Sudden Death By: Andrew Whitener Joshua White Kristen Karman

Sudden Death
By: Andrew Whitener
Joshua White
Kristen Karman
 Objective: to design and build a roller
coaster to transport an object from point A
to point B in 15 seconds.
 We constructed it with square plywood with
a clear plastic tube running trough drilled
holes in the wood.
 The only material purchased was the tube.
 Other materials were found around the
house, though they can be purchased at a
low cost.
 We begin the ride by
releasing the ball into
the tube.
 The ball then moves
along the course
through its supporting
 The ball continues this
path as it accelerates
out of the tubing and
falls into the metal
 Potential gravitational energy in the
ball is converted into kinetic energy as
the ball travels through the tube.
 An almost perfectly inelastic collision
occurs at the end of the ride due to
the ball falling into the metal bowl.
Concerns and Conclusion
 One main issue was figuring out where to
drill the holes to produce the desired slope
of tube, which changed the velocity of the
 Angle of attachment of the second
supporting board became an issue after the
first was attached.
 Total Time Spent: 8 hours to build (including
planning, building, and numerous trials).