The U.S. Program on Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) General Goals* of U.S. CLIVAR US CLIVAR is a research program designed to accelerate progress in achieving several broad and related goals: * to identify and understand the major patterns of climate variability on seasonal and longer time scales, and to evaluate their predictability; * to expand our capacity in short term (seasonal to interannual) climate predictability; * to enhance the reliability of the projections of climate change due to human activity, including the anthropogenically induced changes in atmospheric composition; * to better document the record of abrupt climate changes in the past and the mechanisms responsible for these events, and to evaluate the potential for abrupt climate changes in the future. *The Goals of US CLIVAR follow closely the recommendations in the National Research Council reports, GOALS and DECCEN: A Scientific Strategy for U.S. Participation in the GOALS (Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System) Component of the CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Predictability) Programme. NRC, 1998. Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System Panel, Climate Research Committee. 88 pp. Decade-to-Century-Scale (DecCen) Climate Variability and Climate Change. NRC, 1998. Panel on Climate Variability on Decade-to-Century Time Scales. 175pp. Legacy of U.S. CLIVAR U.S. CLIVAR will: * Enhance knowledge of the climate system; * Advance the ability to predict the future state of the climate system; * Transform the way we do climate science. U.S. CLIVAR will produce: * A climate observing system, with significant improvements in the observing system in and over the oceans; * Better models used to assimilate climate data and to forecast the future state of the climate system; * A dynamically and energetically consistent picture of the evolution of the global climate system throughout the US CLIVAR program, reaching back to perhaps 1970. Short-Term (5yr) Goals for U.S. CLIVAR * Enhance the skill of ENSO predictions * Identify and understand the major patterns of climate variability on seasonal and longer time scales, and to evaluate their predictability * Assessment of the predictability of regional climate variability * Determine the relationship between seasonal-to-interannual climate variability and extreme weather events * Assessment of the anthropogenically forced climate change and it's relationship to the natural patterns of internal variability: present and future * Plausible hypotheses for Abrupt Climate Changes in the Past * Explanation for the recent multidecade trend in the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation (attribution) * To design and implement the global climate observing system A Brief History of U.S. CLIVAR Early 1998: Establishment of U.S. CLIVAR Science Steering Committee (SSC) by an interagency group (IAG) representing NASA, NOAA, NSF, and DOE. The SSC’s charge is to: • provide overall scientific guidance • recommend priorities & effective sequencing of activities • ensure balance within various elements of the U.S. CLIVAR program and to identify scientific gaps • September 1998: First meeting of SSC Broad review of current Agency activities; prepare recommendations for U.S. position paper • December 1998: International CLIVAR Commitment Position paper presented at UNESCO for U.S. participation and commitment in International CLIVAR • January 1999: Second SSC Meeting Discussed coordination with other programs & need for U.S. CLIVAR Project Office; Formed Implementation Panels (IPs) to design, launch, oversee & coordinate CLIVAR related science activities around the Pacific basin, the Atlantic basin, and over the Americas (the Pacific IP, Atlantic IP and Pan American IP) • May 1999: First (Joint) Meeting of Implementation Panels Formulate general implementation strategy & identify items of highest priority to begin U.S. activities in each sector • May 1999: Third SSC Meeting Reports from each IP; Commission SIMAP; Outline actions to include in FY2000 interagency AO • September 1999: Fourth SSC Meeting Overview of US efforts in estimating Anthropogenic Climate Change; Agency summarize presently funded activities relevant to CLIVAR; Discussion of issues related to an Observing System of Climate A Brief History (cont). • January 2000: Second Joint Meeting of Implementation Panels Update the ‘Goals of US CLIVAR’; Initiate development of an over-arching US CLIVAR Implementation Plan • February 2000: Fifth SSC Meeting Hear reports from each IP; Commission Asian-Australian Monsoon WG; Overview of present Climate Observing System; Coordination w/ SEARCH • August 2000: Sixth SSC Meeting Evaluate Regional Implementation Plans drafted by the Atlantic, Pacific and Pan American Panels; Continue work on Over-arching US CLIVAR Implementation Plan. Publications Numerous Publications from US CLIVAR and relevant to US CLIVAR are available on the web at Organizational Structure of US CLIVAR Science Steering Committee Interagency Working Group Atlantic Implementation Panel Pacific Implementation Panel Pan-American Implementation Panel Seasonal-to-Interannual Modeling and Prediction Working Group CLIVAR-PAGES Steering Group Asian-Australian Monsoon Working Group CLIVAR Project Office WWW.USCLIVAR.ORG Dr. David M. Legler 400 Virginia Ave; SW, Suite 750; 20024 Tel: 202 314-2237 Washington DC Fax: 202 488-8681 U.S. CLIVAR Science Implementation Plan (Draft, December 2000. Available on CD) 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is U.S. CLIVAR? 