ITEC Internship Mid-Semester Summary Kyle Veitch

Kyle Veitch
ITEC Internship
Mid-Semester Summary
The ITEC internship required that Information Technology students at Georgia Gwinnett College
prepare for and acquire an internship either on site with staff at GGC or off site with local companies.
This means that over the semester student were to prepare and keep updated a resume that fall within
the guidelines set by the GGC career services department. Students were also to apply for and attend
interviews with potential internship opportunities and document the process. Once an internship was
obtained students were to keep a record of all work done and documentation on the process by which
they achieved their goals. Over the course of the semester the student was to meet with our Internship
class advisor (Dr. Rowan) and give a detailed update on the progression of our work.
The process by which my resume was created combined what I have learned from attending
resume building workshops and what I know from applying for jobs over the course of my life. Upon
completion of the first draft of my resume I made an appointment with the career services center in
order to meet with an advisor. After meeting with an advisor I adjusted my resume per her instructions
and began submitting it to various potential internship opportunities.
Upon completion of my resume I submitted it to both Dr. Kristine Nagel and Dr. Jam Jenkins as
they had posted available internship positions for which I expressed interest. Due to an influx of
applicants Dr. Nagel was unable to place me with an available internship opportunity. Dr. Jenkins
however immediately requested an interview. Upon interviewing with Dr. Jenkins I discovered his
project “JavaWIDE” up on which all his time is focused. After a brief interview, we decided that with my
experience in Digital Media I could best serve the project by creating video tutorial that we could use to
drum up support among the various social networking sites such as Youtube, Digg, Slashdot, etc... Upon
concluding the interview with Dr. Jenkins I accepted the internship position and began work on my
JavaWIDE is a wiki based java compiler which is intended for students learning the java
programming language. Dr. Jenkins program is intended to be used in conjunction with a textbook
which he is currently writing. However, experienced coders can use JavaWIDE to write programs with
ease using it’s intuitive and helpful interface. The first step I took towards my projects was to get to
know the JavaWIDE interface, and brush up on my java programming skills. This process did not take
very long as the JavaWIDE interface is very easy to use and Dr. Jenkins provided very helpful instructions
on where to begin. The next step I took was to discover a method of screen capture by which I could
create the tutorials from home. Having no budget and very little money of my own, I decided upon
Camstudio an open source screen capture application which is fairly easy to use. At this point I began
using cam studio to capture the RAW video footage of the first tutorial assignment. After many
sessions and fiddling with the setting of the capture software a useable RAW video was obtained. From
there I used a combination of Windows Movie Maker and Apple IMovie to edit the RAW video for
content and transitions. I added Title and Credit screen which contained important information such as
JavaWIDE’s URL and the video’s title. Next I added subtitle blurbs which help to clarify events in the
video. I experimented with many different versions of the blurbs but finally settled on a version which
uses a solid color banner upon which text is written. The first two videos I made also incorporate a
soundtrack consisting of legal music found on the creative commons repository. This music is labeled
free for use, and provided a great background setting for the tutorials. Once the entire release version
was completed the files were encoded into .avi files for release.
In the future version I intend to create a vocal narrative which will dictate the video so that
people wishing to use the tutorials along with JavaWIDE can play with the program while listening to the
narrative. As it is now, there is much work to be done, we would like tot post these videos to Youtube
and other social media sites so that people can begin using them. I will also continue to create new
videos which will describe more advanced features of JavaWIDE.