Starting Life Well Supporting the New Delivery Model for Early Years across Greater Manchester Free Entitlement Funding Two, Three and Four Year Olds Salford City Council Children’s Services Local Guidelines September 2013 Local Guidelines for Free Entitlement Funding Purpose Supporting the New Delivery Model for Early Years The New Delivery Model is underpinned by a shared outcomes framework to increase the number of children ‘ready for school’ by improving health and family well-being; improving economic well-being; improving parenting skills, aspirations and self-esteem. The conditions applied to the funding arrangements for the Free Entitlement Funding for Early Education and Childcare for two, three and four year olds is set out in the DfE Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities September 2013. Within the Statutory Guidance there are mandatory requirements that all Local Authorities and Early Years Providers must comply with to ensure the day care supported by public funds is equitable and of a quality standard. As part of the New Delivery Model for Early Years, the ten Local Authorities within Greater Manchester Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA) have agreed to secure improvements in children’s readiness to learn at school by: • • • • Supporting progress for all children, closing the gap in performance by the age of five years between the most disadvantaged and their peers. Enabling tracking of progress leading to intervention to promote learning and development. Increasing parental engagement - recognising that parental influence is the greatest determining factor on the life chances of vulnerable children. Supporting improved quality of early years and childcare provision. You can find out more about AGMA by visiting their website Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 2 The providers of early education and childcare have a lead role in improving outcomes for children and families within the New Delivery Model by: The AGMA Core Principles embedded within the Starting Life Well Local Guidelines for the Free Entitlement Funding will support the following objectives: Proactively engaging with parents to support children’s learning and development in the setting and the home learning environment. Actively engaging with the local authority (or agency) responsible for the free early entitlement funding so it is flexible, free and best meeting parents’ needs. Demonstrating commitment to continuous quality improvement and workforce development. Supporting early intervention for vulnerable children and their families by completing relevant assessments, including the Common Assessment Framework. ( Tracking progress of all children and sharing progress data with the local authority. Working in partnership with local children’s centre services and contributing to developmental assessments (for example, the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, two year old check). Supporting successful transition to school by working collaboratively with schools, children’s centres and appropriate partners. Supporting and signposting parents to services providing family support, training and employment opportunities. Obtaining necessary consents from parents on enrolment to share information with the local authority, children’s centres and appropriate partners. Supporting parents to register with the local children’s centre. We would ask that all Early Years settings in receipt of the Free Entitlement Funding for Two, Three and Four Year Olds support these common principles of good practice, working in collaboration with Salford City Council to offer a high quality provision. Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 3 1. INTRODUCTION The free entitlement for two, three and four year old children is at the heart of the Governments vision for all children to have access to high quality early years provision that helps them reach their full potential. Access to Early Learning for two, three and four year olds is important for both children and parents to promote every child’s outcomes and prepare children socially and emotionally for the transition to school but also to enable parents to return to work or training with a view to reducing worklessness and child poverty in Salford. 1.1 Under the Government’s Childcare Act 2006 all three and four year olds are entitled to three terms of free part time early year’s education from the term following their third birthday. 1.2 From September 2013 Local Authorities have a duty to secure early education offering three terms of free part time early year’s education for targeted 2 year olds, the term after their second birthday. 2. Eligibility All children who meet the prescribed criteria are able to take up high quality early education, regardless of their parents’ ability to pay – benefiting their social, physical and mental development and helping to prepare them for school. Three and Four Year Olds Children are eligible for a three and four year old funded place from the term after the child’s third birthday. Funding is available until the child reaches statutory school age, which is the term after their fifth birthday. 2.1 The relevant dates are as follows: A child born on or between Will become eligible for a free place 1st April and 31st August 1st September following their 3rd birthday 1st September and 31st December 1st January following their 3rd birthday 1st January and 31st March 1st April following their 3rd birthday Two Year Olds 2.2 A child is eligible if: They are looked after by the local authority or They come within the criteria used to determine eligibility for Free Schools Meals* 2.3 Children are eligible for a two year old funded place from the term after the child’s second birthday (subject to meeting eligibility criteria and approval) Find out more abut Salford’s Essential Criteria to claim two year old funding Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 4 The relevant dates are as follows: A child born on or between Will become eligible for a free place 1st April and 31st August 1st September following their 2nd birthday 1st September and 31st December 1st January following their 2nd birthday 1st January and 31st March 1st April following their 2nd birthday The terms for the Free Early Years Entitlement Funding are as follows: Spring Summer Autumn 1st January to 31st March 1st April to 31st August 1st September to 31st December 3. CLAIMING THE FREE ENTITLEMENT 3.1 The Early Years Provider will be entitled to receive payment up to a maximum of 15 hours per week, for each child eligible receiving their Free Early Years entitlement, for a maximum of 38 weeks per year or 570 hours per annum. 3.2 The entitlement may be “stretched” over a greater number of weeks (51 weeks) but this will carry a reduced weekly allowance of up to 11 hours which shall not exceed 570 hours per annum. This must be agreed with the parent in advance and clearly shown on the individual parent declaration form and termly headcount. 3.3 A Parental Declaration Form should be completed for every child for whom funding is claimed which sets out the hours and patterns of access that the parent and provider have agreed to. The Parental Declaration Form will include consent from parents to share their child’s learning and development with relevant professionals and confirms patterns of attendance. 3.4 The Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities on Early Education and Childcare for Two, Three and Four Year Olds (September 2013) clearly states that the entitlement must be free at the point of delivery. This means that parents accessing only their 15 hours cannot be charged memberships or registration fees or “top up” fees to access their entitlement. Parents must not be charged for any part of the free entitlement. It must be provided completely free at the point of delivery with no conditions. 3.5 Providers are required to verify that for those children included on the headcount, their date of birth is correct and that they have seen evidence of this by checking the child’s birth certificate, passport or red book. This is to prevent the Free Entitlement Funding being paid for children who are not of eligible age. Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 5 3.6 Providers are asked to verify whether the child does or does not attend provision elsewhere. This is to ensure that children are not ‘double counted’ in the headcount. Where the child is attending other provision, providers must also indicate this on the headcount. 3.7 The Starting Life Well Service will seek to maximise take up of the two year old funding and the Free Entitlement by Looked-After-Children and children at risk of becoming looked-after. They also have responsibility to identify and reach out to particularly disadvantaged and hard to reach groups within the local community with a view to maximising take-up and improving outcomes. 3.8 A timetable detailing payment dates and final headcount deadlines will be issued on an annual basis. 3.9 An annual indicative budget will be issued for three and four year old funding advising the hourly rates. The Early Years Single Funding Formula rates will be recalculated at the beginning of every term to recognise Ofsted inspections and grading which will be taken from the published Ofsted report or independent regulator for independent schools and level of engagement with the Quality Improvement Framework (QIF). The Deprivation supplement will be calculated on an annual basis at the beginning of the financial year. The Quality Supplement will be reviewed on a termly basis based on your Ofsted inspection outcome and commitment to quality improvement. The Ofsted inspection grade will be taken from the published Ofsted report. 3.10 During the transition period when children move from a Private, Voluntary or Independent setting to a maintained nursery school a three week transition will be funded. 4. FREE EARLY YEARS ENTITLEMENT REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Flexibility Requirements Children are able to take up their full entitlement to early education at times that best support their learning and at times that fit with the needs of the parent. a) The provider agrees to provide places for up to 15 hours each week according to the DfE definition of Free Flexible Entitlement. As a Minimum: Maximum Session: No session longer than 10 hours Minimum Session: No session shorter than 2.5 hours Operating Times: 3 hours per day over 5 days per week 5 hours per day over 3 days of the week. Not before 7:00am or after 7:00pm b) Local authorities must not condense the funded early education entitlement into less than 38 weeks. c) Providers are encouraged to offer early education patterns of hours that stretch a child’s entitlement by taking fewer hours a week over more weeks of the year. (There is no requirement for all early education places to be delivered only over 38 weeks of the year). Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 6 4.2 Quality Requirements All children are able to take up their entitlement to funded early education in high quality settings. To secure quality, Salford City Council will; a) Fund providers who deliver the full Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and are either registered with Ofsted as an early years provider, or are schools taking children age three and over and therefore exempt from registration with Ofsted as early years providers. b) Fund places for two, three and four year old children who are rated as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ with Ofsted. Providers must ensure: c) Fund places for 3 and 4 year old children who are rated Satisfactory or Requires Improvement with Ofsted. Providers must ensure: d) Funded places are entirely free of charge to parents Places are offered flexibly to meet the needs of parents The proper use of public funds Providers meet the needs of disabled children or those with special educational need Providers are keeping children safe They work with the Starting Life Well team to immediately address any recommendations and actions detailed within the Ofsted report. They provide a detailed action plan for improvement which demonstrates how the provider will work towards and maintain improvement. They attend training and engage in peer to peer support which improves knowledge and understanding to contribute to improvement. They use the Starting Life Well Quality Improvement Framework (QIF) as a tool for improvement. Only fund places for two year old children in a ‘Satisfactory or Requires Improvement’ childcare setting where there is not sufficient accessible ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ provision. Providers must therefore ensure: They work with the Starting Life Well team to immediately address any recommendations and actions detailed within the Ofsted report. They provide a detailed action plan for improvement which demonstrates how the provider will work towards and maintain improvement. They attend training and engage in peer to peer support which improves knowledge and understanding to contribute to improvement. They use the Starting Life Well Quality Improvement Framework (QIF) as a tool for improvement. e) Fund new providers registered with Ofsted until their first full Ofsted inspection judgement is published. f) Secure alternative provision and withdraw funding, as soon as is practicable, for children who are already receiving their funded entitlement at a provider when it is rated ‘Inadequate’ by Ofsted. g) Providers must train all staff to understand their safeguarding policy and procedures, and to ensure that all staff has up to date knowledge of safeguarding issues. Training must enable staff to identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity, and respond in a timely and appropriate manner. Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 7 h) Designated named Safeguarding Leads/Managers must attend both Child Protection training and Safeguarding for Managers and may wish to access further Safeguarding training through Salford Safeguarding Children’s Board (SSCB). i) Providers must have regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice and ensure that they meet the needs of children with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. j) Inadequate grades will result in the temporary suspension of a setting from the Starting Life Well service website and childcare search facility until re-inspection and a minimum grade of Requires Improvement is achieved. 4.3 Information for Parents Parents are provided with comprehensive information about their child’s entitlement a. Ensure that the entitlement is free at the point of delivery. The DfE guidance states that the entitlement must be free at the point of delivery. Invoices for additional hours should clearly show the reduction in hours for the free entitlement for the billing period. b. Provide parents/carers with clear information on any legitimate additional charges (e.g. lunches) that are applicable. Should a parent wish to purchase additional hours for their child (Salford City Council/Starting Life Well service shall in no way be responsible for the payment of any additional hours), these shall be an additional cost to the parent. c. Have a clear complaints procedure for dealing with parents complaints in relation to delivery of the Free Entitlement and to publicise this. d. Providers signpost families to the Starting Life Well Service where they cannot offer the entitlement that meets families’ needs. e. Providers engage with families to support their individual needs and signpost to other services to support the identified needs. Parental consent must be sought to enable referrals to be made. 4.4 Working in Partnership Provide sufficient details of your provision to the Starting Life Well Service that can be passed onto parents and carers making enquiries about available provision. a) The provider will ensure that the provision of information to the Starting Life Well Service to enable Salford City Council to meet its obligations shall include: b) Sufficient details of provision Two Year Old Funding Confirmation of Attendance Three and Four Year Old Headcount Information Parent declaration forms (on request) Providers are asked to participate in any relevant surveys, questionnaires, to facilitate the planning of the Starting Life Well service and childcare in the city. Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 8 c) Providers must complete the Early Years Census form, which is required by the Department for Education in January each year and must return the completed form to the Starting Life Well service. EMAIL - Any information containing children’s details must be returned securely using PGP Secure Email – instructions on its use will be sent out to you. 4.5 Finance, Recording and Auditing Requirements The provider will ensure that the information, records and documentation necessary to effectively monitor the performance of the agreement are accurately maintained at all times. The provider will grant Starting Life Well service ‘authorised officer(s)’ access to the relevant information a) Comply with legislation including the auditing and submission of accounts, the passing of information to the Charities Commission (where appropriate) and the regular submission of information to bodies such as Companies House. b) Keep financial accounts of the receipt and use of the Free Entitlement Funding and agree to be inspected by Starting Life Well officers to ensure the Free Entitlement Funding is being used correctly and delivered in the correct way. Providers must allow access to all accounts, documents and other materials appertaining to the funding and provide such assistance with their interpretation as shall be required. Starting Life Well Service will provide reasonable notice of any such inspections. Providers should have business plans in place to plan for a sustainable business and use the services provided by the Starting Life Well service including the offer of an annual business review and health check. c) Record the presence or absence at each session of each child for whom funding has been claimed. Providers must notify the Starting Life Well Service if a child is absent for more than two weeks. d) The provider must verify the child’s identity through sight of a birth certificate, passport or medical card and verify legal name and date of birth. e) Providers must be aware of the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and follow their duty to keep personal data secure and confidential. f) Financial information regarding each child for whom funding has been paid, must be kept by the provider for in accordance with the HMRC recommendations for financial record-keeping as a general rule a minimum of 6 years is recommended. g) Parents/carers agree to specific funding arrangements by signing a Free Entitlement Parental Declaration Form and commit to this for the duration of the term. This should minimise movement from setting to setting. A three week settling-in period should be given and providers should then make parents aware that movement will only be permitted under exceptional circumstances, for example: If the family leave the area Where there is a change to the child’s main carer Due to child protection, domestic violence Due to changes in the parents employment Safeguarding For further information or to discuss other circumstances please contact the Starting Life Well Service. If a parent moves provider without prior consent from the Starting Life Well service, the Free Entitlement Funding will not be available until the following term and the new provider will receive no funding. Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 9 It is essential that providers inform Starting Life Well Service if a two year old funded child fails to attend for more than 3 consecutive sessions without an explanation. A notice period of two weeks will be paid for a two year old funded child from the last attendance. 5. Early Years Single Funding Formula (EYSFF) 6. The following EYSFF for three and four year old funding will come into effect from APRIL 2015 Type of Setting Base Rate Maintained Nursery Class £3.55 Day Nursery/Independent Schools £3.38 Pre-School/Playgroup £3.38 Childminder £3.15 Children’s Centres £3.38 Supplement Deprivation Calculated using the average IDACI score for all children attending each setting Quality Quality OFSTED grade good outstanding OR Commitment to complete QIF Amount per pupil per hour (2015/16) or £0.10 0% - 20% 20% - 25% £0.00 £0.00 25% - 30% 30% - 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60% - 100% £0.10 £0.12 £0.16 £0.19 £0.22 The Early Years Single Funding Formula rates will be recalculated at the beginning of every term to determine the hourly rate for that term. The Deprivation supplement will be calculated on an annual basis at the beginning of the financial year. The Quality Supplement will be reviewed on a termly basis based on your Ofsted inspection outcome and commitment to quality improvement. The Ofsted inspection grade will be taken from the published Ofsted report. 2 year old funding is set at a flat rate for all £4.85 per hour settings of Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 10 Please note changes to this document may occur as new legislation comes into force. Salford Starting Life Well Two, Three and Four Year Old Funding September 2013 11