UWF IEEE Student Chapter Bylaws

UWF IEEE Student Chapter
Article 1, Section 1. Membership shall be in accordance with Sec. 4 of the Branch
Article 1, Section 2. The membership shall consist of Student Members of the IEEE,
and local members who are not Student Members of the IEEE. Student Membership in the IEEE
is granted by application and payment of membership fees to the national IEEE Headquarters.
Students who do not desire Student Membership in the IEEE may become members of the
Branch with all the rights and privileges thereof with the exception of those rights and privileges
specifically restricted or limited to Student Members of the IEEE by the national organization,
the Constitution, and these Bylaws.
Article 2, Section 1. Student Members of the IEEE shall pay their National Student
Membership Dues directly to the IEEE Headquarters upon receipt of renewal notices. Local fees
from all members shall be paid directly to the Branch Secretary-Treasurer.
Article 2, Section 2. Applicants for membership in the Branch shall not be considered
bona fide members in the Branch until Branch dues have been paid.
Article 2, Section 3. Members of the Branch who are Student Members of the IEEE
shall pay local dues to the Branch in the amount of $3.00 per academic term.
Article 2, Section 4. Members who are not Student Members of the IEEE shall pay
local dues to the Branch in the amount of $10.00 per academic term.
Article 2, Section 5. The local dues per academic term for all Branch members must be
paid prior to or at the first meeting of that academic term. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify
members who are one week in arrears, and those whose dues are not paid within one week
thereafter shall be automatically suspended from membership in the Branch.
Article 3, Section 1. To be eligible for office, a candidate must be an enrolled Student
Member of the IEEE. Nominations for office and elections to same shall be conducted at the
same meeting. To promote maximum participation, meetings for the purpose of election shall be
publicized as being for that purpose well in advance of the election meeting. Nominations for
and elections to only one office shall be conducted and resolved before resuming nominations
and elections to the next office. Officers shall be elected in the following sequence: (1)
Chairman, (2) Vice-Chairman, and (3) Secretary-Treasurer. Elections shall be by secret ballot
and a winner shall be declared when a candidate receives a simple majority of the total votes.
The term of office shall ordinarily be for one year or until their successors are elected.
Article 3, Section 2. An officer who misses two consecutive meetings without cause or
reason, or who otherwise fails to fulfill the obligations of his office may be removed from that
office by a two-thirds vote of the membership. Should the offices of Vice-Chairman and/or
Secretary-Treasurer be vacated prior to the normal expiration date of that term of office, the
Chairman shall appoint a Student Member of the IEEE to fill the vacated office(s) for the
remainder of that term.
Article 4, Section 1. In addition to the duties specified in the Constitution, the Chairman
shall hold and preside over all meetings of the Executive committee, delegate responsibility as
required by Branch size and activity, prepare the Annual Report and assume responsibility for its
submission to IEEE Headquarters and other elements of the Student organization, insure that the
financial report is submitted to IEEE Headquarters, insure the budget is submitted to the Student
Government Association, and assure that the incoming Chairman has the necessary records,
manuals, and information for operating the Branch, including a “brief” on problem areas,
activities, and people to contact.
Article 4, Section 2. The Vice-Chairman shall perform all functions of the Chairman in
the latter’s absence or at his request. Should the office of Chairman be vacated prior to the
normal expiration date of that term of office, the Vice-Chairman shall assume the office of
Chairman for the remainder of the term.
Article 4, Section 3. In addition to the duties specified in the Constitution, the
Secretary-Treasurer shall receive and record local dues payments from the membership and
notify members whose dues payments are in arrears, submit the names to the Executive
Committee of those members who have not paid their dues within one week after notification of
being in arrears, deposit all monies received in the name of the Branch in an appropriate
depository authorized by the Branch Executive Committee, prepare the budget to be submitted to
the Student Government Association, defend the budget in front of the Student Government
Association Finance Committee, prepare an academic-year financial statement for the Branch
Executive Committee and certification of the Branch Counselor, submit the financial statement
and Annual Report to IEEE Headquarters, notify IEEE Headquarters of the newly-elected
officers upon their election, keep detailed records of each meeting of the Branch to complete the
Annual Report each year, maintain supplies of stationary and other IEEE forms and supplies as
required by the Branch, serve as custodian of all records and correspondence of the Branch,
ascertain that Branch activities are conducted under the provisions of the current Constitution
and Bylaws, and arrange for an orderly transfer of all records and information to the incoming
Article 5, Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, ViceChairman, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Branch Counselor. The new Executive Committee shall
assume its duties immediately following the election meeting.
Article 5, Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the
affairs of the Branch between its regular meetings, fix the hour and place of meetings, make
recommendations to the Branch, and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these
Bylaws. A simple majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee shall be sufficient
to resolve any dispute and any decision which cannot be so resolved shall be brought before the
general membership for conclusion. The Executive Committee shall be subject to the orders of
the Branch and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Branch. Minutes of all
Executive Committee meetings shall be made available to any members of the Branch upon
request, and shall be filed with the Branch records.
Article 5, Section 3. The Executive Committee shall receive a written list from the
Secretary-Treasurer of those members whose local dues payment is two weeks in arrears. The
Committee may grant an extension of time for dues payment on an individual basis or may
suspend the individual from membership in the Branch.
Article 5, Section 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called as necessary
by the Chairman or Branch Counselor. Special meetings of the Executive Committee shall be
called by the Chairman upon the request of any other member of the Executive Committee.
Article 6, Section 1. A Program Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman at the
first full regular meeting at which he presides, whose duty it shall be to carry out the functions
set forth for it in the constitution. The Vice-Chairman shall preside over the Program
Article 6, Section 2. A Publicity Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman at the
first full regular meeting at which he presides, whose duty it shall be to give special publicity to
meetings for the purpose of elections well in advance of the date established for said elections, as
well as the duties set forth for it in the Constitution.
Article 6, Section 3. A Membership Committee s hall be appointed by the Chairman at
the first full regular meeting at which he presides, whose duty it shall be to carry out the
functions set forth for it in the Constitution.
Article 7.
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Branch by a
two-thirds vote of the members present provided the amendment shall have been proposed at
least one regular meeting previous to the time of voting. The effective date of amendments shall
be stipulated at the time of their acceptance.
Article 8.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order
Newly Revised shall govern the Branch in all cases to which they are applicable and in which
they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Branch may adopt.
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