Web for Employee - Finance

Web for Employee - Finance
Accounts Payable-Purchase
Peg Pierangeli ext. 1326
Brenda Miller ext. 1322
Budgets / Requests for Funds:
Wendy McColgan ext. 1330
Brenda Miller ext. 1322
Cash Receipts / Deposits /
Accounts Receivable:
Joan McGranahan ext. 1375
Nancy Kelly ext. 1325
Diane Scutti ext. 1329
Bill Anderson ext. 1276
Gerri McGettigan ext. 1276
Finance Technical Support:
Brian McCauley ext. 3343
Contact us via email at:
Web For Employee-Finance
Web Address: http://hawkview.sju.edu
•Click Login to Secure Area
•Enter User ID and Pin number.
•You will be asked to reconfirm your pin number
•Click Employee Services
•Click Financial Information Menu
This is the main Finance Menu
Budget Queries: Allows you to review budget and actual information. You can
also perform a year to year comparison with budget queries.
Encumbrance Query: Allows you to view encumbrance(purchase order)
information by account.
Multiple Line Budget Transfer: Allows you to perform budget adjustments.
Budget Adjustment Query: Allows you to search for budget adjustments posted to
an organization (department) code.
Budget Queries
Budget queries allow you to review budget and actual information. You can also
perform a year to year comparison with budget queries. Once in Budget Queries,
the options you have are as follows:
Create Query: to create a new query
Retrieve Query: run a query from an existing template
Once a query is created, it can be saved as a template so it can be reused in the
future. Templates can be personal (P) or shared (S). Shared templates will be
created by Office of Financial Affairs for all users to access. Any user can access
a shared template. Personal templates can be created by any user, but can only be
seen and used by the creator of the template.
There are 2 types of budget queries you can create:
Budget Status By Account
Budget Status By Organizational Hierarchy
Budget Status by Account: allows review of budget information by
You can obtain 3 levels of information from the query.
The 3 levels are:
1. Account Detail: totals for account code
2. Transaction Detail: transactions related to the account code.
3. Document Detail: documents related to the transactions.
Budget Query by Organizational Hierarchy: allows review of budget
information by organization.
You can obtain 6 levels of information from this type of query.
The 6 levels are:
1. Organization Hierarchy: totals for the organization queried.
2. External Account type (level 1): totals for level 1 account types.
3. External Account type (level 2): totals for level 2 account types.
4. Account Detail: totals for accounts
Budget Queries
Once you select which type of query you would like to execute,
you will be taken to the below screen to select the columns:
Available Data:
The following data is available to display as a column in your query:
1. Adopted Budget: This is the budget as July 1 plus any permanent
2. Budget Adjustment: This is the moving of budget funds from one account
code to another account code.
3. Adjusted Budget: This is the adopted budget plus any temporary
4. Temporary Budget: This is a total of the temporary budget adjustments
for the fiscal year.
5. Year to Date: This is the total of the actual year to date transactions.
6. Encumbrances: This is the amount of purchase orders encumbering a
particular account code.
7. Reservation: This is the total of electronic requisitions pending approval.
Currently, electronic requisitions are not being utilized.
8. Commitments: This is the total of the encumbrances and reservations.
9. Available Balance: This is the amount of the adjusted budget less year to
date activity less commitments.
Place a check in the boxes you wish to display in your query and when you are finished,
click continue.
Budget Queries
Once you have checked the boxes you wish to display in your query, the next step is to
select the financial parameters. Once you have keyed in the necessary information,
click submit query to execute.
Below is a description of the parameter information:
Fiscal Year: (required) This field should always have a value by default. You can click on the drop down menu to
select the year you wish to query.
Fiscal Period: (required) This field should always have a value by default. You can click on the drop down menu
to select the period you wish to query. Fiscal Periods correspond with the fiscal year which starts
July 1. They are 1 to 12, with 1 equal to July, 2 equal to August, etc.
Comparison Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period: (optional) You have the option to display a second fiscal
year and period for comparison purposes.
