Common Assessment Form prompts

Common Assessment Form prompts
1. Development of unborn baby, infant, child or young people
General health
• In good health with no medical conditions.
• Good oral hygiene.
• Access to and use GP, dentist, health visitor, optician.
• Health needs are met i.e. immunised, medication provided, hospital appointments
• Never any unintentional injury requiring GP /hospital treatment.
of unborn baby, infant, child or young person
Physical development
• Good balanced diet – five a day.
• Developing well e.g. height, weight, hearing, sight.
• Good hand-eye coordination i.e. drawing, tying shoelaces.
• Crawling, walking, running, playing.
• Fit and active.
Speech, language and communication
• Reading and writing at appropriate level for age.
• Listens and understands.
• Talks and responds appropriately.
• Interacts well with others and makes good friends.
1. Development of unborn baby, infant, child or young person
Emotional and social development
• Strong attachment and bond between parent and child.
• Feels loved, valued and respected and shows these in return.
• Happy and positive attitude to life.
• Recognises emotions and display them appropriately.
• Communicates well with others including sharing of emotions.
Behavioural development
• Well behaved at home and in other places.
• Understands consequences of actions.
• Good attention span – listens and is attentive.
• Displays appropriate behaviour with friends.
• No unnecessary or unsafe risk taking behaviours i.e. drugs and alcohol, sexual
CAF Team- Early Intervention and Prevention Service 2013
Identity, self-esteem, self-image and social presentation
• Knows who family members are.
• Good self image which is shown appropriately.
• Self esteem not too low or too high.
• Has a sense of belonging within a particular group.
Family and social relationships
• Feels loved, cared for and has sense of belonging within family.
• Spends time with and gets on well with family members.
• Tries out new things with confidence and is trusting of others.
• Has appropriate and positive friendships and relationships with boyfriend/girlfriend.
Self-care skills and independence
• Independent for their age – do things for themselves, make their own decisions.
• Look after themselves e.g. wash and dress.
• Do things that they enjoy e.g. playing sport, music.
• Takes responsibility for their actions but asks for help when needed.
Understanding, reasoning and problem solving
• Well organised and logical.
• Likes to explore and experiment.
• Creative.
• Imaginative play.
Participation in learning, education and employment
• Always attends early years provision/education unless sick.
• Enjoys learning and will try their best.
• Parents/carers involved in supporting learning.
• Recognises the importance of education
Progress and achievement in learning
• Progressing well in basic and key skills e.g. numeracy and literacy.
• Doing well in some subjects e.g. Maths, English, Science.
• Motivated to do well and wants to succeed.
• Has healthy aspirations for the future.
• Ambitious and motivated.
• Confident of ability to succeed.
CAF Team- Early Intervention and Prevention Service 2013
2. Parents and Carers
Basic care, ensuring safety and protection
• Food, drink, warmth and shelter are all provided for.
• Wears clothing and footwear appropriate for weather.
• Good personal and dental hygiene.
• Live in a safe and healthy house/community.
Emotional warmth and stability
• Has strong and stable relationships with family members that are always there to
offer support.
• Child thrives because they receive stimulation, praise and encouragement from
• Lived at the same family home and attended the same school for a number of
• Parent/s enjoy spending time with their child.
Guidance, boundaries and stimulation
• Parent/s are consistent in setting rules and boundaries and child listens and
responds to them in an age appropriate manner.
• Parent/s are a good role model and encourages and supports child in a
positive manner.
• Suitable sanctions are in place for inappropriate behaviour and appropriate
rewards are in place for good behaviour.
3. Family and environmental
Family history, functioning and well-being
(Please also refer to ‘Stress factors within families’ within the CAF form)
• Parent/carer’s health and wellbeing needs are identified and appropriate support is
in place e.g. mental health, disability, healthy weight.
• Family life provides a safe and happy place e.g. stable relationships, coping well
and free from abusive behaviour.
• Parents/carer makes informed lifestyle choices and understands the consequences
of actions e.g. anti-social behaviour, substance misuse, smoking.
Wider family
• Strong support networks are in place from extended family members.
• The extended family provides positive role models for child/ren.
• Family is able to cope with wider roles and responsibilities e.g. caring, employment
CAF Team- Early Intervention and Prevention Service 2013
• House has gas, water and electricity and is warm and safe.
• Property has the right number of bedrooms for the number of adults and children
living in it.
• Home is suitably decorated and furnished i.e. carpets, beds.
• House is kept clean and tidy inside and outside.
• Members of the household have not been the perpetrators or the victims of
antisocial behaviour in the past or at present.
Employment and financial considerations
• Parent is confident that there is sufficient household income to meet the essential
needs of the family (including paying for rent or mortgage, utility bills, food,
furniture, and clothing etc.)
• Parent has sufficient disposable income to ensure child/ren participate in family
leisure and school activities (including costs of school uniforms, school and family
excursions, sports, and clubs etc.)
Employment and financial considerations
• Parent has the English and maths skills they need to enable them to do what they
want in life and confidently support their child/ren with school.
• Parent has the people skills and confidence to participate positively in training and
work opportunities.
• Parent has the relevant skills and qualifications they need to enable them to get
into or get on at work.
• Parent understands how to manage a household budget, copes with benefit and
tax credit claims and knows how to access basic financial products including a bank
account, affordable credit and independent money advice.
Social and community elements and resources, including education
• Family are happy and settled within the neighbourhood that they live.
• Feel safe from crime, harassment and/or anti-social behaviour in the area that they
• Have a good knowledge of the facilities and support available in the local
• Has easy access to local transport, shops and other facilities etc. and
• Family has a positive social network, including support from friends, faith,
CAF Team- Early Intervention and Prevention Service 2013