Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headline Goes Here and Second Line Goes Here Sectoral Approach to Transparency: Pros and Cons Inter-American Development Bank September 18, 2007 Laura Neuman The Carter Center Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headline Goes Here Presentation Outline and Second Line Goes Here Emerging Strategies for Transparency Promotion Benefits of a Sectoral Transparency Strategy Disadvantages to a Sectoral Transparency Strategy A Combined Approach Access to Information: Bolivia Strategies TrainingEmerging Slide Headline Goes Here for and Second Line Goes Here Transparency Promotion Comprehensive Holistic approach: Establishing a fully implemented, enforced, and used access to information law Targeted Specific approach: Provides specific transparency remedies to address particular problems Sectoral Thematic approach: Advance greater flow of information in one area of public administration (without seeking specific all-encompassing legislation) Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headlineapproach, Goes Here In considering and Second Line Goes Here must consider: What is success? What impact are you seeking? What is feasible in the time period? What are the indicators and how can they be measured? Access to Information: Bolivia Sectoral Benefits Training Slide Headline Goes Here and Second Line Goes Here More immediate results and impact Builds on extant legislative framework More easily identifies and engages existing constituencies Stakeholders increased capacity to understand what to ask, how to interpret, an how to apply to fight corruption Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headline Goes Here and Second Line Goes Here Sectoral Benefits cont. Build on stakeholder’s focus area, can dedicate to long-term Develops and refines methods More measurable? Access to Information: Bolivia Sectoral Disadvantages Training Slide Headline Goes Here and Line Goes Here greater Second May not lead to overall transparency May not effectuate the necessary change in public administration Silo approach rather than enhancing transversality of access to information Without enforceability, may not be sustainable Access to Information: Bolivia Training SlideDisadvantages Headline Goes Here Sectoral cont. and Second Line Goes Here • • • Bullet Duplication of efforts and diminished coordination Bullet Bullet Marginalizes groups already engaged in the promotion of access to information More dependent on commitment and continuity of individuals in government In practice, may not be feasible Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headline Goes Here A Combined Approach and Second Line Goes Here Sectoral and Comprehensive Objective of Combined Approach Secure immediate results of a sectoral approach while assuring transformation and sustainability of an enforceable comprehensive transparency regime Access to Information: Bolivia Combined approach Training Slide Headline Goesallows: Here andSecond Linechange Goes Here Immediate may be used by generalists seeking a comprehensive ATI law Lessons learned from sectors may be incorporated into law and applied to all of government Engagement of all interested stakeholders Greater coordination among various interest groups and promotion of links between relevant constituencies Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headline Goes Here Additional questions to consider: and Second Line Goes Here Sustainability Are there really gaps in sectoral funding? Which approach creates greatest demand? Who needs support (government or civil society)? And which approach provides that support? Promoting access to information laws through specialized laws, does that advance access or create fragmentation and inconsistency? Access to Information: Bolivia Training Slide Headline Goes Here and Second Line Goes Here For additional information, please contact Laura Neuman at: