April 2003, Draft 4
City of Salford, Education & Leisure Directorate
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 1
In order to provide schools with greater financial autonomy:
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Jill Baker, Director Of Education and Leisure, Paul Greenway,
Assistant Director, Inclusion and Access, Bob McIntyre, Head of Finance.
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Consultation with schools on fair funding should lead to a
greater level of delegation of resources.
Aggregate Inspection Grade 4
 Termly meetings of the School Funding Review Group (comprising representatives of
primary, secondary and special school Headteachers, Governors, Councillors, and Trade
union officials) to consider services currently delegated to schools and the proposed
delegation of further services.
 Monitoring of Section 52 budget statements by the School Funding Review Group.
 Wider evaluation of proposals agreed at the School Funding Review Group to take place
through programmed meetings with Headteachers.
 Review of delegation of resources via Leadership Team and Scrutiny Committee meetings.
 Monitoring and Evaluation through the Education Development Plan.
A commitment has been made to raise the level of delegation in the next
financial year (Para 32)
Spending not entirely linked with Council/LEA priorities. Concern about
level of delegation and effectiveness of deployment of funds (Para 32).
However this judgement does not standout when compared with other
LEA's inspected.
Increased delegation of
resources. Consideration of
delegation of resources for
community use. Reduction
of small schools factor in
the funding scheme.
Further review of delegated
areas in the light of the
SEN Commission report.
Date By
March 2002
April 2003
Published Success Criteria In
Action Plan
Level of delegation 86% by April
2000. (1999/2000 figure was
77% for comparison)
Agreement on funding options
for SEN by 2001.
Implementation of options
requiring no policy change
March 2001. Those requiring
policy change March 2002.
Progress Statement
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Level of delegation in 2002/2003
exceeded 87%. Scheme of
delegation for community use has
been developed and will be
introduced 2003/2004.
DfEE Guidance on the Financing of
Maintained Schools.
Significant reduction in small
schools allowance now
implemented with any protection of
this element now removed.
Directorate Service Plan.
Consultation period closed January
7th 2003. Response meetings held.
Recommendations made to
Members based on outcomes of
consultation. Agreed 19th February
2003. Additional delegation to take
place from 1st April 2003 and
phased over the next two years.
SEN Commission Report
Best Value Performance Plan
Behaviour Support Plan
Education Development Plan
Best Value Performance Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 2
To raise standards of attainment:
 Maximise the delegation of the IAS budget to schools,
particularly in relation to training and curriculum support;
 Target support and challenge schools to raise the quality of
teaching at Key Stage 3, particularly in relation to literacy and
 Develop a vision and strategy for ICT which is shared with
schools and;
 Focuses on curriculum support to schools to raise standards of
attainments in ICT and other subjects through ICT:
 Provides a clear training strategy which enables teachers to
meet the government's targets for skill and expertise.
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Judy Edmonds, Acting Deputy Director, Education and Leisure, Anne
Hillerton, Assistant Director, School Improvement, Richard Dodd, Senior Inspector-Advisor, Jane
Austin, Excellence in Cities Co-ordinator
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
 Monitoring via level of buy-back by schools, and level of participation by teachers
 Monitoring via the requirements of DfES and the LEA Key Stage 3 Pilot Plan
 Evaluation of strategy development via schools/officers forum
 Monitoring via OFSTED report and Inspector-Adviser visits
Annual review of pupil attainment in ICT
Review of progress against EDP targets
Monitoring via EiC strand group
Monitoring and Evaluation through the Education Development Plan.
Aggregate Inspection Grade 4
The LEAs support for Literacy is sound with training rated as
satisfactory to good.
Progress in raising standards in Numeracy is good.
There are pockets of good practice in ICT.
Results at Key Stage 3 and 4 are below the national average.
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Training and additional
curriculum support and
guidance to be offered to
schools on an individual buy
back basis specified annually.
This will include support for the
development of ICT.
Positive evaluation and
feedback from Headteachers
Secondary schools will take
part in the national pilot for
KS3 in literacy and numeracy
and have been invited to take
part in the Science and
Transforming Teaching and
Learning in foundation
subjects. All schools will have
specific Key Stage 3 targets.
Excellence in Cities targets
reached. Outcomes linked to
evaluation framework for
national KS3 project.
Successful outcomes from
KS3 project pilot schools.
IAS will focus on Key Stage
3 in all schools during review
Progress Statement
Excellence in Cities has
specific targets which are
indicated in the EDP. Attention
will be given to bridging the
transition from primary to
secondary schools.
