Supplementary Electronic Material Methods: Experiment 1 Target colour patterns Patterns were samples of digital photos of oak tree trunks at 1:1 reproduction (Figure S1). The images were converted to greyscale, smoothed with a Gaussian filter to remove fine detail, then thresholded at 50% to create binary (black/white) images. The black and white were then replaced with shades of brown to create, when printed onto paper, two-tone bark-like dark and light spatial variation (Figure S1). Figure S1. Schematic illustration of how the disruptive patterns are created. Left to right: digital photo of oak bark at 1:1 reproduction, image converted to greyscale, image filtered with Gaussian blur to remove fine detail, image thresholded to black and white, black and white regions recoloured to two shades of brown. Colour matching in bird colour space Similarity of colours was estimated, as in Schaefer et al. (2006), using the photoreceptor noise limited model of Vorobyev and Osorio (1998; 1998) with spectral sensitivities and cone cell abundance data from Hart et al. (2000). The 'dry' and 'wet' bark values were the means of 30 samples of each, collected from a haphazard selection of trees in the study site; the 'very dark brown' represented bark in shadow rather than the reflectance of an object, so was arbitrarily set at 10% of the value of the wet bark value. Our criterion of a match between the printed wing colours and the mean of each bark type, and between the pastry and the wing colours was that they fell within 1 jnd (just noticeable difference) in the Vorobyev and Osorio (1998) model. An estimate of the match in terms of luminance was, following Stevens et al. (2006) and Schaefer et al. (2006), based on double cone photon catches and an assumed Weber fraction of 5%; this is a conservative estimate as avian luminance discrimination may well be poorer than this (Ghim & Hodos 2006). The calibration check was repeated each time a new set of stimuli was produced. It should be stressed immediately that the apparent precision of these colour matches is illusory. It is a match to the mean wet or dry bark values whereas, because of the large variation between trees, the match to any one tree that a target is placed on may be much poorer. We assigned targets to trees at random (see main text) and did not select a target to match a specific tree. Furthermore, the calculations are based on the blue tit, whereas the different species of woodland bird are liable to differ in their cone type abundances and retinal oil droplet characteristics (Hart 2001), both of which affect the noise estimates, and hence discriminability, in the Vorobyev and Osorio model. We do not feel these deficiencies matter for the present experiment, for two reasons. First, prior experience suggests that much of the camouflage benefit of this type of artificial prey arises from disruption of the body shape rather than a precise match to the background colours (even greyscale targets are hard to detect; Stevens et al. 2006). Second, the primary aim of our experiment was to assess potential benefits of disguising a body part (in our case, the edible body) by means of disruptive coloration coincident with another body part (the wings). Therefore it is the wingbody (paper-pastry) colour match that is most important, factors that were under our experimental control, rather than a tight match between the combined target and its specific tree background. Results: Experiment 2 Figure S2. Survival curves for the targets in experiment 2. Curves are the probability of surviving bird predation as a function of time, based on Kaplan-Meier estimates to account for censoring due to non-avian predation and survival to the end of the study period. (a) Experiment conducted in Leigh Woods, where experiment 1 had been carried out, (b) experiment in Ashton Court, a novel site. We note that there were block effects in experiment 1 but not 2 (see main text of paper). In previous experiments of a similar design, we have dismissed significant block effects as uninterpretable ( Cuthill et al. 2005, 2006a,b; Stevens et al. 2006). This is because, without replication of specific blocks on different dates, the effects of date and locality are confounded. Even if we could isolate these, differences in average predation rates could be due to differences in bird density, habitat structure, light environment, or foraging intensity (as affected by, e.g., changes in metabolic expenditure with temperature). The lack of a block effect in experiment 2 (a or b) may be the result of the fact that all prey were