Chart of Accounts: (required) Default is J. Currently, J is the only valid chart.
Fund: (optional) Identifies source of funds (i.e. operating-salary or nonsalary, grant, restricted).
Organization: (required) Department.
Grant: Not used at this time.
Account: (optional) Identifies the type of expenditure.
Program: (optional) Designates reporting classification on financial reports (i.e. instruction, institutional support).
Index: Not used at this time.
Activity: (optional) If appicable, further defines classification of a transaction.
Location: Not used at this time.
Fund Type: (optional) A higher (summary) level of viewing funds.
Account Type: (optional) A higher (summary) level of viewing accounts.
Include Revenue Accounts: (optional) Place a check in the box if you wish to include revenue
information in you query.
Budget Queries
Your query results will be displayed on the screen. The numbers displayed that are
underlined have a more detailed breakdown behind them. Click on the underlined
number to get the more details.
Below is the detail transaction screen:
Definition of column headings:
Effective Date: The date the transaction is posted to Banner.
Date Entered: The date the transaction is entered into Banner.
Document Code: The number which identifies the transaction (This is the number you
should reference when calling the Treasurer’s office with a question).
Vendor Transaction Description: Lists the vendor name (if an invoice) or description of
journal entry or budget adjustment.
Amount: Dollar amount of transaction.
Transaction Type: Identifies whether the transaction is a journal entry, budget adjustment,
invoice payment, cash receipt or payroll transaction.
Budget Queries
Common Transaction Types
Here are some common transaction types you may encounter:
Permanent Budget Adjustment: This adjustment will be part of the adopted budget
Temporary Budget Adjustment: This adjustment will not become part of the adopted budget.
Carry Forward Budget Adjustment: This is a carry forward of budget funds from the previous fiscal year.
Invoice with Encumbrance: This is a payment from a purchase order.
Invoice without Encumbrance: This is a payment from a request for funds.
General Journal Entry: This is an entry to charge departments for services or to make a correcting entry.
Banner AR: This is a revenue transaction.
Miscellaneous Cash Receipt: These are department funds deposited with the University Cashier in the
Treasurer’s office.
Searching for Criteria
Built into the query parameter selection is the ability to search for foapal (fund, organization,
account, program code, activity code, location) information. To initiate the search engine, click
on the button of the field you wish to search.
When you click on a button (organization, account, etc) the following search box will apppear:
Chart of Accounts: always J
Maximum number of rows returned:
Click on the drop down box to show the number of rows you wish to display on your
screen at one time.
Account Criteria:
Enter as much as you know. You can use the wildcard (%) to fill in the rest. For
example, you are looking for the postage account, but are not sure of the number. You
know that the account starts with a 7. If you enter 7% in the search box, all accounts
staring with a 7 will be returned.
If you wish to search for all values, just place the wildcard in the field.
Title Criteria:
You can also perform a search based on title. Again, if you were looking for the postage
expense account, but were not sure of the number, you could search by title. In the title
criteria box, enter %post%. The search will return all accounts with the string of
characters that contain post. Surrounding a string of characters by the wildcard will
return all records that match your query string.
Execute Query:
When you have entered all information, click the execute query button to retrieve results.
Creating a Template
Click on the drop-down menu to select which type of query (by account or by organization), then
click create.
Next, place check marks in the boxes for the columns you wish to see in your query. Click continue
to view query results.
Note: Each screen going forward contains a “Save Query as” box. You can save your query at any
time in the process of creating it. Any time you add or change info, you must save again to retain
Once query results are displayed, you can click on any underlined field to view more
detail. Computations can also be added to a query to further analyze data presented.
Adding Calculated Columns to Query Results
Once a query has been created and data retrieved, you have the ability to add
calculated columns to your results. The operations available add, subtract, multiply,
divide, or get a percent of two columns. You can name the column(s) and choose where they
are to be displayed. In the picture above, a column called pct spent, displays the percentage of
budget spent.
To add a column click on the drop down boxes and select a field to build a computation:
Column 1: First field to add to computation
Operator: Mathematical operation to be performed
Column 2: Second field to be added to computation
Display After Column: Select the column in which you would like your computation
New Column Description: Enter a description of new column
Once all fields have been selected and a column description added, click add computation to
refresh your query with the new column created.
Computations created can also be removed by selecting a column from the drop down menu (if
more than one exist) and clicking the remove computation button.
Encumbrance Query
Encumbrance queries allow users to view encumbrance information by account.
Encumbrance queries can only be executed for one specified year. Templates can be
created and saved for future use.
To execute an encumbrance query:
Select a Fiscal Year by clicking on the drop down box.
Select a Fiscal Period by clicking on the drop down box. Values listed are 1 through
12, with 1 representing July, 2 is August, etc.
Encumbrance Status is All, Open, or Closed.
Enter the accounting information you wish to retrieve.
Required Data:
A value must be entered either in the organization field.
The wildcard (%) may be used for the Organization field.
If you wish to save your query as a template, type a name in the SAVE QUERY AS
box and click the SUBMIT QUERY button.
Encumbrance Query
Query results:
Document Code: Purchase order number
Description: Vendor name
Original Commitments: The dollar amount the purchase order was originally established for.
Encumbrance Adjustments: An adjustment to a purchase order that is not a payment
(i.e. change order, cancel order).
Encumbrance Liquidation: Payments made against the purchase order
Year to Date: Total of invoices paid against the purchase order
Current Commitments: Any funds remaining on the purchase order
% Used: Percentage of encumbered funds that have been spent
Multiple Line Budget Transfer
Select Multiple Line Budget Transfer
Multiple Line Budget Transfer Form
Transaction Date: This will automatically
populate with the current date. You can not
change this date.
Journal Type: There are two types of journal
entries that can be made electronically. These
types are:
BDD(Budget Adjustment – Dept Level) –
Regular budget adjustments made by
BDG(Budget Grants – Dept) – Budget
adjustments for grants only.
1. BDD(Budget Adjustment – Dept Level)
These budget adjustments can be used to move money from one line to another within
your budget or within budgets you have security access to. There are some restrictions
to BDD. For all budget adjustments that have restrictions placed on them, a paper copy
should be sent to the Treasurer’s Office-Budgets. The Office of Financial Affairs will
review your request and post the adjustment if it is approved.
Multiple Line Budget Transfer
Electronic budget adjustments cannot be made to the following account codes:
1. Revenue
2. Salary – These adjustments must be approved on paper by the VP for your area
and by the Assistant Director of Payroll. All approvals should be obtained before
forwarding the paper copy to the Office of Financial Affairs.
3. Staff Benefits and FICA – Budget adjustments must be included with salary
4. Utility Accounts- Account codes 7551-7557
5. Cost Recovery – Account codes 7701-7705
6. Custodial Account – 7563
7. Student Related – Account codes 7011-7039
2. BDG (Budget Grants-Dept) These same restrictions apply to BDG. These
adjustments will be electronically routed to the Grants Accountant who will
approve/disapprove the grant based on stipulations set forth in the grant documents.
***In order to navigate from one field to the next you can use the tab key or
the mouse. The enter key will not work. To return to the previous field you
can use “shift Tab” or the mouse.
***Dollar amounts do not have to be entered with decimal points.
Multiple Line Budget Transfer
Select either BDD or BDG
Document Amount: This is the total of the transfer to(+) and transfer from(-) amounts.
Enter the first line of the adjustment.
# - All fields must be entered with the exception of Activity code.
Chart: Enter J. This stands for St. Joseph’s University’s Chart of Accounts .
Fund: Identifies source of funding(operating, restricted, grant).
Org: Organization code. Department number.
Account: Identifies the type of expenditure.
Activity: Further defines classification of a transaction. Optional code, if applicable.
Amount: Dollar amount you want to transfer to or from the line.
- or +: If you want to transfer from a line use the – sign. If you want to transfer to a
line use the + sign.
Enter the remainder of the budget lines. There are only five lines that can be entered
to a budget adjustment.
