Provider Enrollment Attachment Hospital To be completed by Hospital Providers only (Provider Name and Location for this Enrollment) (Date) In order to enroll as a Hospital provider, you must complete this attachment and return it (along with copies of information requested) with the following information: Completed DHS 3972 (Provider Enrollment Request) Signed and dated DHS 3974 (Disclosure Statement of Ownership and Control Interest) Signed and dated DHS 3975 (Provider Enrollment Agreement) Identifying Information 1. Enter your current hospital license number here and attach a copy of your current hospital license: 2. If the hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations or the American Osteopathic Association, provide the certificate number (attach copy): 3. Enter this facility’s CLIA number here and attach a copy of your current CLIA Certification letter: 4. List any current or previous OHA Provider Numbers here: 5. List any names/business names currently or previously used with DMAP or other Oregon Health Authority (OHA) contracts: 6. Check the box that best describes your hospital: Government owned and operated (select one): State Privately owned and operated (select private entity status below): Publicly operated teaching hospital Profit County Special purpose district Non-profit City Tribal Religious Other governmental unit (specify): 8 Is the hospital Medicare-eligible? If Yes, attach a copy of the Medicare enrollment letter. Provider Enrollment Attachment Yes No DMAP 3111 (Rev. 11/11) Page 1 of 3 9 Enter the hospital’s Fiscal Year end date (month and day): 10. Check the box for the type of service(s), and list approximate number of beds per category. Please explain when “Other” is indicated on the line below. Type of Bed Number of Beds General/Acute Swing Physical Rehabilitation Long-Term Psychiatric Drug/Alcohol Abuse Treatment Other (specify): 11. Check all that apply: 50 or fewer beds and: 50 or more beds and: Within 30 miles of another acute inpatient care facility. More than 30 miles from another acute inpatient care facility. Within 75 miles of the Oregon border. More than 75 miles from the Oregon border. 12. Does the hospital have a dedicated emergency department for purposes of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA)? Yes No Insurance Information 1. List the general and professional liability insurance information you have, will maintain, and will provide upon request by OHA or a OHA designee. This is to cover damages caused by error, omission or negligent acts related to the professional services to be provided as an Oregon Medicaid provider. If you cancel, materially change, reduce limits, or intend not to renew the insurance coverage(s) listed below, you must notify DMAP within 30 days of the change. Carrier Name Policy Number Provider Enrollment Attachment Expiration Date Amount insured per occurrence DMAP 3111 (Rev. 11/11) Page 2 of 3 2. If you are self-insured for these insurance requirements, enter “Self-Insured” here: Out-of-State Hospitals only: In addition to the information requested above, provide the following information: 1. Enter the name and telephone number of the Medicaid office in the state in which the hospital is located that can confirm your Medicaid enrollment in that state: Medicaid Office Name Phone Number 2. Attach a copy of all licenses and certificates showing authority to operate the hospital type identified above for the state in which your practice is located. 3. A claim is required to include with your enrollment form (attach claim). Provider Enrollment Attachment DMAP 3111 (Rev. 11/11) Page 3 of 3