Schools Workforce Equality Information April 2012 Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Equality Duty 3. The benefits of collecting and using equality 4. Protected Characteristics 5. Staffing Numbers 6. Ethnic Origin 7. Gender 8. Disability 9. Age 10. Employee Hours 11. Salary Bandings 12. Labour Turnover 13. New Starters 14. Religious Beliefs 15. Marital Status 16. Sexual Orientation 17. Promotions 18. Grievance and Disciplinary Cases 19. An indication of any issues for transsexual staff 20. Key Findings 21. Equality Objectives Casual employees are now included in these figures Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 2 1. INTRODUCTION From the 31st January 2012 all local authorities with more than 150 employees must publish equality information to comply with the public sector equality duty. This information must include information relating to people who share a relevant protected characteristic. This information must include its employees and people affected by its policies and practices. Taking stock and having a sound business reason for undertaking any measurement is important. It is important to remember that we will usually find difference when taking measurements. The important issue is to recognise when the difference is significant, i.e., more than just coincidence and then to explore why the difference occurs. The majority of information included will come from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Census Results for 2001, some information may have been produced in line with ONS estimates which have been produced to demonstrate the trends in changes since 2001. The use of an * has been used to represent low numbers in order to retain confidentiality. 2. THE EQUALITY DUTY The general equality duty requires public authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to: • Eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Act • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it • Foster good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and those who do not share it 3. The benefits of collecting and using equality information We collect and use equality information to help us to identify any key issues. We are better able to understand the impact of our policies and procedures on people with different protected characteristics, and thereby plan them more effectively. We are also able to identify and prioritise some of the key equality issues. Where there is an * symbol in place of a figure within a table we have used this because the numbers are very low and we would not want our employees to become identifiable. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 3 4. PROTECTED GROUPS / CHARACTERISTICS Throughout this document you will see reference to 'protected characteristics'. This list gives you more information on each of the nine protected characteristics. Age Where this is referred to, it refers to a person belonging to a particular age (e.g. 32 year olds) or range of ages (e.g. 18 - 30 year olds). Disability A person has a disability if s/he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on that person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities. Gender Reassignment The process of transitioning from one gender to another. Marriage and civil partnership Marriage is defined as a 'union between a man and a woman'. Same-sex couples can have their relationships legally recognised as 'civil partnerships'. Civil partners must be treated the same as married couples on a wide range of legal matters. Pregnancy and maternity Pregnancy is the condition of being pregnant or expecting a baby. Maternity refers to the period after the birth, and is linked to maternity leave in the employment context. In the non-work context, protection against maternity discrimination is for 26 weeks after giving birth, and this includes treating a woman unfavourably because she is breastfeeding. Race Refers to the protected characteristic of Race. It refers to a group of people defined by their race, colour, and nationality (including citizenship) ethnic or national origins. Religion and belief Religion has the meaning usually given to it but belief includes religious and philosophical beliefs including lack of belief (e.g. Atheism). Generally, a belief Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 4 should affect your life choices or the way you live for it to be included in the definition. Sex A man or a woman. Sexual orientation Whether a person's sexual attraction is towards their own sex, the opposite sex or to both sexes. 5. STAFFING NUMBERS Section Chief Executive Childrens Services Community Health & Social Care Customer & Support Services Environmental Services GMPA Schools Sustainable Regeneration Urban Vision Grand Total No Regular FTE Casual % 71 1690 65 1312 60.4 1130.8 * 378 0.7 15.6 1481 1141 1490 31 4304 356 256 10820 1110 1092 1231 31 4138 356 256 9591 966.1 1008.3 748.6 30.0 3146.1 288.8 246.8 7626.0 371 49 259 * 166 * * 1229 13.7 10.5 13.8 0.3 39.8 3.3 2.4 100.0 Table 1 Urban Vision numbers do not include Capita and Morrison employees School employees represent 40% of Salford City Council employees and as such are the largest section / directorate within the authority. 6. ETHNICITY The percentage of employees from ethnic minorities within schools is 0.5%. The percentage of employees from ethnic minorities across the rest of the workforce is 4.2% The Office of National Statistics Key Census Statistics (mid year estimates 2009 ) for the ethnic minority communities of Salford are 12.2%. This indicates that as an authority we are under-representative in terms of our BME workforce and within schools even more so. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 5 In the present economic climate it is important to remember that there is little activity regarding recruitment which limits opportunities to increase the workforce. Ethnic Origin Unknown Mixed Black Chinese Asian Other Ethnic Group White Salford Community Schools 58.6% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% Salford Council Workforce 21.2% 0.9% 1.1% 0.2% 1.6% 0.4% Salford 40.7% 74.6% 87.8% Table 2 One fifth of all employees have chosen not to declare their ethnicity, which would indicate that much work will need to be undertaken in order for school staff to be fully informed and aware of the reasons that this information is necessary and to improve confidence levels around the subject of disclosure in order to begin to create a culture of trust. 7. GENDER by section Section * 373 No of staff Female * 1317 333 345 475 * 651 141 190 2531 1148 796 1015 * 3653 215 66 8289 Male Chief Executive Children’s Services Community Health & Social Care Customer & Support Services Environmental Services GMPA Schools Sustainable Regeneration Urban Vision Total 71 1690 Total Male 23.9% 22.1% Percentage Female 76.1% 77.9% 1481 1141 1490 31 4304 356 256 10820 22.5% 30.2% 31.9% 19.4% 15.1% 39.6% 74.2% 23.4% 77.5% 69.8% 68.1% 80.6% 84.9% 60.4% 25.8% 76.6% Table 3 The table above provides a gender breakdown for each of the directorates. The gender split within schools is 15.1% male and 84.9% female. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 6 The gender split within the workforce is 28.7% male and 71.3% female, this compares with (NOMIS statistics) indicating that the population of Salford has a fairly even coverage with 51% male representation and a 49% female representation. Gender split Male Female Salford Community Schools 15.1% 84.9% Salford Council Workforce 28.7% 71.3% Salford 51% 49% Table 4 8. DISABILITY Only 1% of school employees have indicated that they have a disability. Against 7% of the workforce profile have indicated that they have a disability. It is also important to note that this is an area of sensitive information where people can be reluctant to disclose this information. We have 24% of employees in schools who have chosen not to disclose this information. With almost a quarter of employees not declaring where they have a disability or not, one of the main priorities will be to work towards improving the disclosure rates. The Local Government Employment Digest suggests that overall Local Authorities employ a higher representation of people with disabilities that the number represented nationally. Disability Salford Community Schools Salford Council Workforce Unknown Yes No 24% 1% 75% 7% 7% 86% Local Government Employment Digest Whole Economy 28% 72% 24% 76% Table 5 Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 7 9. AGE PROFILE Age Salford Community Schools 5% 23% 28% 28% 14% 2% 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Salford Council Workforce 4% 16% 25% 36% 17% 2% Table 6 16-64 The schools workforce number in this age range is 4224. The workforce number in this age range is 6,208. The number of residents in Salford who are economically active within this age range is 111,700 (the equivalent of 56% of residents). The average age within the schools workforce is 42 years, within the wider workforce the average age is 45 years old. It is difficult to get hold of national figures for these age ranges as they are measured in different age categories. 