General genetic law -Janet’s law -“We become ourselves through others” Indexicality out of meaning coconstruction • Wells’ example of ‘development of indexicality’ • The rationale lies not in the activity as such but in the process of intention sharing (co-construction of meaning) • The direction goes from concrete roles dominance to abstract meaning dominance Empirical study 1 ;how different type of play create crisis • Micro genetic evidence • Same children-different play Role play data speaker talk 지선 What's your name? independent initiate 은민 My name is 박은민. What's your name 파 란색(blue) T-shirt? response. Initiate 광일 My name is 광일. How are you? response. Initiate 한울 I'm fine. You are? response. Bound initiate 광일 I'm tired response 은민 Why? bound initiate 광일 Because eleven at sleeping response 광일 How about you? bound initiate 한울 Because I'm sleep twelve O'clock.. response 광일 You are fine 이래매~(laugh) bound response Rule play data speaker talk 은민 School 교재원 flower 심는 거 재미있었어? independent exchange initiate 광일 Yes. It was great. independent exchange response 광일 How about you? bound initiate 은민 뭐라고?(What?) bound response 광일 How about you? bound response 은민 몰라 몰라.(dunno, dunno.) bound follow up treated as bound initiate 광일 너 어땠냐고, 너. (how about you, you.) bound response 은민 Good good good very very good good. I three. 맹희연과 함께 three flower 심었다. (I planted three flowers with 맹희연) response How relations between roles and rules change? • Vygotsky; Ontogenetic explication • Just like child’s dominant action get implicit when the originally peripheral ‘meaning’ get prevailing • Play war ⇒ chess Empirical study 2 ;How personal point of view turn into other’s point of view • A 저 바다를 보면 왕자는 기분이 좋을까 슬플까 (When he sees that ocean, is does the prince feel good or bad?) • TY 슬퍼요 (He’s sad.) • A 불가사리가 좋아요? (He likes the Pulgasari?) • TY 네 (Yes.) • A 왜요? (Why?) • TY 살아났으니까요 (Because it saved his life.) • A 불가사리는 착해요 나빠요? (So is the Pulgasari good or evil?) • TY 착해요 (He’s good.) • A 왜요? (Why?) • TY 사람들을 도와줬으니까요 (Because he helps people, you know!) Morality Without Questions • A 사람들 뭐 하고 있어요? [observer] (What are the people doing?) • TY 춤 추구요, 밥 먹구요 [observer] (They are dancing, and eating) • A 또 [observer] (And?) • TY 신나하고 있어요 [character] (They are excited.) • A TY이 이건 뭐 먹는 줄 알아? [observer] (TY, can you guess what they are eating?) • TY 풀? [observer] (Grass?) 어떻게 해… [reader/viewer] (How can they do that?) • TY 왜 물에서 자요? [reader/viewer] (Why are they sleeping in the water?) • A 집도 없고, 그치? [character] (They don’t have any house, do they?) • TY 그래서 물 안에서 자나? [character] (Is that why they sleep in the water?) • A 응, 동굴. [observer] (Yeah, in a cave.) • TY 어떻게 해. 우리는 여기서 편안히 지내는데… [reader/viewer] (How can that be? And here we are, living so comfortably!) SpeculationHow foreign language learning creates ZPD • By putting the end point of mother tongue learning to the forefront and (almost) starting point to the end. • (learning leads development) Applicationexplicating development of speech • Infancy – Peripheral status • Early childhood – central • School age - Peripheral