conspicuous and, as it turned out, equally acceptable as prey, so prey were consumed too quickly to detect differences due to other factors. The lack of treatment effects or a difference between the two replicates of experiment 2 should not be interpreted as evidence that birds show no effect of familiarity with artificial prey such as these. Equally, despite the trend, we cannot reliably ascribe the higher number of targets surviving to 6 h in the novel habitat (compared to the familiar habitat) to greater neophobia, because the number of differences between these areas is, strictly speaking, infinite (and certainly includes date, weather conditions, tree density and composition, and perhaps bird density). Because of the design of experiments 1 and 2 (targets at low density and blocks taking place in different areas on different dates), we feel it is quite likely that most of the birds predating the targets in the Leigh Woods replicate of experiment 2, had not encountered any of the prey in experiment 1. Thus the results from the two different sites could both be considered as coming from naïve birds. Nevertheless, we feel it was important to conduct the replicate at a novel site to avoid drawing false conclusions about prey acceptability from birds (in Leigh Woods) that might have encountered the prey before. Methods: Experiment 3 Examples of the stimuli used in the human visual search experiment. DD Dark body on dark wings DL Dark body on light wings LD Light body on dark wings LL Light body on light wings TTC Two-tone body on two-tone wings, with body and wing colours coincident TTN Two-tone body on two-tone wings, with body and wing colours non-coincident TD Two-tone body on dark wings TL Two-tone body on light wings DT Dark body on two-tone wings LT Light body on two-tone wings ZL Light wings (no body) ZD Dark wings (no body) ZT Two-tone wings (no body) Tree (no moth) Table S1. Experiment 3. Mean pair-wise differences between treatments, and statistical significance. Tree ZD ZL ZT TTC DD LL DT LT TD TL TTN LD DL Tree X -0.054 -0.057 -0.053 -0.029 -0.150 -0.143 -0.298 -0.282 -0.231 -0.226 -0.248 -0.557 -0.588 ZD ZL ZT TTC DD LL DT LT TD TL TTN LD DL 0.105 X -0.003 0.001 0.026 -0.096 -0.089 -0.244 -0.228 -0.176 -0.171 -0.193 -0.503 -0.534 0.057 -0.048 X 0.004 0.029 -0.093 -0.086 -0.241 -0.225 -0.174 -0.168 -0.191 -0.500 -0.531 0.063 -0.042 0.006 X 0.025 -0.097 -0.090 -0.245 -0.229 -0.178 -0.172 -0.195 -0.504 -0.535 0.257 0.152 0.200 0.194 X -0.122 -0.115 -0.270 -0.254 -0.202 -0.197 -0.219 -0.529 -0.560 0.014 -0.091 -0.043 -0.049 -0.243 X 0.007 -0.148 -0.132 -0.080 -0.075 -0.097 -0.407 -0.438 0.067 -0.038 0.010 0.004 -0.190 0.053 X -0.155 -0.139 -0.088 -0.082 -0.105 -0.414 -0.445 -0.145 -0.250 -0.202 -0.208 -0.402 -0.159 -0.212 X 0.016 0.068 0.073 0.051 -0.259 -0.290 0.096 -0.010 0.038 0.033 -0.161 0.082 0.028 0.240 X 0.051 0.056 0.034 -0.275 -0.306 0.007 -0.098 -0.050 -0.056 -0.250 -0.007 -0.060 0.152 -0.088 X 0.005 -0.017 -0.326 -0.357 -0.203 -0.309 -0.260 -0.266 -0.460 -0.217 -0.271 -0.059 -0.299 -0.210 X -0.022 -0.332 -0.363 -0.185 -0.291 -0.242 -0.248 -0.442 -0.199 -0.253 -0.041 -0.281 -0.193 0.018 X -0.309 -0.340 -0.564 -0.669 -0.621 -0.627 -0.820 -0.578 -0.631 -0.419 -0.659 -0.571 -0.360 -0.378 X -0.031 -0.381 -0.487 -0.439 -0.445 -0.638 -0.396 -0.449 -0.237 -0.477 -0.389 -0.178 -0.196 0.182 X The bottom left half cells contain the mean pair-wise differences in log10(Response time); the top right cells contain the mean pair-wise differences in arc-sine(square-root(proportion of errors)). Significant differences at p = 1 – 0.951/91, where 91 is the number of tests for each variable, are indicated in bold. To calculate t-tests, use a pooled standard error of 0.0259 for response times and 0.0770 for errors. The overall univariate ANOVA results were F13,247 = 99.65, P < 0.001 for log10(Response time) and F13,247 = 15.95, P < 0.001 for arc-sine(squareroot(proportion of errors)). References Cuthill, I. C., Hiby, E. & Lloyd, E. 2006a The predation costs of symmetrical cryptic coloration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 273, 1267-1271. Cuthill, I. C., Stevens, M., Sheppard, J., Maddocks, T., Párraga, C. A. & Troscianko, T. S. 2005 Disruptive coloration and background pattern matching. Nature 434, 72-74. Cuthill, I. C., Stevens, M., Windsor, A. M. M. & Walker, H. J. 2006b The effects of pattern symmetry on detection of disruptive and background-matching coloration. Behavioral Ecology 17, 828-832. Ghim, M. M. & Hodos, W. 2006 Spatial contrast sensitivity of birds. 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