores a 0% score. This is not a failing regarding the Directorate’s ability to deliver, as this indicator relates to centralised composting, the establishment of which would be more relevant for the GMWDA to provide under the current waste disposal contract. However, the Directorate is promoting home composting and has issued over 5500 home composter units which it is estimated diverts hundreds of tonnes of organic waste away from landfill each year. Overall, therefore, the Directorate has had a successful year in terms of meeting performance indicator targets, this success however is more than simply a statistical success, it also means that service provision is improving and therefore providing quality services to the residents of the City. 3 P.I Ref BVPI 82b Fourth Quarter 2001/02 Comparator Action Plan The % of the total tonnage of household waste composted BVPI 82b Family Trend Salford's Targets 0.60% 0.5% Percentage 0.50% 0.40% 0.30% 0.20% NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE 0.10% 0.00% 0% 0% 0.00% Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 0.00% 1998/99 1999/00 Met Average 01/02 2000/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) 2nd Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 - - Q2 - - Q3 - - Date: 02/07/02 Comments on Current Performance: This indicator refers to centralised composting, i.e. large amounts of green domestic waste composted in one area. As such the city does not meet this indicators needs as the composting it carries out is based on the provision of individual compost units to households across the city. Currently over 5500 homes house such units. Barriers to Improvement: Due to DEFRA not accepting home composting for recycling rate calculations, the City is not able to take advantage of the work it has done. Despite home composting being highlighted in the National Waste Strategy, there is no agreed calculation to quantify the amounts of waste composted in these units. Nevertheless it is crucial that home composting be pursued as it is the most visible reminder of the need to recycle green waste at its point of production – the home. However DEFRA needs to accept that a formula of some kind has to be devised and qualified, to allow those local authorities which have invested in home composters some recognition for their work. Current/Proposed Action: The GMWDA is currently undertaking trials to improve its levels of centralised composting. Its source material is provided by the nine local authorities of Greater Manchester. When the compost produced is of a high enough quality to be classed as a recycled material, it is likely the local authorities involved will get some credit in that they are collecting materials for the express purpose of recycling/composting and as such this should be reflected in those authorities published recycling rates. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 2005 Malcolm Thorpe 4 P.I. Ref BVPI 91 Fourth Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan BVPI 91 Percentage of population resident within the Authorities area which are served by a kerbside collection of recyclables or within 1 km radius of a recycling centre Family Trend Salford's Targets 105% 100% 100% 100% Percentage 100% 100% 100% 100% Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 97% 95% 90% 84% 85% 80% 75% 1998/99 1999/00 2000/01 Met Average 00/01 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Met Top Quartile 00/01 PERFORMANCE IS GOOD Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Range for all Mets Councils Quartile level for Mets 76% Quartile level for all Authorities 80% Performance Indicator Action Plan Family Average 00/01 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 100% 100% Q2 100% 100% Q3 100% 100% Date: 13/05/02 Comments on Current Performance: Due to two successful bids to the Government, The Directorate is now able to offer kerbside collections of recyclables to the whole of the City. This new service is being introduced in two phases. Phase one has seen half the City being offered the service, and currently over 15000 homes are taking part. Phase two, covering the remaining half of the City, will be in place by the end of 2003. If is envisaged that this service, together with the paper collection service, and improvements to civic amenity sites which are being redesigned, to be more recycling-friendly, will meet the Government’s mandatory recycling targets will be met. The targets are 8% of domestic waste to be recycled by 2003/04 rising to 15% by 2005/06. The City is still maintaining its 14 recycling centres to support those residents who still wish to use them. The funding provided by The Government is only for 12 months and as such the City Council has agreed to meet revenue costs for the scheme in the future. Barriers to Improvement: Participation levels are the real barriers to improvement, in that low participation rates will make the service costly. Therefore The Directorate is involved in high profile awareness raising campaigns to promote the service and thereby increase participation levels. Partnerships with Shotton Waste Paper Mill, Salford Reds, GMWDA and residents groups are all proving successful in bringing more people onto the scheme. 