The Dominator Phil Kinney Alex Webster Austin Womac

The Dominator
By: Phil Kinney
Alex Webster
Austin Womac
Michael Jugan
The Team
The Machine
• Started by inserting a marble
• The initial marble hits a stationary marble into
• A domino hits the mousetrap.
• The mousetrap pulls a string attached to a
rotating piece of wood.
• The counterweight is knocked off the wood
and lifts the weight.
Stored energy
Stationary marble
Mousetrap’s spring
Counterweight’s potential energy
Design and Construction Issues
• The mousetrap broke.
• The string connecting the
mousetrap to the spinner broke.
• Jenga blocks are not as easily
knocked over as dominoes.
• A domino was not heavy
enough to trigger the
• We raised the mass by using the potential
energy of a marble, dominoes, a
mousetrap, and a counterweight.
• The majority of time was spent planning
the design and gathering materials.