Schedule 3 Finance Division Customer and Support Services SCHEDULE 3 SALFORD CITY COUNCIL PRE QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE (PQQ) for Development of Advertising Billboards on Council Land and other new Advertising Initiatives Applicants name: Organisations name: Date of application Should you require a copy of the Salford City Council’s Standing Orders, these can be obtained by accessing the Council’s web site as follows:- - Part 5, Section B. Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 1 Schedule 3 PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE It is a MANDATORY requirement of this concession agreement, that all contractors are developers of Outdoor, and that the developer can deliver ONE of the following formats (a - e): Please tick the following boxes to indicate which outdoor advertising formats your organisation has experience of developing and currently sells advertising for. a 6 sheet advertising b 48 and 96 sheet billboards c Special advertising displays (Landmark sites, digital and Mega 6 displays) d building wraps e Bridge banners In addition we are keen to establish the range of other advertising formats companies can offer through this agreement. Please tick the following boxes to indicate which outdoor advertising formats your organisation has experience of operating and currently sells advertising for. f Indoor Digital media g Car park advertising h Vehicle advertising i Leisure centres and parks advertising Please provide details of other advertising formats that you manage and could offer to Salford City Council where appropriate answer maximum 250 words Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 2 Schedule 3 PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Questions will be scored using the scoring criteria and guidance notes provided within this document. Each section will be based upon a ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ or a weighting (sub-weightings where applicable) which is outlined in the table below: Section Heading % Sub -weighting Outdoor Advertising Format % Weighting Pass / Fail Local MandatoryRejection Annex A Pass / Fail Local Decretionary Rejection Section A Organisation Details Information only Section B Economic and Financial Standing Pass / Fail Section C Health and Safety Pass / Fail Professional Ability and Experience 50% Section D Question D1 9% Question D2 9% Question D3 9% Question D4 - Question D5 9% Question D6 14% Quality Assurance Section E Information only 25% Question E1 5% Question E2 10% Question E3 5% Question E4 5% Environment 15% Question F1 Section F Question F2 Question F3 Equality and Diversity Section G 5% Question E1 Question E2 Section H Social Value 5% Scoring Mechanism: INADEQUATE Irrelevant content or no content provided. 0 POOR Information provided but with major deficiencies or lack of content. 1 LESS THAN Information provided but there is a failure to demonstrate sufficient experience or evidence relating to the subject matter of the contract. 2 SATISFACTORY Information provided giving relevant examples and evidence, demonstrated sufficient experience, but contains minor weaknesses or concerns. 3 GOOD Good detail of information provided including relevant examples, demonstrating a good understanding, experience and knowledge of the subject matter of the contract. 4 EXCELLENT A comprehensive response which demonstrates in-depth knowledge and understanding of the subject matter of the contract, detailed evidence and examples. 5 SATISFACTORY Preliminary Evaluation Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 3 Schedule 3 Applicants are advised that all questions must be answered. Failure to respond to all questions, or to provide complete or adequate evidence, supporting documentation or details where requested may result in your application not being considered. If a question is believed not to be applicable to your organisation, this should be clearly stated and an explanation provided. The Preliminary Evaluation involves checking that all questions in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire requiring a response have been answered in line with the following instructions. This will constitute passing the Preliminary Evaluation. Responses that pass the Preliminary Evaluation will then be subject to Full Evaluation. Full Evaluation Applicants must have passed all the ‘Pass’ and ‘Fail’ sections within the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire in order to be considered for short listing. Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 4 Schedule 3 PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Local Grounds for Mandatory Rejection Please state ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each question. Are the following true of your organisation? Guidance a Answer Applicants that have confirmed the minimum insurance levels are held or are willing to increase their insurance levels to those indicated and who has selected ‘Yes’ to question a (iv) will ‘Pass’. Minimum insurance levels must be maintained through the period of the contract Copies of insurance certificates must be provided. minimum levels of insurance: (i) Employers liability £10 million Yes/No (ii) Public liability £5 million Yes/No (iii) Professional Liability £2 million Yes/No (iv) If your organisation’s current insurance policy does not meet the required level, please confirm you will increase the level of cover if your application is successful. Yes/No b comply with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and subsequent regulations Yes/No c comply with the Equalities Act 2010 in respect of service provision and employment? Yes/No Local Grounds for Discretionary Rejection Please state ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to each question. Are the following true of your organisation? Answer Health and Safety Have any Directors, Partners, Associates or management been found guilty in relation to any offences under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or associated regulations or the defaulting of any prohibition or improvement notices in the past two years? a (i) If YES, to the question above, please explain what measures have been put in place to address these issues: Have any prohibition notices or improvement notices been issued in the past two years? (ii) Yes/No Yes/No If YES, to the question above, please explain what measures have been put in place to address these issues: Equality and Diversity b In the last 2 years has any finding of unlawful discrimination been made against your organisation by a court or industrial tribunal of the Equality and Human Rights Commission Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Yes/No Page 5 Schedule 3 If YES to the question above, please explain what measures have been put in place to address these issues SECTION A. Guidance ORGANISATIONAL DETAILS This Section is for information only but failure to provide any item of information requested or indicate N/A as applicable may result in a fail and therefore exclusion. We reserve the right to request further information in connection to the answers given in this section. Full name (including any relevant trading or business name) of organisation submitting application (or of the organisation acting as lead contact where a consortium application is being submitted): Registered office address Address for correspondence relating to this application: Name Designation Person dealing with this application: Telephone Number Mobile Number E mail Address Name Designation If this application is successful, details of contact persons relating to the administration and smooth operation of the contract: Telephone Number Mobile Number Email Address Website Status of Organisation A1 Is your organisation: Registration No. a. A sole trader? Yes / No b. A partnership? Yes / No c. A private limited company? Yes / No Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 6 Schedule 3 d. A public limited company? Yes / No i. An Unincorporated Organisation/Society? Yes / No j. A limited liability partnership? Yes / No k. Other – please specify Yes / No A2 Is your organisation a Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) as defined in Section 382 and 465 of the Companies Act (2006)? A3 Please supply your VAT registration number (if applicable): A4 Is the company a member of a group of companies/ a subsidiary of another company as defined by Section 736 (1) of the Companies Act 1985? Yes / No Yes / No If yes, give details of the Holding Parent company: Name Registration Number Registered Office Address A5 Would the ultimate holding company be prepared to guarantee your contract performance, as its subsidiary? Yes / No A6 How long has your company been trading / operating? A7 Applicants are required to provide a brief description of the business structure for delivery of this service. Applicants must also append a ‘family tree’ to illustrate the structure. Years Months Answer Max 400 words A8 COMPLETION BY NON-UK BUSINESSES ONLY a Registration with professional body. Is your business registered with the appropriate trade or professional register(s) in the EU member state where it is established (as set out in Annexes IX A-C of Directive 2004/18/EC) under the conditions laid down by that member state)? b Is it a legal requirement in the state where you are established, for you to be licensed or a member of a relevant organisation in order to provide the requirement in this procurement? If Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 7 Schedule 3 yes, please provide details of what is required and confirm that you have complied with this SECTION B. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL STANDING This sections weighted score is based on the Acid Test Ratio, B2 (Current Assets + Stock / Currently Liabiliites) & audited accounts. Altertatively, if you are a newly formed business you must provide a business plan including financial forcasts. Acid Test - Scoring 5 = above 2 4 = 1.5 to 2 3 = 1 to 1.49 2 1 = 0.5 to = 0.0 to 0.99 0.49 0 =0 Guidance Applicants must achieve a minmum score of 3 to pass this section Any score given at this stage will be in principle only and may still be subject to the outcome of a full financial appraisal prior to award. We may seek evidence relating to your answers and use the services of an independent third party to assess your financial standing suitability Where the applicant is unable to provide this financial data, they must submit alternative information to enable the financial assessment to be carried out. Organisations failing to provide alternative information which enables the financial assessment will result in a fail and not considered further . B1 B2 B3 B4 Please provide copies of your last 2 years Audited Accounts. Account Figures (Acid Test Ratio) 2012 /2013 Enclosed / Not Enclosed 2013 /2014 Enclosed / Not Enclosed 2012 /2013 2013/2014 Current Assets £ £ Stock £ £ Current Liabilities £ £ In the case of a newly formed business that is unable to provide details of annual turnover for the previous 2 financial years, please provide supporting information i.e. business plan including financial projections, to assist in the evaluation process. Enclosed / not enclosed / N/A Applicants may provide further information in support of their accounts if they wish to clarify any specific areas or explain any trends. Answer> Max 300 words Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 8 Schedule 3 Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 9 Schedule 3 SECTION C. Guidance C1 HEALTH AND SAFETY ‘Yes’ to C1 and an enclosed, up to date valid registration with an accredited body, under the ‘Safety Schemes in Procurement’ (SSIP), will result in a ‘Pass’ and can proceed to question C3. Applicants that have selected ‘No’ must complete questions C2 (a) or (b), and C3. Does your organisation hold a valid registration with an accredited body (e.g. CHAS), under the ‘Safety Schemes in Procurement’ (SSIP), against the categories relevant to the contract? Yes PASS proceed to D1 No go to Q. C2 Membership No Certification Body Expiry date of current membership Guidance ‘No’ to any part of C2 (a) will result in a ‘fail’ and therefore exclusion. ‘No’ to any part of C2 (b) will result in a ‘fail’ and therefore exclusion unless ‘Yes’ is selected at D2 (c). ‘No’ to any part of C2 (b) and ‘No’ to C2 (c) will result in a fail and therefore exclusion. Evidence of policies and procedures must be provided on request. C2 a Does your organisation have a Health and Safety statement signed and dated by your Chairman, Chief Executive, Managing Director or Company Secretary and is this available if requested by the Council? This should have been reviewed and signed off within the last year. Does your organisation have an up-to-date Health and Safety Policy that meets current legislation and is this available if requested by the Council? Yes PASS No FAIL Yes PASS No FAIL Does your organisation currently have Health and Safety procedures in place for the following areas and which are available if requested by the Council? Procedure b PASS FAIL i. Emergency situations Yes No ii. The reporting and recording accidents and other incidents Yes No iii. First aid and welfare provisions Yes No iv. Provision of appropriate protective clothing Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No v. vi. vii. Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Manual handling assessments and procedures The use and maintenance of appropriate equipment The control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH) Page 10 Schedule 3 viii. ix. x. xi. xii. c The protection of staff and service users from violence Individual site risk assessments including the management of billboard posting. The communication of information and the provision of instruction and training to employees Access to competent health and safety and occupational health and safety provision and advice Health surveillance Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No If ‘no’ to any areas in C2b, please confirm you will have this in place prior to being party to the concession agreement. Yes / No SECTION D. PROFESSONAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE Guidance D1 Examples demonstrating your organisations experience of delivering this type of contract Has your organisation undertaken like services on behalf of local government or similar organisations during the past 5 years? Yes / No Provide 2 separate examples (e.g. 2 separate commissioning bodies) Name: Example 1. Local Authority/Organisation details: Authority/Organisation: Position: Email: Telephone Number: Value (£) per annum: Start date of service: End date of service: Details of experience: answer maximum 500 words Name: Example 2. Authority/Organisation: Local Authority/ organisation details: Position: Email: Telephone Number: Value (£) per annum: Start date of service: End date of service: Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 11 Schedule 3 Details of experience: answer maximum 500 words Guidance D2 Information should be relevant to the scope of your business and provide details of sub-contractors contractual arrangements and monitoring Do you sub-let any part of your advertising contracts? Yes / No If ‘Yes’, provide details of any work or service you would consider subcontractoring and how this would be managed. answer maximum 250 words Guidance D3 Your response should describe the level of control your organisation has for the advertising content on the billboards that your organisation develop. Does your organisation have a UK sales office reaching the UK advertising market Yes / No Provide information about your company’s sales operation to demonstrate how advertising spaces are professionally managed and advertising content can be controlled in line with the ASA codes and the Salford City Council Advertising Content Guidance. answer maximum 250 words D4 Please provide the number of large format sites that you have in place within the Greater Manchester area broken down by format. Answer D5 Please provide a list of the Councils or public sector organisations where you have a formal agreement for the development of large format advertising sites. Answer D6 Please explain how your company can assist the Council with the development of billboards within the City answer maximum 500 words Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 12 Schedule 3 SECTION E. Guidance E1 QUALITY ASSURANCE Evidence should be supplied of satisfactory processes and procedures to enable the Council to be assured that the services can be delivered to the required standards Please indicate whether you organisation is registered under the ISO 9001 Scheme(s) or any equivalent schemes for Quality Assurance. If ‘yes’ please enclose a copy of certificate. E2 Yes / No Enclosed / not enclosed Please provide details of quality assurance procedures and processes you have implemented that are relevant to this type of activity and any certificates obtained. answer maximum 250 words Guidance E3 The Outdoor Media Centre’s (OMC) charter sets out the best practices to which members should adhere to in order to enhance the effectiveness and wider reputation of the outdoor advertising medium in the UK. Membership provides the Council with the confidence that the applicant conforms to these standards a Is your company a member of the OMC and comply with industry codes of practice and guidelines published in relation to outdoor advertising? Yes / No Is your company registered with an equivalent organisation and comply with industry codes of practice and guidelines published in relation to outdoor advertising? Yes / No If ‘Yes’, please provide details of your registration, the