10. EMPLOYEE HOURS At present as part of the workforce statistics we monitor information which relates to the overall numbers of staff who work full-time and part-time. The table below identifies this in rates of percentages. School Employee Hours No. % SCC Employee Hours No. % Full Time 2151 50.0% 3239 51.3% Part Time 1987 46.1% 2036 32.2% 166 3.9% 1040 16.5% 4304 100.% 6315 100% Casual Total Table 7 Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 8 Schools have a similar % of full-time employees as the rest of the workforce 11. SALARY BANDINGS Scale 1-6 salary range is £12,145 to £23,708 per annum Scale SO1-P06 salary range is £24,646 to £41,616 per annum Local Scale is £44,070 to £63,117 per annum Leadership range is from £37,461 - £105,097 Advanced Skills Teacher range is £37,461 - £56,950 Threshold Teacher range is £34,181 to £36, 756 Qualified Teacher Scale is £21,588 to £31552. School Salary Bands No % Below £10,000 1116 £10,000-£14,999 SCC Salary Bands No % 25.9% 1223 19.3% 758 17.7% 1075 17% £15,000-£24,999 991 23.0% 2287 36.2% £25,000-£34,999 748 17.4% 1167 18.5% £35,000-£44,999 481 11.2% 433 6.9% £45,000-£54,999 122 2.8% 56 0.9% 88 2.0% 74 1.2% 4304 100.0% 6315 100% Above £55,000 Total Table 8 Salary Bandings Ethnicity Ethnicity PAY GROUP A B C M O Lead'shp 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 3.06% 3.42% 6.51% Adskteac 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.18% 0.11% 0.29% +Thresh 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.02% 0.02% 7.86% 8.29% 16.24% Q Teach 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 12.05% 2.00% 14.10% Local Scale 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% 0.00% 0.05% SO1 - PO6 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0.02% 0.02% 2.75% 2.84% 5.65% Scale 1 - 6 0.25% 0.07% 0.02% 0.07% 0.02% 34.08% 20.18% 54.70% Other 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.53% 0.92% 2.46% Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 U W Page 9 Total Grand Total 0.29% 0.16% 0.02% 0.11% Female Male 0.07% 61.57% 37.78% Table 9 Salary Bandings Gender PAY GROUP Total Lead'shp 4.75% 1.76% 6.51% Adskteac 0.22% 0.07% 0.29% +Thresh 13.13% 3.11% 16.24% Q Teach 10.81% 3.29% 14.10% Local Scale 0.00% 0.05% 0.05% SO1 - PO6 4.95% 0.70% 5.65% Scale 1 - 6 49.16% 5.54% 54.70% Other 1.76% 0.70% 2.46% Grand Total 84.79% 15.21% 100.00% Table 10 Salary Bandings Age Age Band Pay Group 16 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 Plus Total L’ship 0.00% 0.99% 2.12% 2.14% 1.26% 0.00% 6.51% Adskteac 0.00% 0.14% 0.09% 0.05% 0.02% 0.00% 0.29% +Thresh 0.00% 3.87% 5.81% 3.78% 2.73% 0.05% 16.24% Q Teach 1.60% 9.03% 2.16% 0.92% 0.34% 0.05% 14.10% Local Scale 0.00% 0.00% 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% 0.05% SO1 PO6 0.02% 0.72% 1.60% 2.39% 0.83% 0.09% 5.65% Scale 1-6 3.06% 8.88% 15.36% 17.66% 8.06% 1.67% 54.70% Other 0.14% 0.59% 0.50% 0.63% 0.56% 0.05% 2.46% Total 4.82% 24.22% 27.66% 27.60% 13.81% 1.89% 100.00% Table 11 Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 10 100.00% Salary Bandings Disability Pay Group No L’ship 5.70% 0.79% 0.02% 6.51% Adskteac 0.25% 0.05% 0.00% 0.3% +Thresh 13.45% 2.65% 0.14% 16.24% Q Teach 13.22% 0.88% 0.00% 14.10% Local Scale 0.02% 0.02% 0.00% 0.04% SO1 PO6 4.38% 1.22% 0.05% 5.65% 46.16% 8.09% 0.45% 54.70% 2.12% 0.34% 0.00% 2.46% 85.31% 14.03% 0.65% 100.00% Scale 1-6 Other Unknown Yes Total Table 12 The majority of staff are employed on scale 1-6 salary This is representative across all of the BME groups This is also representative with regards to Gender This is representative across all of the Age groups This is representative with regards to disability 12. LABOUR TURNOVER TURNOVER SCHOOLS Regular Casual Total TURNOVER SCC Regular Casual Total Leavers 781 37 818 1713 226 1939 total staff 4138 166 4304 9591 1229 10820 Turnover 18.9% 22.3% 19.0 % 17.9% 18.4% 17.9% Table 13 LABOUR TURNOVER Ethnicity Ethnicity A B C M O U W Total 0.23% 0.18% 0.06% 0.12% 0.00% 67.04% 32.38% 100.00% Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 11 Table 14 LABOUR TURNOVER Gender Gender Female Male Total 79.89% 20.11% 100.00% Table 15 LABOUR TURNOVER Age Age Band 16 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 plus Total 7.42% 27.53% 23.90% 19.87% 16.77% 4.50% 100.00% Table 16 LABOUR TURNOVER Disability Disability No Unknown Yes Total 86.73% 12.62% 0.64% 100.00% Table 17 With regards to BME groups the number of white people leaving the organisation is less 32.38% than the workforce representation 40.07%. However, 67% of ethnicity data is unknown and that could make a significant impact on the figures overall. The gender split within schools is 15.1% male and 84.9% female. Leavers are under-represented in terms of men and over-represented in terms of women. 