1.2 Scientific Background 1.3 Strategy and Priorities 1.4 Relation to Other Programs 1.5 How this Report is Structured 2. GLOBAL STUDIES 2.1 Improve Data Record Through Analyses 2.1.1 Atmospheric Analyses 2.1.3 Climate Observation Centers 2.1.2 Ocean Analyses 2.1.4 Surface Flux Analyses 2.2 Improve Data Record Through Observations 2.2.1 Weather Observations for Climate 2.2.2 Satellite Observations of the Atmosphere 2.2.3 Satellite Observations of the Ocean 2.2.4 Sustained In-Situ Observations of the Ocean 2.2.5 Atmospheric Time Series 2.2.6 Paleo Observations 2.3 Global Modeling 2.3.1 Seasonal-to-Interannual Modeling and Prediction 2.3.2 Testing Climate Models Using Natural Variability 2.3.3. Process and Modeling Teams 2.4 Empirical Studies 3. REGIONAL FOCI 3.1 Atlantic Sector 3.1.1 The NAO and the Role of the Stratosphere 3.1.2 Tropical Atlantic Variability 3.1.3 The Atlantic MOC 3.1.4 Freshwater and Heat Exchange with the Arctic 3.2 Pacific Sector 3.2.1 Goals of Pacific CLIVAR 3.2.2 Strategy 3.2.3 Pacific Basin Extended Climate Study (PBECS) 3.2.4 Other Regional and Process Studies 3.2.5 Other Supporting Studies 3.3 Pan-American Sector 3.3.1 Understanding and simulating Pan American Climate Variability 3.3.2 Field Studies in the Pan American Region 3.3.3 Building the Pan American Climate Observing System 3.4 Other Regions 3.4.1 The Arctic 3.4.2 Austral-Asian Monsoon Region 3.4.3 Africa; Indian and Southern Oceans Major CLIVAR Panels THEME NATIONAL INTERNATIONAL S/I Forecast and Assimilation S/I Modeling and Prediction WG WGSIP Pan American Monsoon System Pan American Implem. Panel VAMOS Pacific Climate Variability Pacific Implem. Panel Int. Pacific Panel (January 2001) Atlantic Climate Variability Atlantic Implem. Panel Int. Atlantic Panel Austral-Asian Monsoon Austral-Asian Study Group AAMP ----------------- ACSG African Climate Paleo CLIVAR-PAGES WG PAGES Advancing Coupled Models (Model Development WGCM Teams; CRC fallout) Upper Ocean Observing System and State Estimation PIP, AIP, Link to GCOS etc. UOP, TAO Upcoming Events Town Meeting to discuss US CLIVAR GOALS and Draft Implementation Plans Workshop on Decadal Variability, and Meeting of the Pacific Implementation Panel January 2001 January 2001 US CLIVAR SSC Meeting (Washington DC) March 2001 Regional Draft Implementation Plans Finalized Spring 2001 Publications U. S. CLIVAR Position Paper, International CLIVAR Conference, UNESCO, Paris, December 2-4, 1998. 40 pp. Prospectus for a Pacific Basinwide Extended Climate Study (PBECS), draft plan 1998, Lukas, R., R. Davis and W. Kessler. US WOCE Project Office. Pan American Climate Studies (PACS): A Scientific Prospectus and Implementation Plan. 1999, Esbensen, S., T. Mitchell and C.Gudmunson. eds. 40 pp. Atlantic Climate Variability Experiment (ACVE): Science and Draft Implementation Plan. 1998, Visbeck, M., D. Stammer, J. Toole, P. Chang, J.Hurrell, Y. Kushnir, J. Marshall, M.McCartney, J. McCreary, P. Rhines, W.Robinson and C. Wunsch Implementation Plan for Atlantic Climate Variability Experiment: Summary and Recommendations. 2000, Joyce, T., and J. Marshall. Implementing the Pacific Basin Extended Climate Study (PBECS). August 2000, Davis et al. A Science and Implementation Plan for EPIC: An Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System. 1999, EPIC Scientific Steering Committee. The US Reanalysis Program: Climatology for the New Millennium; Report from the First Planning Workshop for the Next US Global Reanalysis, July 2000, Eugenia Kalnay Specific Examples CLIVAR: Basic Science with immediate applications * Improve understanding of sub-gridscale processes that are important for climate, and the parameterization of these processes in climate models. Examples include convection, gravity wave drag, ocean mixing) * Advance the theory of climate predictability (e.g., initialization techniques, methods of prediction) * Application of these advances (e.g., El Nino prediction and beyond) Determine the anatomy and predictability of the long-lived anomalies that are observed (e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation) Predictability of Regional Climate Variations: * Determine the relationship between regional and large-scale circulation anomalies. * Evaluate the predictability of the latter. * Assess method of downscaling. Various methods include empirical, nested models limited area models. * Identify appropriate method (regionally dependent) Specific Examples Mechanisms for Past (paleo) Climates Studies will lead to: * A deeper understanding of the fundamental processes and forcing responsible for today’s climate variability. * Better high-end models for climate research. * Appreciation for processes that enable large, abrupt reconfiguration in the global climate system, like those in the paleo record. * Insight into the potential for future abrupt climate change. Are there hidden surprises associated with increasing Greenhouse gases? Develop methodology for doing climate variability theory so we can avoid common traps that act to hinder progress. Examples: * “It is in the model, therefore it is ...” * Inconsistencies between simulated and observed phenomenon. * Insufficient model exploration to demonstrate explanation of simulated phenomenon is indeed correct. Elements for defining this methodology are rapidly falling into place. Improve the models used for projecting climate change due to human activity Specific Examples CLIVAR provides the expertise and framework to design, implement, evaluate and efficiently utilize the Climate Observing System. Frontier of Technology * The Legacy of existing programs (e.g., TOGA and WOCE) includes a focused region climate observing system for El Nino, and important portions of a global climate observing system (e.g., Topex). However, ... * The Climate Observing System requires global observations of many state variables that are presently not available at sufficiently fine spatial and temporal resolution. * But many are within reach ... Global Precipitation Surface heat and water fluxes Ground Water Leaf Area Index Albedo * CLIVAR will work to implement and evaluate these new technologies, for consideration in a Climate Observing System. Specific Examples Determine the anatomy and predictability of the long-lived anomalies that are observed (e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation) Predictability of Regional Climate Variations: * Determine the relationship between regional and large-scale circulation anomalies. * Evaluate the predictability of the latter. * Assess method of downscaling. Various methods include empirical, nested models limited area models. * Identify appropriate method (regionally dependent) Mechanisms for Past (paleo) Climates Studies will lead to: * A deeper understanding of the fundamental processes and forcing responsible for today’s climate variability. * Better high-end models for climate research. * Appreciation for processes that enable large, abrupt reconfiguration in the global climate system, like those in the paleo record. * Insight into the potential for future abrupt climate change. Are there hidden surprises associated with increasing Greenhouse gases? Specific Examples CLIVAR: Basic Science with immediate applications * Improve understanding of sub-gridscale processes that are important for climate, and the parameterization of these processes in climate models. Examples include convection, gravity wave drag, ocean mixing) * Advance the theory of climate predictability (e.g., initialization techniques, methods of prediction) * Application of these advances (e.g., EL Nino prediction and beyond) Improve the models used for projecting climate change due to human activity CLIVAR provides the expertise and framework to design, implement, evaluate and efficiently utilize the Climate Observing System. Specific Examples Frontier of Technology * The Legacy of existing programs (e.g., TOGA and WOCE) includes a focused region climate observing system for El Nino, and important portions of a global climate observing system (e.g., Topex). However, ... * The Climate Observing System requires global observations of many state variables that are presently not available at sufficiently fine spatial and temporal resolution. * But many are within reach ... Global Precipitation Surface heat and water fluxes Ground Water Leaf Area Index Albedo * CLIVAR will work to implement and evaluate these new technologies, for consideration in a Climate Observing System. Develop methodology for doing climate variability theory so we can avoid common traps that act to hinder progress. Examples: * “It is in the model, therefore it is ...” * Inconsistencies between simulated and observed phenomenon. * Insufficient model exploration to demonstrate explanation of simulated phenomenon is indeed correct. Elements for defining this methodology are rapidly falling into place. Specific Examples CLIVAR: Basic Science with immediate applications * Improve understanding of sub-gridscale processes that are important for climate, and the parameterization of these processes in climate models. Examples include convection, gravity wave drag, ocean mixing) * Advance the theory of climate predictability (e.g., initialization techniques, methods of prediction) * Application of these advances (e.g., EL Nino prediction and beyond) CLIVAR provides the expertise and framework to design, implement, evaluate and efficiently utilize the Climate Observing System. Frontier of Technology * The Legacy of existing programs includes a focused region climate o observing system for El Nino, and important portions of a global climate observing system (e.g., Topex). However, ... * The Climate Observing System requires global observations of many state variables that are presently not available at sufficiently fine spatial and temporal resolution. * But many are within reach ... Global Precipitation Surface heat and water fluxes Ground Water Leaf Area Index Albedo * CLIVAR will work to implement and evaluate these new technologies, for consideration in a Climate Observing System. Specific Examples Improve the models used for projecting climate change due to human activity Predictability of Regional Climate Variations: * Determine the relationship between regional and large-scale circulation anomalies. * Evaluate the predictability of the latter. * Assess method of downscaling. Various methods include empirical, nested models limited area models. * Identify appropriate method (regionally dependent) Determine the anatomy and predictability of the long-lived anomalies that are observed (e.g., Pacific Decadal Oscillation, North Atlantic Oscillation) Specific Examples Mechanisms for Past (paleo) Climates Studies will lead to: * A deeper understanding of the fundamental processes and forcing responsible for today’s climate variability. * Better high-end models for climate research. * Appreciation for processes that enable large, abrupt reconfiguration in the global climate system, like those in the paleo record. * Insight into the potential for future abrupt climate change. Are there hidden surprises associated with increasing Greenhouse gases? Develop methodology for doing climate variability theory so we can avoid common traps that act to hinder progress. Examples: * “It is in the model, therefore it is ...” * Inconsistencies between simulated and observed phenomenon. * Insufficient model exploration to demonstrate explanation of simulated phenomenon is indeed correct. Elements for defining this methodology are rapidly falling into place.