Student Representation Fee Opt-Out Form, Mt. San Antonio College

Student Representation Fee
Opt-Out Form, Mt. San Antonio College
Student Name: _________________________
Student ID #: __________________________
The Student Representation Fee is a mandatory fee that is collected during fall and spring registration for the
purpose of providing Mt. SAC students the means to state their positions and viewpoints before city, county,
district, and state government agencies. A student may choose not to pay the Student Representation Fee for
political, religious, financial, or moral reasons. If a student chooses to opt-out of paying the fee for the stated
reasons, then the student must: 1) visit the Student Life Office in building 9C or to get the
opt-out form; 2) complete the form and; 3) return it to the Bursar's Office prior to paying the college fees.
Political: Please state how this applies to you in the space provided below
Religious: Please state how this applies to you in the space provided below
Financial: Please state how this applies to you in the space provided below
Moral: Please state how this applies to you in the space provided below
I understand that the Student Representation Fee is used to advocate for Mt. SAC students and that it funds
activities such as sending students to Sacramento to fight against the possible increase of community college
fees from $36 per unit to $66 per unit. By signing below I am opting-out of this fee for the reason stated above. I
further understand that furnishing false information to the college is grounds for disciplinary action under the Mt.
SAC “Standards of Conduct” policy.
Signature: _________________________________________
Date: ________________
MTL – 4/25/11
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