16-24 age group has a higher representation of leavers 7.42% measured against a 5% workforce representation. 25-34 age group has a higher representation of leavers 27.53% measured against a 23 % workforce representation. 35-44 age group has an under-representation of leavers, 23.9% measured against a 28% workforce representation. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 12 45-54 age group has an under-representation of leavers, 19.87% measured against a 28% workforce representation. 55-64 age group has an over - representation of leavers, 16.77% measured against a 14% workforce representation. 65 + age group has an over - representation of leavers, 4.5% measured against a 2% workforce representation. 13. NEW STARTERS Directorate Chief Executive Children’s Services Community Health & Social Care Customer & Support Services Environmental Services GMPA Schools Sustainable Regeneration Urban Vision Grand Total Perm Temp Casual TOTAL % * 74 * 105 * 84 23 263 1.51% 17.25% 111 * 69 * 396 * * 677 54 23 * * 232 19 * 455 107 1* 131 * 57 * * 393 272 40 208 * 685 28 * 1525 17.84% 2.62% 13.64% 0.39% 44.92% 1.84% 0.00% 100.00% Salford England Table 18 14. RELIGIOUS BELIEFS Religion or Belief No Schools % No SCC % Buddhist 0 0% 23 0.4% 0.2% 0.3% Christian 797 18% 2654 42% 76.5% 71.7% Hindu * 0.0% 15 0.2% 0.3% 1.1% Jewish * 0.1% 20 0.3% 2.4% 0.5% Muslim * 0.2% 64 1% 1.2% 3.1% No Religion 152 3.5% 1088 17.% 11% 14.6% Any Other Religion 28 0.7% 106 1.7% 0.2% 0.3% Prefer not to say 54 1.3% 340 5.4% 8.1% 7.7% 3258 75% 1991 31.5% Sikh * 0.0% 14 0.2% 0.1% 0.7% Total 4304 100% 6315 100% 100% 100% Unknown Table 19 Religion, April 2001 Source: Office for National Statistics Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 13 Three quarters of the information about the Religious Beliefs of school employees is unknown, measured against a 31.5% of the wider workforce. Each Religion or Belief represented within schools is less than those represented in the wider workforce and the City of Salford. 15. Marital Status Marital Status No. Schools % No. SCC % Divorced 81 1.9% 36 0.6% Single 235 5.5% 1207 19.1% Married/Civil Partnership 701 16.3% 2067 32.7% * 0.6% 298 4.7% Unknown 3252 75.6% 2692 42.6% Widowed * 0.2% 15 0.2% 4304 100.0% 6315 100% Prefer not to say Total Table 20 Three quarters of the information about the Marital Status of school employees is unknown, measured against a 42.6% of the wider workforce. 16. SEXUAL ORIENTATION Sexuality No. Schools Unknown 3281 76.2% 2045 32.4% Bisexual * 0* 29 0.5% 830 19.3% 3750 59.4% Lesbian * * 37 0.6% Gay * * 44 0.7% Prefer Not to say 187 4.3% 410 6.5% Total 4304 100.0% 6315 100 Heterosexual % No SCC % Table 21 Over three quarters of the information about the Marital Status of school employees is unknown, measured against a 32.4% of the wider workforce. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 14 There is a lack of quantitative data for communities within Salford. Recent research has indicated that there is a population of 180,000 which is approximately 7% of the total. (Improving the Regions Knowledge Base on the LGBT population in the North West NWDA 200 17. Promotions This data could be compared with the number of people from the same group / characteristic that are employed overall in the workplace. However, it would lack accuracy as we were unable to determine how many employees from each group applied for a promotion. Ethnicity Promotions Total A B C M O U W Total 0.38% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 58.71% 40.91% 100.00% Table 22 Gender Female Male Total 84.47% 15.53% 100.00% Table 23 Age Band 16 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65 Plus Total 3.41% 30.68% 28.79% 30.30% 6.82% 0.00% 100.00% Table 24 Disabled No Unknown Yes Total 79.92% 20.08% 0.00% 100.00% Table 25 Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 15 18. Disciplinary and Grievance Cases Ethnicity Area Of Concern A Unknown/PNTS W Grand Total Disciplinary 0.00% 49.12% 50.88% 100.00% Grievance 8.33% 66.67% 25.00% 100.00% Table 26 Gender Area Of Concern Female Male Grand Total Disciplinary 47.37% 52.63% 100.00% Grievance 58.33% 41.67% 100.00% Table 27 Age Range Area Of Concern Grand Total 1) 16 to 24 2) 25 34 3) 35 44 4) 45 54 5) 55 64 6) 65+ Disciplinary 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 15.79% 56.14% 26.32% 1.75% Grievance 100.00% 8.33% 66.67% 25.