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
SLA with schools will continue to run
until 31st March. An Inset programme
will continue with a focus on strategy
based training including Literacy,
Numeracy, Key Stage 3 and EiC.
Some supplementary training offered
based on the demands of schools,
national trends and developments.
Greater emphasis on schools being
able to use a time entitlement from
members of the Inspection-Advisory
Education Development Plan,
Actions are detailed in EDP 2.
Education Development Plan,
Trialled Literacy and Numeracy
strands. Identified departments
needing intensive support. Consultants
working with these schools and
supporting the delivery of Booster
Classes in core subjects to increase
levels of pupil performance. Trialled
Science and Teaching and Learning in
Foundation Subjects strands. Leading
Teachers programme in place TFL
Consultants working on crosscurricular initiatives with twenty
departments to improve teaching and
learning to include the use of
assessment. Trialled ICT units in
Summer 2002. National roll out to all
high schools from September 2002.
Currently trialling Modern Foreign
Languages Framework (2002/03) in
nine schools. Offering training to other
high schools for Summer 2003. Have
set Key Stage 3 targets in core
subjects and ICT for 2004 performance
in all high schools.. Exam results and
comments detailed in monitoring report
October 2002.
Excellence in Cities
Standards Fund Information
Booklet for Schools, ICT
Development Plan
Implementation Plan
KS3 Pilot Plan
A framework for evaluation of
ICT practice will be developed.
This will be in discrete subject
areas and across the
curriculum. Links will be made
between schools via lead
teachers, City Learning
Centres and Beacon schools.
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Progress Statement
Service Level Agreement
with schools on curriculum
A framework for self-evaluation of ICT
practice has developed and shared
with schools. LEA review of schools
practice is based on this framework.
Because of the Best Value Review of
the School Improvement Service, the
Service Level Agreement with schools
on curriculum support has been put on
hold. However, an action has been
agreed for EDP2 Priority One, which
involves the establishment of a fixed
term contract ICT consultancy post to
support ICT in primary schools
Focus review by Inspection
Advisory Service on school
Phase A of Broadband Project nearing
completion so all schools will benefit
from Internet access. Phase B, the
telephony stage, is being rolled out
across Spring, Summer and Autumn
terms 2003.ICT Team is working with
three pilot schools and City Learning
Centres to test the arrangements for
Phase C. A detailed programme will be
developed once information from pilots
has been analysed and assessed.
Briefings were held in December 2002
for Primary and Secondary schools.
Further workshops are planned.
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Education Development Plan,
Excellence in Cities
Implementation Plan
ICT Development Plan.
Standards Fund grant 601
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 3
To improve the management and governance of schools:
 Share school evaluation reports with governors to assist them in
their role of evaluating the work of schools;
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Lynn Wright, Assistant Director, Resources and Planning, Anne Hillerton,
Assistant Director, School Improvement.
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
 Feedback from termly governing body meeting via minutes and Link Officer attendance
 Complete and distribute an audit instrument for governing
bodies to enable them to complete a self-evaluation of their
effectiveness as detailed in the Education Development Plan;
 Act swiftly to fill LEA governor vacancies within a stated
timescale and encourage all Governors to play a full and
equitable role.
Feedback from school visits by Inspector-Advisers and OFSTED, and from termly governing body
meetings via minutes and Link Officer attendance
Aggregate Inspection Grade 4
Evaluation of the training provided for governors
Evidence of effectiveness provided via OFSTED reports
Review of progress via Leadership Term and Scrutiny Committee processes
Direct feedback for governors identifying gaps in their knowledge/expertise
Evaluation of the training programme for governors
Review of progress via Leadership Team and Scrutiny Committee processes.
Monitoring of vacancy levels on a weekly basis by Lead Member and Deputy Lead Member for
Monitoring and evaluation through the Education Development Plan
Governors are generally well supported by the LEA, over 95% of
schools buy into Governor Training. (Para 67).
Governors do not as yet receive all the information available on
their school's effectiveness.
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Progress Statement
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Revised schools governors'
self-evaluation Framework.
New Schedules
implemented during
academic year 2000/2001
Training Plan developed. Work
progressing throughout the Spring
term. Connections made with training
needs analysis.
Managing for Success, Education
Development Plan
Inspection - Advisory Service
reports to Governors to be
revised to take account of the
new Ofsted model.
New Schedules
implemented during
academic year 2000/2001
As per report October 2002.
