Priority adaptations to climate change for Pacific fisheries and aquaculture:
reducing risks and capitalising on opportunities
5-8 June 2012, Noumea, New Caledonia
Pepetua Latasi
Chair, Least Developed Countries Expert Group
I. The Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) and its mandate
II. National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)
III. The national adaptation plan (NAP) process
IV. Regional training workshops for 2012-2013
I. The LEG and its mandate
Established in 2001
Initially to provide technical guidance and advise to LDCs on NAPAs
Functions now include providing support to LDCs on the NAPAs, the LDC work
programme and the NAP process
Has served 4 terms [2002-2003, 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2008-2010], and now in
its 5th term [2011-2015]
10 members from LDCs (5 Africa, 2 Asia, 2 SIDS, 1 from any LDC)
3 members from Annex II Parties
Supports LDCs through
Guidelines, technical papers, publications on NAPAs, etc.
Training workshops, side events, and special events
Regular surveys to LDC focal points, and one-to-one advise; collaboration with
GEF and agencies, and other organizations
II. National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)
• Provide a process for the LDCs to identify and implement priority activities that
respond to their urgent and immediate needs with regard to adaptation to climate
• Approach
a) Participatory process involving stakeholders, particularly local communities;
b) Prominence of community-level input as important source of information;
c) Multidisciplinary approach;
d) Complementary approach, building upon existing plans and programmes
• Characteristics:
a) Easy to understand;
b) Action-oriented and country-driven;
c) Set clear priorities for urgent and immediate adaptation activities as identified
by the countries
The LEG provides support to the LDCs for the preparation and implementation
of their NAPAs, including their revision and update
II. National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)
Country experiences from LEG BP&LL publication, volume 1:
• Well established institutional arrangements to deal with climate
change issues in the country can greatly facilitate NAPA
preparation and implementation and foster strategic thinking for
the consideration of medium- and long-term adaptation options
(Burkina Faso’s experience)
• Focusing on the most affected development-related sectors is a
good way to link the NAPA activities to national development
plans (Sao Tome’s experience)
• A multi-stakeholder consultations during the NAPA preparation
process can significantly help identify nationwide adaptation
needs (Kiribati’s experience)
More experiences available on the LDC Portal: http://unfccc/int/6491
II. National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)
Quick figures on NAPAs
 47 NAPAs have been prepared and submitted to the UNFCCC
 1 LDC is in the final stages of preparing its NAPA
 2 more LDCs are yet to start NAPA preparation
 64 NAPA implementation projects approved by the LDCF as of
May 2012, in 42 countries
 43 NAPA projects under implementation as of May 2012
II. National adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs)
Fisheries in NAPAs – some examples from the Pacific
• Tuvalu NAPA project #1: “Increasing Resilience of Coastal Areas and Community
Settlements to Climate Change”:
a) Carries an objective to integrate CC impacts into the livelihood programmes
currently addressing inshore fishing. The inshore fishing practices will be
disseminated to vulnerable communities and applied to future adaptation and risk
reduction projects
b) Project status: GEF CEO Endorsement: November 9, 2009
• Samoa NAPA project #1: “Integrated Climate Change adaptation in Samoa”:
a) Carries an objective for monitoring of climate trends and provision of
communications on climate risk and early warning shore and off-shore fish stocks.
The monitoring is to aid Samoa’s Ministries in planning for the impacts of climate
change to fisheries and other agriculture-related livelihoods.
b) Project status: advanced stage of implementation on the ground
III. National adaptation plan (NAP) process
Established in 2010
As a process to enable LDCs to formulate and implement national adaptation plans
(NAPs), building on NAPAs, as a means for:
a) Identifying medium- and long-term adaptation needs, and their integration into
development planning;
b) Developing and implementing strategies and programmes to address those
Other developing country Parties to employ the modalities formulated to support the
NAPs in the elaboration of their planning efforts.
Progress so far
Initial guidelines adopted in 2011
The LEG is currently developing detailed technical guidelines
The LEG is also compiling support needs for the NAP process
Financial support is currently being discussed
III. National adaptation plan (NAP) process
To reduce vulnerability to the impacts of climate change, by building adaptive capacity and
To facilitate the integration of climate change adaptation, in a coherent manner, into relevant
new and existing policies, programmes and activities, in particular development planning
processes and strategies, within all relevant sectors and at different levels, as appropriate;
How does the process work
A roadmap approach, with multiple entry points that sequentially connect to each other;
Continuous iterative process with multiple periodic outputs that build on each other;
Allows for flexibility of the choice of approaches.
Key deliverables
Intermediate: gap analysis, vulnerability and risk assessments, cost and benefits of adaptation;
Core: Periodic reports on progress, NAP document to communicate the NAP process and key
outputs for dissemination, driving national policy, submission to UNFCCC, to donors, etc...
Components of the NAP process
• Info for integration
into development
• Info to UNFCCC,
incl. for
• Regular M&E
Laying the
strategy or
and review
• Design and implementation of
projects, programmes, policies
• Analysis of enabling environment for
adaptation (human and institutional
capacities, policies and regulations, etc)
• Assessment of available information on
impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
• Design and development of plans, policies
and programmes to address the identified
gaps and needs
• Comprehensive
vulnerability assessments
• Identifying adaptation
• Integrating adaptation into
• Ensuring stakeholder
• Communication, outreach,
awareness and education
• Developing implementation
• Exploring and promoting
IV. LEG regional training workshops for 2012-2013
Enhance the capacity of LDCs to implement NAPAs successfully;
Enhance the capacity of LDCs to undertake processes for medium- and long-term
adaptation (NAP process), building upon NAPAs;
Promote exchange of information, best practices and lessons learned among the LDCs;
Promote gender and other considerations regarding vulnerable communities in the
design and implementation of adaptation projects
LDC practitioners dealing with NAPA/adaptation-related activities at national levels
Pacific LDCs training workshop, 28 September to 3 October 2012;
Asia LDCs training workshop, 2013;
Africa Anglophone LDCs training workshop, 2013;
Francophone LDCs training workshop, February 2013.
IV. LEG regional training workshops for 2012-2013
The Pacific LDCs workshop
Target region: Pacific LDCs
Dates: 28 September to 3 October 2012
Location: Funafuti, Tuvalu
Invitation for collaboration:
Who? Stakeholders working on areas related to climate change adaptation and
capacity building in the Pacific, in particular regional and national centres (SPC,
SPREP, SOPAC, etc.), individual experts and practitioners, GEF and its agencies
(FAO, UNEP, UNDP, etc.)
How? Making pledges for contributing to the design of the Training Guide (the key
resource materials) and/or for facilitating part of the training workshop
The LEG contact:
LDC webportal: