Parental signature must be obtained prior to referral SALFORD LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICE REFERRAL FORM Child’s Name D.o.b. School year group: Language spoken Gender Attendance % Child’s address New arrival to school / UK? Yes / No Home phone number Name of parent / guardian First / home language School name / address LAC yes / no Phone number Email address Name of Head Teacher Name of class teacher Name of SENCo / EAL coordinator/Inclusion Manager Other professional involved (including agency contact details): Is the child considered to be in need of Additional Special Support? Please indicate band A / B / C if known Does the child have a Statement of Special educational needs, or an EHC plan? PRIMARY AREA OF CONCERN: PLEASE INDICATE ONE ONLY TICK ONE Social and communication difficulties (including ASC) (attach checklist) Dyslexia (spld) (age 7 years and above only) Dyscalculia / numeracy Hearing impairment (hi) Multi-sensory impairment (msi) Physical difficulties / OT needs(PD) Speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) (attach checklist) Visual impairment (vi) Social emotional and mental health needs Global developmental delay / moderate learning difficulties Other (please specify) WHEN COMPLETE PLEASE RETURN SIGNED FORM AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS TO Parental signature must be obtained prior to referral How confident do you feel about being able to support this pupil’s needs? Not very Fairly Ok Good 1 2 3 4 Very good 5 Particular areas of need, including medical diagnosis if appropriate What additional strategies / resources are / have been provided in school: Y/N Support staff / time allocation Curriculum resources Specialist equipment CAMHS Individual / group learning plans / individual targets Building adaptations ELKLAN ECAR / ECAT Visual aids e.g. visual timetables, nownext, objects of reference etc Specific staff training ** Team Teach Dyscalculia screener Y/N IDP / online training materials SALT EP Other therapist input** Targeted group work eg anger management, social skills Individual work stations Alternate recording methods Social stories Specific programmes eg Toe-ByToe, Power of 2** Dyslexia screener Positive handling plan Other ** ** please give details ............................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. Please complete the following: Academic attainment e.g. emerging / developing/ secure. Is this child / young person making progress Please indicate Y / N a) Year on year? b) Compared to peers? ENGLISH Reading Writing WHEN COMPLETE PLEASE RETURN SIGNED FORM AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS TO Parental signature must be obtained prior to referral Speaking and listening MATHS Using and applying Number SSM Data handling Reading age Spelling age Please attach other relevant evidence in support of request e.g. statement of SEN / EHCP, EP report, records of individual targets and evaluation of success against these. How do you envisage Salford LSS being able to support you in meeting this child’s needs? Discussion with generic teacher: Referral recommended by _____________________________________________ Designation _____________________________________________ I confirm that I have seen the referral form and am in agreement with ................................... being referred to the Learning Support Service. Signed Parent /Carer _____________________________________ Date_______________ School – LSS Partnership agreement WHEN COMPLETE PLEASE RETURN SIGNED FORM AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS TO Parental signature must be obtained prior to referral School /setting will: Provide current, up to date academic data for the young person; Provide up to date targets and plans where appropriate; Inform the pupil of the planned intervention; Ensure a member of staff is designated to liaise with the LSS and also between the LSS and other appropriate personnel e.g. teachers, parents etc; Release a member of staff when required to facilitate joint working e.g. modelling, training, observations, discussions, to increase the schools’ ability to meet the needs of the young people more effectively; Give notice of changes which may affect the LSS work e.g. school closures, pupil absence; Implement agreed advice and support outside of the times when the LSS is directly involved with school / setting or the young person; Participate in monitoring, review and evaluation process; Provide an appropriate environment as needed when requested by LSS staff e.g. for meetings, for 1-1 work outside of the classroom environment. The LSS will: Provide advice and strategies as needed as a result of observations and assessment; Provide time limited 1-1 work with young people where deemed necessary by LSS staff; Provide written reports in a timely fashion to inform school of interventions and progress, and also for Annual Reviews as necessary (within 1 term of input); Attend meetings relating to the child e.g. TAC meetings, CAF meetings, Annual Review meetings, as deemed necessary / appropriate (within 1 term of input); Work with school staff (teachers, teaching assistants, senco’s) and provide training and support as deemed necessary, for which school may be charged; Provide details of planned interventions; Work jointly with school / setting in the evaluation of progress. Senco / named person _______________________________ Date _______________ Head teacher / health professional _____________________ Date _______________ WHEN COMPLETE PLEASE RETURN SIGNED FORM AND ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS TO