Managing for Success, Education
Development Plan
Reporting schedule is under
ongoing review in order to provide
Governing Bodies with useful
The Inspection -Advisory Service
reviews the process and makes
amendments to make the
information more meaningful for
Governors. They will suggest areas
for discussion and follow up with
the school.
The timing of when visits take
place, when reports are prepared
and when they are sent to
Governing Bodies is to be
reconsidered, although the
timescales are difficult to reconcile
because of externally imposed
IAS report to Governing Bodies has
been given a higher place on agendas
of Governing Body meetings. Briefing
notes provided to Link Officers to
enable them to provide prompts for
Cabinet keen to develop greater
involvement of LEA Governors in
challenging schools to improve
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Progress Statement
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
performance. To consider a briefing
note to LEA Governors from Lead
Member. Reviewing monitoring and
evaluation of ‘Managing for Success’
as basis for termly agendas. May be
implications arising from Best Value
Training to be offered to
governors on the use of the
revised models
Training modules receive
positive evaluation
Revised DfES modules are run each
term. Daytime and evening sessions
are available.
Managing for Success, Education
Development Plan
Marketing and
communications exercise to be
undertaken to promote the
filling of vacancies with a
target of less than 7.5% of
post vacant overall during the
Target to be met by
September 2001
Continuing to recruit pool of potential
LEA Governors. – current level 6.4%.
Managing for Success, Education
Development Plan
Early warning system for poor
attendance set up between Governor
Services and Chairs of Governors to
try to minimise disqualifications.
Monitoring of attendance
and follow up action.
Governor Services raise any
attendance issues directly with Cllr
Daniels, (Elected Member responsible
for LEA Governor recruitment). The
Administration Assistants monitor
attendance on a termly basis.
LEA Governor Recruitment Packs
have been produced and recruitment
meetings held in Autumn 2002 and
Spring 2003. These are targeted at
existing City of Salford employees.
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 4
In order to improve levels of service management:
Service team plans should be reviewed to state clearly their
contribution to targets in key corporate and educational fields
and include costs and measurable and realistic success criteria:
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Lynn Wright, Assistant Director, Resources and Planning, Anne Hillerton,
Assistant Director, School Improvement
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Schools should be provided with a clear definition and
specification for each service; details of costs; and methods by
which the service is to be monitored and evaluated.
Aggregate Inspection Grade 4
Annual Review of the Directorate's service planning process by the Strategy Team
Regular review of service plan via Scrutiny Committee
Half yearly monitoring of progress against service team plans by Leadership Team
Monthly review of progress by individual service teams.
Review of approach to service specification by School Funding Review Group, the Services to
Schools Group, and the Best Value Review of 'Services to Schools'
Monitoring and evaluated through the Education Development Plan
The monitoring of performance relating to service plans is well
managed (Para 78)
Although team plans adopt a common format, they vary
considerably in quality. Some are poor.
Team plans and Service Level
Agreements with schools to
include information on costs
and to clearly state their
contribution to Corporate and
Directorate objectives.
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
A robust planning process.
Subject to evaluation by
Best Value Review.
Progress Statement
Detailed work undertaken reviewing
the planning process within the
Directorate. Revised procedures for
delivery of 2003/04 Service Plans have
been adopted. Briefing sessions have
taken place for team Managers.
Regular monitoring to take place
throughout the year. Links made to
other procedures eg training and
development. Comprehensive manual
produced to assist planning.
A schools’ forum has been established
and the first meeting was held
February 2003. A schedule of
meetings for the coming year has been
agreed. The Constitution has been
agreed, terms of reference for the
Forum have been agreed. Chair and
Vice Chair have been appointed. Next
meeting is 10th March.
Brokerage partnership has been
established to commence April 2003.
Seven other LEAs are involved and a
website is being developed.. The
Broker will be invited to present to
interested parties/groups as soon as
Ongoing development of programme
Discussions with Corporate Services
and Personnel and Performance are
being held to finalise the Corporate
SLA for 2003/04.
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Corporate Plans.
Directorate Plans,
Best Value Review Plan,
All Team Plans
Review the Services to
Schools Directory to include
targets and evaluation criteria.
Where services are not
delegated, a set of standards
will be published.
Date By
April 2002
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Evaluation by schools
showing improvement on a
year by year basis.
Progress Statement
Services to Schools Directory revised
to include service standards and went
to schools April 2002.
Further work has been undertaken on
improving communications and
relationships with schools as a result of
the Best Value Review – detailed at
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Corporate Plans.