5 Current/Proposed Action: As stated previously the service will be rolled-out to cover every household in the City by the end of the year. In addition high and medium rise dwellings, which cannot be serviced by kerbside collections, will be supplied with dedicated recycling facilities of their own, these being funded through a successful Local Public Service Agreement. The Directorate will be concentrating on achieving as high a participation rate as possible in order to make the service economically as well as environmentally justifiable, which considering the proposals to increase landfill tax from £13 per tonne to £35 per tonne in the next 10 years is of paramount importance. It should be noted that this indicator in 2003/04 will change to measure performance only against levels of kerbside provision and as such performance against the new indicator may fall initially, but it is expected to return to 100% as all low, medium and high rise properties are provided with recycling services. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): 2004 Lead Officer: Malcolm Thorpe Assistant Director (Contract Services) 6 P.I Ref BVPI 166a Fourth Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan Score against a checklist of enforcement best practice for environmental health BVPI 166a Family Trend Salford's Targets 101.00% 100.00% 100.00% Percetage 99.00% 98.00% 97.00% 96.00% 95.00% 95.00% NOT AVAILABLE 95.00% 95.00% Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target NOT AVAILABLE 94.00% 93.00% 92.00% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 - - Q2 - - Q3 - - Q4 95% 100% Date: 06/05/03 Comments on Current Performance: The service has achieved 100% performance against this indicator following changes to the assessment criteria which now removes consumer advice from the environmental health check-list. Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: N/A Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 2003 N J Powell 7 P.I Ref BVPI 166b Fourth Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan Score against a checklist of enforcement best practice for trading standards BVPI 166b Family Trend Salford's Targets 120.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Percetage 80.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% NOT AVAILABLE NOT AVAILABLE 20.00% 0.00% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils N/A Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Current Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 - - Q2 - - Q3 - - Q4 80% 100% Date: 06/05/03 Comments on Current Performance: The service has achieved 100% performance against this indicator following the introduction of mechanisms to provide annual health guidance to livestock holders. Barriers to Improvement: None Current/Proposed Action: N/A Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Lead Officer: 8 P.I. Ref LPI 15 Fourth Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 15 The % of responses within the target times (for responding to Environmental Health and Trading Standards complaints and requests for service) Family Trend Salford's Targets 97.50% 97.16% 97.00% 96.50% 96.17% Percentage 95.99% 96.00% 95.50% 94.96% 95.00% 95.00% Salfords Target 2002/03 Salfords 5 Year Target 95.00% 94.50% 94.00% 93.50% 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Met Average 01/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N.A Range for all Mets Councils NA/ Quartile level for Mets N/A Quartile level for all Authorities N/A Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 PERFORMANCE IS VERY GOOD HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 92.62% 95.55% Q2 99% 98% Q3 97.33% 98.4% Q4 96.17% 96.7% Date: 2-05-03 Comments on Current Performance: The performance target for the fourth quarter has again been exceeded however; it did fall from slightly the previous quarter. The annual performance exceeded that for the previous year. This target remains the most stringent within Gtr Manchester. Barriers to Improvement: Vacancies in three service areas have affected performance. Current/Proposed Action: Current performance is regarded as excellent, although a higher figure is preferable. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): Already achieved Lead Officer: Nigel Powell Assistant Director (Public Protection) 9 P.I. Ref LPI 16 Fourth Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 16 98.00% The % of highways that are of a high or acceptabtle standard of cleanliness Salford's Family Trend Targets 97.1% 96.0% 96.00% 94.4% Percentage 94.00% 93.0% 92.00% 91.0% 90.00% 89.0% 88.00% 86.00% 84.00% 1998/99 2000/01 2001/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Met Average 01/02 N/A Ranking against family authorities (of 21) N/A Range for all Mets Councils Quartile level for Mets Quartile level for all Authorities Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET HIGHER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Performance Indicator Action Plan Salfords 5 Year Target 2001/02 Salfords Position 2002/03 2002/03 Q1 89% 95% Q2 91% 94.3% Q3 91.3% 92.3% Q4 91% 96% Date: 2/05/03 Comments on Current Performance: The monitoring return of 96% for the fourth quarter has shown the best return of the last year, with an increase of 3.7% from the third quarter. This has resulted in a yearly return of 94.4% which surpasses the target set of 93%. Closer monitoring and supervision has taken place in the fourth quarter and the City has benefited from the increase in the number of Mini Mechanical Sweepers, particularly in areas of regeneration, i.e. SRBII and NDC. Barriers to Improvement: The Directorate is constantly striving to improve street cleansing standards. The introduction of further Mini Mechanical Sweepers in the City would increase standards. Enforcement of the litter laws within the City, would also improve cleanliness levels. Current/Proposed Action: The introduction of 14 Mini Mechanical Sweepers and also the Zone Team that delivers the 3 week frequency has enabled standards to improve. Provision of services must be maintained to achieve the consistent improvement in standards. Within 2003/04, the introduction of Enforcement Wardens (PCO’s), who will have the powers to enforce the litter laws and will enable the Authority to respond to littering, both pro-actively and reactively. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): 2003 Lead Officer: Malcolm Thorpe Assistant Director (Contract Services) 10 P.I. Ref LPI 21 (Formerly BVPI 88) Fourth Quarter 2002/03 Comparator Action Plan LPI 21 The number of household waste collections which were missed per 100,000 collections Family Trend Salford's Targets 300 265 250 100,000 200 147 150 123 98 90 100 70 48 50 23.5 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 Ranking against all GM Councils (of 10) Ranking against family authorities (of 21) Range for all Mets Councils Quartile level for Mets Quartile level for all Authorities Performance Indicator Action Plan Met Average 01/02 Family Average 01/02 Met Top Quartile 01/02 Salfords Target 2002/03 PERFORMANCE IS ABOVE TARGET LOWER FIGURE IS PREFERABLE Salfords 5 Year Target Salfords Position 2002/03 2001/02 2002/03 Q1 328 62 Q2 233 15 Q3 174 9.6 Q4 147 7.25 Date: 2/05/03 Comments on Current Performance: Improvements again have occurred in missed bin rates in the fourth quarter compared with first, second and third quarter returns. The first quarter showed 62 misses per 100,000 collections, the second quarter showed 15 misses per 100,000 collections, the third showed a drop to 9.55 misses, and finally, the fourth shows yet another drop to 7.25 per 100,000, resulting in an annual return of 23.5%. This improvement is due to two factors; firstly a bonus related payment is made if crews only miss an agreed number of bins, (no more than 5 justifiable complaints per zone team per day) and secondly, a new system of counting missed bins, agreed by auditors, whereby each bin reported ‘missed’, is investigated by an environmental co-ordinator to see whether it is the fault of the refuse collection crew or the resident. A final point of note is that the 4-day working week has also meant no complaints of ‘missed bins’ are received, as was previously, when bins were not collected on Bank Holiday Mondays and over the Christmas period. Barriers to Improvement: It is not anticipated that any significant barriers to improvement will occur. In fact every attempt is being made to be in the top quartile of performers within 2 years. However as this indicator is to be abolished in 2003/04 it may be difficult to make comparisons, as undoubtedly poor performers are unlikely to retain this indicator as a local performance indicator, whilst the best performers will. The Directorate does intend to retain the indicator as a local performance indicator which means it will have to continue to make significant improvements to achieve top quartile performance as the only local authorities it will be able to measure itself against will already be the best performers. 11 Current/Proposed Action: At 23.5 per 100,000 collections for the year, the Directorate has achieved its 5 year target of 70 misses. With regards to the Directorate measuring its performance now the indicator is to be abolished, a network of those authorities which continue to use this indicator as a local one, needs to be established so benchmarking can take place. Top Quartile to be Achieved By (Date): 2003 Lead Officer: Malcolm Thorpe Assistant Director (Environmental Maintenance) 12