School: _________________ Department/Interdisciplinary Program: ______________________ Chairperson/Director: ____________________

Assessment Progress: Year: ____
School: _________________
Department/Interdisciplinary Program: ______________________
Chairperson/Director: ____________________
Date: ________________
I. Mission Statement
College Mission Statement
Brooklyn College of the City University of New York transforms lives by providing access to outstanding undergraduate
and graduate programs in the arts and sciences, business and education, and a vibrant Core Curriculum in the liberal
arts. We are an urban, public institution, proudly situated in one of the most dynamic and diverse communities in the
country. We are committed to student success and to our historic mission to provide an affordable, high-quality education
to students of all backgrounds. We seek to develop knowledgeable students who are engaged in the life of the college
and our community, and are prepared to think critically, lead responsibly, act ethically, and contribute globally.
Department Mission Statement
Provide your Department mission statement. The mission is a brief statement, usually no longer than a few sentences or a brief
paragraph. It should cover the full scope of the department’s support for the College’s mission, and therefore should not focus
exclusively on the teaching of majors.
Program Mission Statement (if different from department mission statement)
II. Assessment Progress Report (adapted from Hunter College Assessment Progress Report
This progress report has two parts: a Self-Assessment Rubric and a Program Assessment Report for each program.
The purpose of the rubric is to provide a way for your department or program to discuss its strengths and weaknesses in
its ability to develop a strong foundation for sustainable assessment practice. The purpose of the program assessment
report is to document the department’s or program’s recent assessment practice according to the four stages of the
assessment cycle: (1) identify outcomes, (2) map to assessments, (3) assess data, and (4) use findings to close the loop.
Assessment is about improvement over time. Results will be used to determine how the Office of Assessment can best
assist departments and programs.
Self-Assessment Rubric: Mark one category per row.
Capacity Criteria
Department or Program Learning
Goals/ Outcomes in place
 The department or program has
learning goals/ outcomes that are
student-centered, observable and
aligned with courses.
 The department or program has
learning goals/ outcomes, but they
are not yet student-centered,
observable and aligned with
Assessment Plan in place
 The department or program has
a plan that includes goals/
outcomes, strategies and a
 The department or program has
developed assessment methods
that effectively convey
information about student
learning outcomes.
 The department or program has  The department or program does not
a plan but it is primarily focused
yet have an assessment plan.
on short-term or discrete projects.
Assessment Methods in place
 The department or program has
developed assessment methods,
but they do not yet follow best
Needs Work
 The department or program does not
yet have overall learning goals/ outcomes.
 The department or program has not yet
developed methods to assess itself.
Level of participation in
department or program
assessment activities
 Participation in assessment
activities is widespread in the
department or program through
coordinated efforts.
Immediate future of assessment
 The department or program has
concrete plans for next steps with
goals, roles and timelines.
 Some members of the
department or program are
participating in assessment
activities, some are not;
coordinated efforts are somewhat
 The department or program has
plans for next steps but they are
not yet clear or feasible.
Overall Comments (please keep these brief). Upload any attachments to support your self-assessment.
 Only a few members of the department
or program are participating in assessment
activities; there is no coordinated effort
 The department or program does not
yet have plans for next steps or plans are
Program Assessment Report
Briefly summarize the assessment conducted last (calendar) year for each program:
Attach any supporting documents.
Program Name: (e.g., BA Art History).
Learning Goal:
Outcome Assessed:
Data Collected / Assessment Method:
Assessment Findings:
Use of Results:
Notes and Attachments: (Please keep these brief).
III. Program Curriculum Map: Submit only if this has changed since your last report. (e.g.,
new courses, curriculum revision).
Map each learning outcome across each course in your curriculum. Indicate “√” in the courses where
these competencies are addressed.
(Please list
(Please list
IV. Program Assessment Cycle Timetable: Update if necessary. If you are still working
through your cycle and this has not changed since last report, no need to submit.
List each learning goal in column one and indicate by an “X” when each learning goal will be assessed.
For example, some may be assessed every year, others only once every three years.
Yearly Assessment Schedule of Learning Goals
Learning Goals
(Please list below)