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Table 28 Disability Area Of Concern no yes Grand Total Disciplinary 98.25% 1.75% 100.00% Grievance 83.33% 16.67% 100.00% Table 29 Ethnicity, White employees (50.88%) were more likely than their workforce representation (40.7%) to be disciplined. However, the numbers from this group were significantly lower with regards to grievances (25%). Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 16 Over half of the employees preferred not to disclose their ethnicity with regards to grievance and disciplinary cases. Despite only having a workforce representation of 0.3% of the schools workforce, Asian employees were involved in 8.33% of grievances. Men have a 15.1% workforce representation however, they are involved in 52.63% of all disciplinary cases and 41.6% of all grievances. Age range 16-24 years have a 5% workforce representation yet were involved in 8.33% of grievances Age range 25-34 years have a 23% workforce representation yet were involved in 66.67% of grievances. Age range 35-44 years have a 28% workforce representation and had an under-representation in both disciplinary and grievances. Age range 45-54 years have a 28% workforce representation and were over-represented in disciplinary cases at 56.14%. Age range 55-64 years have a 14% workforce representation and were over-represented in disciplinary cases at 26.32%. Age range 65+ years have a 2% workforce representation and had an under-representation in both disciplinary and grievances respectively. Disabled employees have a workforce representation of 1% and were over-represented in both disciplinary cases 1.75% and grievances at 16.67% of cases. 19. An indication of any issues for transsexual staff We recognise that this is a complex and sensitive area from which to collect equality information and have not sought to directly engage with employees for this purpose. We are seeking to find and implement practical ways to ensure that our workforce is inclusive for our Trans staff. Wider research conducted by Stonewall Scotland and the Scottish Transgender Alliance has provided an insight into the workplace experiences of Tran’s people. The Changing for the Better Guide also includes steps that employers can make to ensure that workplace policies and procedures work better for employees. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 17 A transgender or Tran’s employee is an employee whose gender identity or gender expression differs from the gender assumptions made about them when they were born. Most trans employees are not ‘out’ to their workplace colleagues and managers Often it is only when an employee is actually changing their workplace gender role as part of a process of gender reassignment/ transition that they will be ‘out’ about being trans. The research also states that many trans employees do not feel they can afford to take the risk of being ‘out’ as trans in the workplace – 42% of trans people not living permanently in their preferred gender role stated that they are prevented from doing so because they fear it might threaten their employment status (Engendered Penalties, 2007). Some examples of discrimination on the grounds of gender reassignment include the following: Refusing to associate with or ignoring someone because they are Trans. Refusing to address the person using their new name and gender pronoun. Probing into the person’s private life and relationships. Spreading malicious gossip about that person. Failing to keep confidential information about that person’s Trans status. There is a staff group within the council which welcomes all Trans employees. 21.EQUALITY OBJECTIVES 1. To conduct a full staff audit in October / November 2012, with a view to obtain an increase in participation and the disclosure of information. Schools Workforce Equality Information 2012 Page 18