Directorate Plans,
Best Value Review Plans,
All Team Plans
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 5
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Paul Greenway, Assistant Director, Inclusion and Access
In order to improve the effectiveness of special educational
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Develop an SEN and Inclusion Policy which is underpinned by
the principles of early identification and intervention;
Develop an SEN and Inclusion Policy which is underpinned by the principles of early identification
and intervention;
Draft, in consultation with schools, a detailed, long-term SEN
Draft, in consultation with schools, a detailed, long term SEN strategy
Review SEN funding with a view to increasing the amounts delegated or devolved to schools;
Develop transparent and equitable criteria for allocating
resources to pupils and develop monitoring and evaluation
arrangements for stages 3-5 of the Code of Practice.
Develop transparent and equitable criteria for allocating resources to pupils and develop monitoring
and evaluation arrangements for stages 3-5 of the Code of Practice.
Aggregate Inspection Grade 5
There are examples of very good initiatives, for example, the
development of barrier free and language provision I primary
schools with enhanced resources provides excellent examples of
inclusive education.
There is no up to date SEN policy or overall strategy for the
development of Special Education. (Para 87). SEN provision is
expensive: too much money is spent on a highly centralised service
resulting in low cost provision. (Para 98).
Date By
Act upon the outcomes of the
SEN Commission. Draft policy
document subject to
consultation September 2001.
Consultation with schools
regarding further delegation of
SEN resources.
April 2003
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Progress Statement
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Recommendations of SEN
Commission effectively
implemented and
positively evaluated. Draft
Policy document in place.
An SEN Inclusion Policy and Strategy
was developed by the SEN Strategic
Partnership Board. Consultation took
place with schools and other partners
on the draft policy. Cabinet approved
the Policy in Autumn 2002. The Policy
was sent out to all schools in January
2003. Detailed Action Plans were
drawn up and are reviewed as
appropriate. The SEN Inclusion Policy
and Strategy will be used as the
framework for other policies and
strategies within the Inclusion and
Access Division.
Best Value Performance Indicators
Education Development Plan
Recommendations of SEN
Commission effectively
implemented and
positively evaluated.
( This cross-references to 1.2)
Best Value Performance Indicators
SEN funding proposals were
developed by a funding group and the
SEN Partnership Board. Consultation
with parents, schools and agencies
took place and the proposals were
revised in the light of the feedback.
Cabinet agreed the final
recommendations in February 2003
and further delegation of £1.42 million
took place on April 2003.
Education Development Plan
Behaviour Support Plan
Behaviour Support Plan
As with any new initiative it will be
evaluated and reviewed with schools
and parents on an appropriate
timescale. The main vehicle for
consultation will be the SEN Strategic
Partnership Board.
To review the Education
Welfare Service and
implement the outcomes of the
Effective implementation
of the outcomes and
positive evaluation.
The independent consultants (TMP
Worldwide) reviewed the Education
Welfare Service and produced a final
report with recommendations and
changes to the structure of the team
Best Value Performance Indication
Education Development Plan
Behaviour Support Plan
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Progress Statement
and staff roles. The new proposed
structure was discussed with trade
Unions and changes took place in
2001-2002. The role and structure is to
be kept under review to reflect national
changes eg changes in the
introduction of a new prosecution
policy. EWS also aim to develop an
Attendance Policy and Strategy by
September 2003.
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Crime and Disorder Strategy
Quality Protects Management
Action Plan
Best Value Performance Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 6
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Jill Baker, Director of Education and Leisure, Judy Edmonds, Acting
Deputy Director, Capital and School Organisation
In order to maximise the resources allocated to education:
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
In consultation with the Dioceses, complete the review of
primary places as a matter of urgency;
Take urgent action to significantly reduce the number of surplus
places in the secondary sector;
Reduce the level of support provided by the small school
protection factor.
Aggregate Inspection Grade 6
Monitoring of performance against Best Value Performance indicators relating to surplus places:
Evaluation of the outcomes of the School Review which is currently taking place
Analysis of places by denomination
Monitoring and evaluation of strategies by the School Organisation Committee
Evaluations of funding proposals by Cabinet and Council
Ongoing analysis of school places
Ongoing analysis of school funding and how it is directed.
School Funding Review Group and feedback from consultation with schools on development of the
financial scheme.
Monitoring and evaluation through the Education Development Plan.
In the primary sector, a two-part review of surplus places has taken
place and is now being implemented. (Para 100).
