WELCOME EF 105 Spring 2006

EF 105
Spring 2006
EF 105
Computer Methods in Engineering
Problem Solving
Week 2: FrontPage
Introduction to Software
Use to create Web Pages
Formatting with FrontPage
Menu Bar
Visual Icons
Week 2
Opening a new document
Use the blank page that appeared when you opened
the software (new_page_1.html), or use File|New|Page
or Web|New|Blank Page.
Saving your file
Type “Welcome to my home page,” or something like
that, just to create some content to save. Save your file
in a folder on your computer. Give the file a name and
location that you will remember later.
Use File|Save.
Week 2 Continued
Creating a simple home page
Include your name, information about you
(background), your major, work history, your
family, and your interests. Simply type text as
you would in a word processor.
Using headings
•HTML includes six levels of
predefined heading styles.
Headings always have extra
vertical space before and
after the line, and are
bolded. Available headings
from largest to smallest are
Heading 1 through Heading
6. Heading 4 is the same
size as regular type, but is
bolded with space before
and after.
•First, make sure the cursor is in
the paragraph you wish to turn
into a heading.
Click the Style button and select a
heading style
Changing Text Size:
Use Format/Font and then
select a size.
Or use the font size dropdown box.
Week 2 Continued
Making bulleted lists
Create your list, then highlight the list, then
click the bullet button on the toolbar.
Or use Format/Bullets and Numbering , then
select Picture Bullets or Plain Bullets.
Week 2 Continued
Making numbered lists
Create your list, then highlight the list, then
click the Numbered List button on the toolbar.
Or use Format|Bullets and Numbering from the
menu and select Numbers.
Week 2 Continued
Changing the background color
In general, it is a good idea to be cautious when adding
background colors. Try to maintain high contrast
between the color of the text and the color of the page.
Use Format| Background.
Click the Background list under the Color
section. Select a color. The colors of the Text
may also be changed as well as the Hyperlink,
the Visited link, and the Active Hyperlink.
Giving your page a title
The title of your page appears in the browser’s title bar
when the page is viewed. The title also becomes the
name given to your page if someone bookmarks it or
creates a favorite. Every page you create should have a
descriptive title.
Call your page “My Home Page.”
 In the Navigation view, select a page and use
File|Properties and fill a new Title.
 You can also right click on a page in the Navigation view
and choose Rename. Then change the title.
Viewing your page in a browser
Save your page again by using File|Save. Preview your
page in a web browser.
FrontPage has a built-in preview at the bottom of the
editing window. This mode does not allow you to test
links to other files, however. So use this technique:
 In page view, click the Preview in Browser button.
 Or right-click the filename in the site view and choose
Preview in Browser.
Week 2: Working with text, layout and links
1. Make the text look the way you want on
your web pages
2. Insert tables and images on your web
3. Create links between your web pages
Changing the page properties
The page properties include colors for
text, links, background color, and page
Use Format|Background to change the
background color.
Justifying text
Click a Justification button.
Or press Ctrl+L for left, Ctrl+E for center,
or Ctrl+R for right.
Adjusting text colors
Use Format/Font. Click Color button and
choose a color.
Inserting a Horizontal Line
Use Insert/Horizontal Line
After you have inserted a horizontal line,
double click on the line and you can
change some of the attributes of the line,
including height, width, alignment, color,
and shading.
Creating Links to URLs
Highlight text, click on Insert Hyperlink
Either type in or copy and paste the URL
in the address field
Inserting Images
•Click the Insert Picture From
File button . Browse to the
image, click OK.
•Or use Insert|Picture|From
Clip Art. Browse to the image,
click OK
Creating Bookmarks (Anchors)
Bookmarks (which is also called Anchors) are
specified locations on a web page that can serve
as the destination or “target” of a link. They are
used in menus to navigate within a page, or can
be added to links to the page to specify a
particular spot in the page.
In FrontPage, an Anchor is referred to as a
Select Insert|Bookmark and fill in a name
Linking to a bookmark within a page
The whole point of creating a bookmark is that
you can link to it either from within the same
page or from another page. You might want to
link to bookmarks within a page from a menu at
the top of the page.
Front Page:
 Use Insert|Hyperlink and select the correct
Linking to a bookmark within a page
Bookmarks can also serve as the target of a link
from another page
Be sure the page you want to link to has a
bookmark (anchor) within it and that it has been
saved. (It does not have to be open.)
Highlight the text you want to link from.
Click the link button.
Click the Current Folder section under the Look in
section of the Insert Hyper Link box and browse
to the correct file.
Linking to e-mail addresses
An e-mail link on a web page pops up an e-mail
compose box with the address already in the
“To:” field.
First, highlight the text you want to link from.
Click on the HyperLink button and select the E-mail
address button. Fill in the Text to display field. Then
type your e-mail address (e.g., djackson@utk.edu) into
the E-mail field. FrontPage will add the “mailto:”
Adding tables
Tables consist of rows, columns, and cells. They
can be used for displaying tabular data, for
example names and email addresses. They also
allow careful positioning of elements on a page.
You can nest tables within tables in order to
achieve exact placement.
You can set the color and formatting of
individual cells or groups of cells.
Use Table|Insert|Table. Choose number of rows and
Create a simple one-page web about something of
interest to you. It should be entitled, “Pets” or “Hobbies”
or “My Family”, etc. and include the following
Your name and other relevant information about you
Information the topic you chose
Your webpage should include the following formatting
A bulleted list
At least two different levels of text
A background color
A page title
A table
Some graphics
Site Maps
A list of hyperlinks that shows how the
pages in the site are organized.
To have FrontPage create a site map for
create categories
assign pages to those categories
create a page for the site map and insert a web
component for each category using the Based
on Page Category option from the Table of
Contents Web Component
If you want to create a new style or
change a style that already exists, you
If you modify a style or add a style on a
Web page, then those changes will only
affect THAT page.
Cascading Style Sheet
If you want those changes to affect all or
some pages in the Web, you have two
If the web site has a theme, you can change or
add a style in a theme and it affects that style
throughout all pages in the site
 Do this by going to Format, Theme and click the
Modify button
If the web site has no theme, you can use a
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS).
To create a CSS
Create a blank web page
Remove any shared borders or themes in that
In it, modify the styles and/or create additional
styles that you want for your web site.
Save it as a Hypertext Style Sheet type of file
To use the CSS
In the page where you want to use the
styles from the CSS, do this
Select Format and then Style Sheet Links from
the menu
Select either All Pages or Selected Pages to
apply the CSS to
Select the appropriate CSS in the list
Click OK
Getting Started. Open Office and start Front Page.
Note the three tabs at the bottom of the screen. Normal displays
the working page of your web page (you edit and add things here).
HTML shows the converted HTML version of the page. Preview
shows you what to expect the page to look like once it is launch to
the Internet. We will design the web page in Normal view.
To insert and center text, press the center button and begin typing.
You may format your text just as in WORD.
To insert a picture, use the same steps as in WORD. Choose Insert,
Picture and choose From File or Clip Art.
To create a background, place your mouse anywhere on your page,
right click and choose Page Properties. Choose Background. You
can choose a color or something from file. Choose the picture from
a file using Browse, and choose OK.
Follow the instructions in the file WEEK01.PHP
and make your home page.
 On this homepage, include the following:
 A table that includes:
 Info about you
 Your email address
 Hyperlinks to some of your favorite sites,
including the EF105 site