name and details of the equivalent organisation, including how it complies with the industry codes of practice and guidance b Do all contractors employed by your organisation carry up to date OMC passports and refer to method statements and risk assessments for each outdoor site? Yes / No If ‘Yes’, provide details of how this is monitored E4 What procedures do you have in place to ensure your organisations compliance with the industry ‘codes of practice’ (e.g OMC best practice)? answer maximum 250 words E5 Provide details of your organisations customer complaints procedure. answer maximum 250 words Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 13 Schedule 3 SECTION F. Guidance F1 ENVIRONMENTAL Salford's ‘Climate Change Strategy’ was launched in June 2010 to address the challenges of this issue. The strategy has three purposes: to provide a broad framework for action, to encourage good practice and partnership working between organisations and to demonstrate a range of action that is already taking place across Salford a Please indicate if your organisation is registered under ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems? ISO 14001 Certificate No.......................................................... b Guidance F2 If NO, to ‘a’ has your organisation an environmental policy and management systems does your organisation have which demonstrate its commitment to minimising harm to the environment? Yes/No Enclosed / not enclosed Yes/No Enclosed / not enclosed Examples: use of recycled materials, solar panels to generate power as an alternative to electricity etc Sustainability of advertising displays. Outline your organisation’s policy in construction and operation of advertising displays regarding sustainability issues Answer Max 250 words F3 What are your arrangements for recycling, waste disposal and any other approach that your organisation undertakes that has a positive effect on protection of the environment? Answer Max 250 words SECTION G. Guidance Responses to G1 must address key points such as below. Please note this is not a definitive list. recruitment and selection workforce monitoring staff development and training participation in programmes to assist trainees/placements/staff from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or groups at a disadvantage in employment (e.g. those with caring responsibilities, single parents) initiatives or programmes to promote an inclusive workplace equality measures / targets / programmes and what progress has been made in meeting, which may include: recruiting a more diverse workforce, encouraging internal representation at different grades, measures to assist trainees/placements staff from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or groups at a disadvantage in employment (e.g. those with caring responsibilities). G1 EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY Please provide examples of how your organisation has promoted equality and diversity in employment and workforce development. Where relevant, examples from other areas are acceptable. Applicants may include details of their Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 14 Schedule 3 equal opportunities policy (or comparable document). Please do not upload the policy. Answer Max 350 words Guidance Responses to G2 must address the key points below. Please note this is not a definitive list. G2 equality training for staff delivering services; research & consultation with service users and/or communities; specific projects designed to raise participation and inclusion of underrepresented/disadvantaged groups; designation of equality related KPIs or performance indicators; monitoring of outcomes for equality groups; increasing supplier diversity. equality measures/targets, for example: Participation rates for groups experiencing disadvantage or underrepresentation or known inequalities particularly in the local area (e.g. young people, lone parents); satisfaction ratings for different groups within user base, outcomes for different groups within user base Please provide examples of how your organisation has promoted equality and diversity in service delivery. Answer Max 350 words SECTION H. SOCIAL VALUE The City Plan contains the vision for the City of Salford. This document outlines the outcomes for the citizens of Salford. : Guidance Responses to E1 must evidence how you have delivered the same or similar objectives to that of the Council’s. Generating employment and training opportunities for long term unemployed people including young people Not in Education Employment or Training (NEET). Provision of training opportunities for young people Promoting supply chain opportunities to new and small enterprises, including those based in and around the area where the contract is being delivered Demonstrating a commitment to disadvantaged communities Increased benefits for the local economy H1 The Council’s corporate objectives include maximising employment opportunities, reducing worklessness (long term unemployment) and the wider regeneration of the communities that it serves. Applicants should supply evidence of their track record in meeting similar requirements (known as social value) in the services they deliver. Example 1 Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Detail of Social Value to the community Page 15 Schedule 3 Answer Max 200 words Date/Period Detail of Social Value to the community Answer Max 200 words Example 2 Date/Period SECTION H. DECLARATION I declare that the details submitted in this Pre-Qualification Questionnaire are correct. The Applicant is the organisation, which it is proposed will enter into a Contract with the Council if successful. Signed: Print Name: Position: Date: Note: A director or other senior representative of the organisation must sign this form. This can include an electronic signature. Concession - PQQ Advertising Billboards Page 16