There is an unacceptable level of surplus places in Salford schools.
(Para 99).
Date By
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Agree with the Dioceses a
commitment to publish a
consultation document leading
to a school review
January 2001 –
now September
Reduction in the number
of surplus places year on
year, so contributing to the
City's target (see below).
Consult upon a review of
secondary schools
Reduction in the number
of secondary schools.
Progress Statement
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
There is improved communication with
the RC diocese. A meeting has taken
place between the lead Member and
the diocese. A consultant has been
engaged to bring forward
recommendations to reduce the
number of surplus places in the
Primary RC sector.
Education Development Plan,
Secondary school review of surplus
places completed. PFI bid still in
Education Development Plan,
Asset Management Plan,
School Organisation Plan,
Class Size Plan
Asset Management Plan,
School Organisation Plan,
Class Size Plan.
Monitor schools with surplus
places greater than 16%
moving to action at 20%
Consult upon the reduction of
the small school factor in
funding formula
Reduction in surplus
places to an overall level
of 8% in the City as at
September 2003.
Reduction in the small
schools factor
incrementally over three
Completed initial consultation
September 2002-January 2003. Report
went to Cabinet At the beginning of
February 2003 with recommendations
for firmer proposals. About to go out to
consultation Report will go to Cabinet
after Easter. Seeking to have statutory
effects of any proposals dealt with via
Schools Organisation Committee or
Office of School Adjudicators by
Education Development Plan,
This cross-references to 1.1
Education Development Plan,
Asset Management Plan,
School Organisation Plan,
Class Size Plan.
Asset Management Plan,
School Organisation Plan,
Class Size Plan
Monitoring and Evaluation of LEA Post Ofsted Action Plan
Recommendation 7
Lead Person/s Monitoring: Jill Baker, Director of Education and Leisure, Judy Edmonds, Assistant
Director, Access, Inclusion and Development
In order to improve the condition of school buildings:
Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Increase the level of investment in school building
maintenance, including the use of public-private partnerships;
Make the priorities for investment transparent and agree them
with schools;
Review procedures to ensure that health and safety issues in
schools are dealt with within an appropriate timescale.
Aggregate Inspection Grade 6
Monitoring of performance against Best Value Performance indicators relating to surplus places:
Evaluation of the outcomes of the School Review which is currently taking place
Analysis of places by denomination
Monitoring and evaluation of strategies by the School Organisation Committee
Evaluations of funding proposals by Cabinet and Council
Ongoing analysis of school places
Ongoing analysis of school funding and how it is directed.
School Funding Review Group and feedback from consultation with schools on development of
the financial scheme.
Monitoring and evaluation through the Education Development Plan.
Condition surveys of schools have been carried out and have
identified a need for investment of £37 million in the top two priority
categories and £48 million in the third. (Para 106).
The history of poor stewardship has had a serious impact on
schools. There are substantial problems with the condition of a
number of school buildings.
Using the outcome of the
school places review and the
evidence of the Asset
Management Plan, develop
positive responses to reduce
the number of schools with
accommodation difficulties
Date By
Linked to the
School Places
Published Success
Criteria In Action Plan
Measures of
accommodation suitability
show improvement year
on year.
Progress Statement
Completed initial consultation
September 2002-January 2003. Report
went to Cabinet At the beginning of
February 2003 with recommendations
for firmer proposals. About to go out to
consultation Report will go to Cabinet
after Easter. Seeking to have statutory
effects of any proposals dealt with via
Schools Organisation Committee or
Office of School Adjudicators by
Links With Code of
Practice and other
Planning Documents
Asset Management Plan.
School Organisation Plan.
Education Development Plan
Targeted Capital Fund bid for
Radclyffe/St Clement’s re-organisation
by Christmas.
PFI initiatives to be continued
alongside other bidding
strategies. The process of
bidding to be subject to
consultation with schools.
Measures of
accommodation suitability
show improvement year
on year.
Re-submitted an improved PFI bid for
Hope High, Harrop Fold High and
Buile Hill High schools in conjunction
with Turner Townsend Consultants.
Bids successful, March 2003.Exploring
design and construction options
Asset Management Plan.
Develop a more robust system
to identify health and safety
issues and timescales for
Monitoring shows health
and safety issues are
identified and dealt with
within agreed timescales.
A second round of inspections to
identify health and safety issues in
schools is due Spring 2003.
Asset Management Plan.
School Organisation Plan.
Education Development Plan.
School Organisation Plan.
Education Development Plan.