Document 16022859


First name(s)

UTC@MediaCityUK Year 10 admissions

Application form – September 2016

Closing date:

31 October 2015

Please read the ‘Choosing a School’ and ‘Secondary School Admissions Policy’ booklets before you complete this form.

The booklets are available at or by ringing 0161 909 6508. You can also apply online at

1. Child’s details

(please complete in block capitals)


Gender Male Female Date of birth

Child’s home address:

Current secondary school:


Does your child have a Statement of Special Educational Needs? Yes No

Is your child in the care of a local authority or was your child previously

Looked After and is now adopted or under a special residence or guardianship order? (Looked after Child/Child in care)

Yes No

If yes, please state the name of the local authority your child was/is in care to.

Does your child have a social worker? Name:

Local Authority:

Contact details:

For office use only

Student ID:

Is your child new to the country?

If yes, please state country of origin and date of arrival in the UK

What is your child’s first language?

Is your child a refugee or asylum seeker?

Is your child a traveller?


Country of origin:

Date of arrival in UK:






DATA PROTECTION ACT: Salford City Council is registered with the Information Commissioner for processing personal data in compliance with current legislation. Any information you provide will be used to monitor services that are provided to you and your child by Salford schools and the local authority. It will be used to compile statistics on the school careers and experiences of pupils, in order to help ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. From time to time the information will be passed on to the Department for Education (DfE) to contribute to local and national statistics. The information will also be passed on to future schools to save people being asked for it again.

2. Parent/carer’s details

(please complete in block capitals)

Title (please tick)

First name(s) or initials


Relationship to child

Mrs Miss

Daytime telephone number:

Email Address: please print to ensure that no errors are made)

Parent/carer’s home address (if different from child’s):




Council tax reference number:

(We use this information to help us identify and verify your address)

If we need to contact you regarding this application what is your preferred method of contact? email telephone

Do you have parental responsibility for the child? i.e. are you legally entitled to make decisions on the child’s behalf?

Yes No

If no, please provide details of the person with parental responsibility below:

Title (please tick)

First name(s) or initials

Relationship to child

Mr Mrs

Daytime telephone number:

Email Address: (please print to ensure that no errors are made)

Parent/carer’s home address (if different from child’s):

Miss Ms



3. Application for UTC@MediaCityUK

Please ensure that you have carefully read the admission criteria for this school. Applicants are grouped by zone based on your home address and places are randomly allocated within each zone. No c onsideration is given of a child’s achievement in a particular area and it is not necessary to provide examples of work.

Please include here any further information which is relevant to your application. You may continue on a separate sheet if necessary. If you are applying after the closing date, please give reasons for why your application is late.

Please indicate your preferred choice of course by numbering each course, where 1 = preferred course and 4 = least preferred course

TV and film

Graphics and Design

Radio and Audio

Interactive Media and Gaming

Please be aware that a place on a particular course cannot be guaranteed even if a place is offered at

UTC@MediaCityUK as course numbers are limited. You should not relinquish a place at your current school until it has been confirmed that a place is both available for your child at UTC@MediaCityUK and there is a place available on their chosen course. Course choices will only be allocated by the

UTC following the allocation of a place at the UTC. Your course choice will not influence whether you are offered a place at the UTC or not. All places at the UTC are solely offered on the basis of the published admission criteria.

5. Declaration and signature of parent/carer

 I have read the ‘ Choosing a School’ booklet

I have parental responsibility for the child or I have given details in section 2 of the person who does have parental responsibility for this child.

If applying after the closing date , I have given reasons for why my application is late.

The information given is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that any false or deliberately misleading information given on this form and in any supporting information may lead to the offer of a school place being withdrawn. ( Please note : you will be asked to provide proof of your address when you are offered a school place)

Signature of parent/carer


Please return the completed form by

31 October 2015.

Send to: School Admissions, Children’s Services, 2


Floor, Unity House, Salford Civic Centre,

Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford M27 5AW

This form will be acknowledged within ten working days of receipt. If you do not receive an acknowledgement please call 0161 909 6508 as soon as possible.
