POLIS CONSTITUTION 1000 University Center Lane Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043 (678) 407-5000 http://www.ggc.usg.edu 1|P a g e TABLE OF CONTENTS Article I. Name ............................................................................................................................................... 3 Article II. Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Article III. Eligibility for Membership .............................................................................................................. 3 Article IV. Club Finances & Membership Dues ............................................................................................. 3 Article V. Student Officers & Duties .............................................................................................................. 3 Article VI. Club Advisor of Record ................................................................................................................. 3 Article VII. Election Procedures & Filling of Officer Vacancies ..................................................................... 4 Article VIII. Parlimentary Practice ................................................................................................................. 4 Article IX. Impeachment & Removal from Organization ............................................................................... 4 Article X. Constitutional Amendment Process .............................................................................................. 4 Article XI. Club/Organization History ............................................................................................................. 5 Article XII. Advisor Signature ........................................................................................................................ 5 2|P a g e ARTICLE I. NAME: This organization shall be called (Abbreviated hereafter as POLIS). The Student Political Science Club of Georgia Gwinnett College. In the Greek language, POLIS is translated as a a city-state and also citizenship and body of citizens ARTICLE II. PURPOSE: The purpose of the club is to inform and educate students on the political process of local, state, and national government. We will do this “hands on” approach by holding debates, hosting speakers, trips, and becoming active within the communities of Georgia. ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP: Student membership is limited to students enrolled at least part time at Georgia Gwinnett College with a minimum 2.5 GPA consistent with the Student Handbook. Student membership is also limited to students in good standing (good standing shall be known hereafter as having a minimum 2.5 GPA, and not being on type of probation, suspension, or expulsion at/from GGC) Hazing will not be used as a condition of membership in this organization. Only student members who are active and in good standing are eligible to vote. Students must be enrolled at least part time at Georgia Gwinnett College to be eligible to vote. Membership is open to all students regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability. Tolerance of ideological diversity is protected and promoted. All club events and activities will respect political differences and promote discussion on those differences. Must sign a GGC waiver of liability. Must be enrolled in jovo. ARTICLE IV. CLUB FINANCES & MEMBERSHIP DUES: No membership dues are required upon initiation. Voluntary contributions are welcomed for events or activities. Fundraising raising events will target raising funds for the club. Dues may be implemented after a passed of the issue of implementing dues. Money will be needed for future expenditures, such as, trips, supplies, speaker fees, Etc. ARTICLE V. OFFICERS & DUTIES: President Duties: Holds a vote to decide meeting dates and times, oversees discussions and debates, serves as the contact person for the organization. Oversight of all operations. Presiding officer when present. 3|P a g e Vice President Duties: Serves as Presiding officer in absence of President. Coordinates committees. In charge of Public Relations and major event planning. If the president were to be absent due to suspension or expulsion from GGC, falling out of good standing (in accordance to Article III), or impeached then the vice president will be appointed to the president position. Secretary Duties: Takes club minutes, set and distribute agenda to the sponsor, officers, and members of the club, serves as the repository of POLIS documents. Web master, photographer, minor event planner, presiding office in absence of the President and Vice President. Treasurer Duties: maintains the finances, coordinate the fundraisers, build out fund development opportunities, signs for checks. ARTICLE VI. CLUB ADVISOR OF RECORD: The Club Advisor of Record is Dr. Meg Keiley-Listermann. ARTICLE VII. ELECTION PROCEDURES & FILLING OF VACANCIES: Officers will be elected in the first month of Fall Semester and the first month of Spring Semester and will serve until the end of the term (Term will constitute the entire semester in which they are elected). Nominations will be opened in the first month of each semester and elections will be held in the same month. A simple majority of members of record must be present to reach quorum, advisor must be present. If a vacancy of an officer occurs, a nomination will be opened at a club meeting and an election will take place to fill the vacant position, except in regard to replacing the president in which the vice president will become president. The secretary will notify members of the vacancy and the president will schedule a club meeting to elect a new officer for the vacant position. ARTICLE VIII. PARLIMENTARY PRACTICE: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th ed. (Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Publishing, 2000). ARTICLE IX. IMPEACHMENT & REMOVAL FROM ORGANIZATION: All students are expected to adhere to the standards of the GGC Code of Conduct and maintain the designated minimum GPA to be involved in the organizations. 4|P a g e List reasons why an officer can be impeached include but are not only subject to, misuse of the club funds, being convicted of a felony, falling out of good standing (as specified in Article III), not performing job duties (specified in Article V) Removing an officer and member– Evidence of an Impeachable/Removable offense must be present, whether it is academic related or conduct codes related. Members can be impeached for felony convictions, or falling out of good standing (as specified in Article III). A motion to impeach shall be brought up at a meeting. This motion must pass by a 2/3 vote to move forward with impeachment proceedings. A time and date shall be set for debate on the impeachment immediately after passing of an impeachment motion. The student brought up for impeachment will be given at least a week to prepare his or her defense. After the debate on impeachment a vote will be taken. A 2/3 vote to impeach/remove is need to impeach/remove an officer or member. ARTICLE X. CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT PROCESS: A 2/3 vote of designated members on record with the Student Government Association is necessary. The faculty advisor must be present in the process of amendments. If a student wishes to propose an amendment within the constitution the student must bring textual documentation and support of their proposal. Before proposing the amendment, plans to discuss the possible amendment must be made with the Secretary so time may be set aside for the discussion. ARTICLE XI. CLUB/ORGANIZATION HISTORY: _______ (date) is when the constitution was ratified. Must be approved by the Council on Student Organizations (COSO) and signed by the Director of Student Activities & Leadership Programs. 5|P a g e ARTICLE XII. ADVISOR & INAGURAL OFFICER SIGNATURES: Advisor: Dr. Margaret Keiley- Listermann ____________________________________ Date: _____________ President: Joshua Owens ____________________________ Date:_____________ ARTICLE XIII. CODE OF CONDUCT: All club members are expected to adhere to the guidelines noted above and to be familiar with the GGC Student Handbook in its entirety. Violations of the above guidelines, the GGC Code of Conduct, Student Handbook, or other institutional policies may result in disciplinary procedures and/or suspension of club/organization privileges. 6|P a g e