Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM) for Davis et al. “The utilization of phylogeny in assessing species’ phenological response to global climate change” Figure S1. Composite phylogenies of 167 and 323 flowering plant species from Chinnor, England (A) and Concord, USA (B) depicted in Figure 2 of the main text. Red and blue dots at nodes represent less and more phenologically responsive clades, respectively, based on their ability to track their flowering times to seasonal temperature variation. Solid colored dots indicate those clades that have demonstrated a significant tracking response. A null distribution of mean flowering time tracking for each node in the phylogeny was generated by 9999 randomizations (‘node.mn’ in Phylocom). Observed clade values that ranked ≤ 250 (p ≤ 0.05) indicated significantly strong trackers while values that ranked ≥ 9750 (p ≤ 0.05) indicated significantly weak trackers. Open dots indicate marginally significant clades (p ≤ 0.10). Each of the clades exhibiting these tracking responses is further highlighted in pink and blue and referenced numerically to its clade name. Subclades of interest are labeled with the more familiar, and more inclusive, clade to which they belong followed by pro parte (p.p.). Figure S2. Composite phylogeny of 100 European bird species depicted in Figure 3 of the main text. Solid red dots indicate clades that have declined significantly from 1990-2000 (results were similar for the earlier interval 1970-1990); solid blue dots indicate clades that have increased significantly. A null distribution of mean change in abundance for each clade in the phylogeny was generated by 9999 randomizations (‘node.mn’ in Phylocom). Observed clade values that ranked ≤ 250 (p ≤ 0.05) were considered to have significantly declined in abundance while values that ranked ≥ 9750 (p ≤ 0.05) were considered to have significantly increased in abundance. Open dots indicate marginally significant clades (p ≤ 0.10). Each of these clades is further highlighted in pink or blue and referenced numerically to its clade name. Subclades of interest are labeled with the more familiar, and more inclusive, clade to which they belong followed by pro parte (p.p.). Traits Concord, USA Non-native status Invasive status Flowering time tracking Flowering time shift (19002006) Chinnor, England Non-native status Invasive status Non-native status Invasive status Flowering time tracking Flowering time shift (19542000) Flowering time tracking Flowering time shift (19542000) Poales n Mean Obs. Rankbldj - 587 587 167 1 200 2884 0.0002 0.0400 0.5768 342 2143 0.4286 377 377 873 1584 0.1746 0.3168 323 94 0.0188 323 377 4446 972 0.8892 0.1943 377 1783 0.3567 323 154 0.0307 323 4305 0.8609 - Poales Poales Poales excluded Poales excluded Poales Poales Poales excluded Poales excluded p-value Table S1. Phylogenetic signal of non-native species status and phenological response traits when accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty. Each trait was analyzed across a set of 50 trees with polytomies resolved randomly. Branch lengths were adjusted for estimated divergence time. Mean obs. rank of the 50 iterations is presented in the table. A high mean obs. rank indicates trait overdispersion. A low mean obs. rank indicates trait clustering (i.e., phylogenetic signal). Significance of observed rank based on a two-tail test: significant obs. rank < 250, > 9750 = P, 0.05, marginally significant obs. rank < 500, > 9500 = P, 0.10. Traits Non-native status Invasive status Flowering time tracking Flowering time shift (19542000) n 377 377 Obs. Rankbldj 1266 4163 p-value 0.2532 0.2532 Obs. RankBL1 440 9906 pvalue 0.0880 0.0188 377 3890 0.7780 56 0.0112 377 4054 0.8108 8150 0.3700 Table S2. Phylogenetic signal of non-native species status and phenological response traits for Chinnor, England with the Poales clade included. Phylogenetic signal was tested by comparing the rank of the observed mean standard deviation (obs. rank) calculated across all nodes in the community phylogeny to a null distribution of mean standard deviations based on 9999 iterations of trait values arranged randomly across the phylogeny tips. These analyses were conducted with branch lengths adjusted for estimated divergence times (obs. rankbldj) and with branch lengths set to 1 (obs. rankBL1). A high obs. rank indicates trait overdispersion. A low mean obs. rank indicates trait clustering. Significance of observed rank based on a two-tail test: significant obs. rank < 250, > 9750 = P, 0.05, marginally significant obs. rank < 500, > 9500 = P, 0.10. Traits n1 Branch lengths scaled to approximate time Flowering time shift (1954-2000) Flowering time tracking Branch lengths set to one Flowering time shift (1954-2000) Flowering time tracking Non-native vs. Native pn2 n3 estimate t value 322 44 11 -0.45 322 44 11 -0.14 322 44 11 0.48 322 44 11 -0.14 1.09 8.94 1.80 7.04 Invasive vs. Native pestimate t value 0.2804 -5.40 0.0000 0.00 0.2980 -5.78 0.0000 -0.06 5.93 0.0000 0.12 0.9011 6.83 0.0000 1.55 0.1269 Non-invasive non-native vs. Native estimate t p-value 0.40 0.92 0.3616 -0.16 -9.93 0.0000 2.33 4.67 0.0000 -0.16 -7.51 0.0000 Table S3. Correlations of phenological response traits for non-native species from Chinnor, England with the Poales clade included. Analyses were conducted with branch lengths adjusted for time and branch lengths set to one. Trait correlations of these phenological response traits (i.e., flowering time shift and flowering time tracking) and non-native/native classes were tested using generalized estimating equations (see main text). n = species sample size within each class: 1) natives, 2) nonnative non-invasives and 3) invasives Traits Concord, Massachusetts Flowering time shift (19002006) Flowering time tracking Chinnor, England Flowering time shift (19542000) Flowering time tracking Flowering time shift (19542000) Flowering time tracking Non-native vs. Native Poales - n1 n2 n3 estimate 259 72 11 134 28 5 p-value estimate 0.50 0.56 0.4167 13.55 6.26 0.0000 -1.08 0.3438 1.18 -0.11 4.22 0.0003 -0.19 0.0138 2.94 -0.10 0.0010 3.82 322 44 11 -0.48 Poales 322 44 11 -0.13 271 41 11 -0.49 271 41 11 -0.08 1.15 8.13 0.97 4.27 t pvalue t Poales Poales excluded Poales excluded Invasive vs. Native Non-invasive nonnative vs. Native pestimate t value 0.3139 -5.57 6.16 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.12 0.7841 -0.15 0.3837 -5.45 5.81 0.0000 0.81 0.0019 0.02 0.53 0.5964 -0.11 0.42 Table S4. Correlations of phenological response traits for non-native species accounting for phylogenetic uncertainty. Each analysis was run using 50 different trees with polytomies resolved randomly. Branch lengths were adjusted for time after resolution. Trait correlations of these phenological response traits (i.e., flowering time shift and flowering time tracking) and non-native/native classes were tested using generalized estimating equations (see main text). The mean of the 50 iterations are presented in the table. n = species sample size within each class: 1) natives, 2) non-native non-invasives and 3) invasives. 0.95 0.2595 9.15 0.0000 1.47 0.2305 5.25 0.0002 Traits Concord, USA Flowering time shift (19002006) Flowering time tracking Chinnor, England Flowering time shift (19542000) Flowering time tracking Non-native vs. Native n1 n2 n3 estimate t p-value Invasive vs. Native estimate t p-value Non-invasive non-native vs. Native estimate t p-value 245 65 11 1.42 1.64 0.11 9.57 5.17 <.0001 0.004 0.004 0.99 126 25 5 -3.68 0.0001 -0.080 -1.02 0.32 -0.12 -3.69 0.001 271 41 11 0.56 1.15 0.2559 -5.74 -6.55 <.0001 2.55 4.78 <.0001 271 41 11 -0.13 -6.24 <.0001 -0.05 -1.44 0.1565 -0.15 -6.67 <.0001 -0.12 Table S5. Phylogenetic correlations of two phenological response traits across non-native and native species’ classes in Concord, USA and Chinnor, England. Phylogentic branch lengths have been adjusted to one. Trait correlations of these phenological response traits (i.e., flowering time shift and flowering time tracking) and non-native/native classes were tested using generalized estimating equations (see main text). n = species sample size within each class: 1) natives, 2) non-native non-invasives and 3) invasives. Traits Habitat specificity Thermal maximum Natal dispersal Change in migration date Migration distance Overwinter in Africa Number of broods Farmland habitat Northernmost latitude Sexual dichromatism European population size Body mass Change in abundance (19701990) n 38 38 45 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 96 Change in abundance 1990-2000 estimate t p-value -1.28 -7.26 0.0012 0.39 4.98 0.0055 -0.18 -0.82 0.4445 -2.81 -12.59 0.0000 -0.77 -5.85 0.0001 -0.65 -4.94 0.0003 0.29 3.66 0.0033 -0.43 -2.95 0.0122 0.03 1.58 0.1404 -0.17 -1.27 0.2276 -0.10 -1.09 0.2954 0.07 0.33 0.7451 0.23 5.88 0.0001 Change in abundance 1970-1990 estimate t p-value -0.45 -1.91 0.1208 0.02 0.22 0.8347 0.00 0.00 0.9995 -1.18 -4.54 0.0007 -0.60 -4.43 0.0009 -0.93 -6.93 0.0000 0.13 1.65 0.1248 -0.70 -4.62 0.0006 -0.05 -3.16 0.0085 -0.10 -0.68 0.5099 0.11 1.06 0.3099 0.86 4.55 0.0007 - - - Table S6. Univariate regression analyses of trait correlations with change in abundance in European birds. The individual regression between each trait and change in abundance (calculated over two time periods: 1970-1990, 1990-2000) was tested using generalized estimating equations. Estimates indicate the direction and magnitude of the correlation. n = species sample size. Traits Habitat specificity Thermal maximum Change in migration date European population size n 38 38 38 38 Change in abundance 1990-2000 estimate t p-value -0.59 -3.71 0.0989 0.29 4.66 0.0717 -2.97 -12.53 0.0166 0.07 1.51 0.3081 Change in abundance 1970-1990 estimate t p-value -0.41 -1.57 0.2326 -0.03 -0.32 0.7757 -0.47 -1.19 0.3356 - Table S7. Multivariate regression analyses of trait correlations with abundance change in European birds using generalized estimating equations. All traits listed were included as co-variates in the regression model. Estimates indicate the direction and magnitude of the correlation. n = species sample size. Chinnor, England Taxon Rubiaceae Rosaceae p.p. (Prunus, Malus, Sorbus) Rosaceae p.p. (Geum, Rosa) Ranunculaceae p.p. (Ranuculus) Ranunculaceae p.p. (Clematis, Ranuculus) Onagraceae Lamiales Fabaceae p.p. (Trifolium) Campanulaceae Asteraceae p.p. (Senecio, Solidago) Apiales Asterales Betulaceae Brassicaceae Caryophyllaceae p.p. (Cerastium, Stellaria) Caryophyllales Dipsacales Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae p.p. (Vicia, Lathyrus) Orchidaceae n 5 Concord, USA mean SD rank Taxon 1.25 0.10 1100 Rubiaceae 7 1.55 10 0.58 5 1.29 Rosaceae p.p. (Prunus, 0.22 8 Amelanchier) Rosaceae p.p. (Rosa, 0.00 7943 Potentilla) Ranunculaceae p.p. 0.22 657 (Ranunculus) Ranuculaceae (Clematis, Ranuculus) Onagraceae Lamiales Fabaceae p.p. (Trifolium) Campanulaceae Asteraceae p.p. (Senecio, Solidago) Apiaceae Asparagales Papaveraceae Primulaceae n 4 mean SD rank 1.42 0.04 786 5 1.36 0.07 857 4 0.77 0.05 8119 3 1.55 0.12 9 4 14 0.87 0.77 0.79 0.01 7715 0.28 8324 0.01 9233 5 2 1.24 0.74 0.02 2527 0.07 7644 405 7 6 40 1.30 0.75 0.55 0.11 635 0.31 6134 0.07 9711 5 2 0.84 -0.02 0.23 5102 0.13 9371 21 13 54 4 15 0.60 0.39 0.26 1.39 1.18 0.16 8941 0.49 9374 0.13 9996 0.12 479 0.09 334 14 4 7 2 4 0.74 0.84 1.19 1.59 1.19 0.11 800 0.23 7489 0.26 2715 0.07 743 0.05 3292 6 25 10 4 1.38 0.34 0.93 1.34 0.13 295 Ericaceae 15 0.04 9965 Cornus 3 0.20 3389 Plantaginaceae 5 0.22 753 Malvaceae/Brassicaceae 3 1.28 0.78 0.80 0.85 0.12 542 0.45 8057 0.21 7956 0.00 7290 4 12 0.48 0.60 0.10 8354 0.06 8457 Plantaginaceae Sapindaceae Saxifragales 12 4 6 0.85 1.51 1.34 0.15 4759 0.10 176 0.02 399 Table S8. Clade means for flowering time tracking in Concord and Chinnor (see also Figure 2 in the main text). Mean values are corrected for phylogenetic relatedness and branch lengths. Means have been standardized by their respective phylogenetically corrected community means: a mean of >1 is inferred to be a good tracker, and a mean of <1 is inferred to be a poor tracker. The standard deviation (SD) of these means is also phylogenetically corrected. Significance of means was tested by comparing the rank of the observed mean (rank) to a null distribution based on 9999 iterations of trait values arranged randomly across the clade tips. A significantly low rank indicates that the clade is composed of good trackers, whereas a significantly high rank indicates that the clade is composed of poor trackers. Significance of observed rank is based on a two-tail test (i.e., significant rank < 250, > 9750 = P, 0.05; marginally significant rank < 500, > 9500 = P, 0.10). n = number of terminal taxa.