Description: A complete description of why the entry is being made.
Budget Period: This is the fiscal month of the entry. This corresponds with the
transaction date and will default based on this date.
Click on Complete button to finish the journal entry. If the entry is completed
successfully you will receive the following message:At the top of the screen you will
receive the message “Document J###### completed and forwarded to the Approval
Process.” Your document will be posted to BANNER in a few minutes. To view your
document you can go into the Budget Queries menu.
If there was an error in the document you will receive an error message.
Typical error messages.
1. Document amount must be entered.
2. Description must be entered.
3. Amount must be entered.
4. From Amounts, XXX, not equal To amounts of XX.
5. Detail amounts, XXX, not equal document amount of XX.
6. Cannot use the salary fund.
7. Account code must be an operating account.
8. Cannot use ….(see restrictions above)
Multiple Line Budget Transfer
The entry will not be completed until you correct your errors. Once corrections are
made, click on complete and the document will post giving you the message,
“Document completed and forwarded to the posting process”.
After you have completed one adjustment successfully, you may enter another budget
adjustment. Click on the Another Transfer button at the top of the screen. Your
previous entry will be cleared and you may begin a new entry.
To exit the screen, click on the exit button located on the right hand side at the top of
the form.
To return to Budget Queries or Encumbrance queries, click on the menu button located
on the right hand side at the top of the form.
Multiple Line Budget Transfer
Searching for Criteria
Chart of Accounts: always J
Type: Select the type of lookup: Fund, Org (organization), Account, Activity
Code Criteria:
Enter as much as you know. You can use the wildcard (%) to fill in the rest. For
example, you are looking for the postage account, but are not sure of the number. If you
are looking for an account and you know that the account starts with a 7, you can enter
7% in the search box. All accounts staring with a 7 will be returned.
If you wish to search for all values, just place the wildcard in the field.
Title Criteria:
You can also perform a search based on title. Again, if you were looking for the postage
expense account, but were not sure of the number, you could search by title. In the title
criteria box, enter %post%. The search will return all accounts with the string of
characters that contain post. Surrounding a string of characters by the wildcard will return
all records that match your query string.
Maximum number of rows returned:
Click on the drop down box to show the number of rows you wish to display on your
screen at one time.
Execute Query:
When you have entered all information, click the execute query button to retrieve results.
Budget Adjustment Query
The Budget adjustment query form will allow you to search for
the budget adjustments posted to an organization(department)
Select Budget Adjustment Query
Budget Adjustment Query Form
Chart of Accounts:Always J
Enter: Fund, Organization and Account.
The only required field is Organization.
Transaction Date From: Date you would
like to begin query.
Transaction Date To: Date you would like
to end query.
Document amount greater than: If you
would like to query on a specific document
amount enter the document total.
Budget Adjustment Queries
Below is the detail transaction screen:
Your query results will be displayed on the screen. The document number that
is displayed has a more detailed breakdown behind them. Click on the underlined
number to get the transaction detail.
Definition of Column Headings:
Transaction Date: The date the transaction is entered into Banner.
Document Code: The number which identifies the transaction.
Document Description:List the description of the budget adjustment.
Document Amount: List the the total value of the document.
Transaction Type: Identifies the type of budget adjustment.
The Transaction Report below lists the To and From lines of the budget adjustment:
Changing Pin Number
From the Main Menu, click Personal
Information Menu
From the Personal Information Menu,
click Change Pin
Enter current pin number, then the
new pin number and reconfirm.
Note: The pin number must be
numeric and six digits long.
Click Change Pin to complete the
Formatting a web query into a spreadsheet
Once you have your query results
on screen you can save the query
as a file. Once the file is saved, it
can be formatted using a
spreadsheet tool. Follow the
steps below:
Step1: Save the query
results to a file. To do this,
go to the menu, select File,
Save As.
The Save As box will
appear. Select a directory to
store your file and select a
file name. Click Save when
A Saving Location box appear
while your file is being saved.
When the box disappears, the
process is finished and the file
is ready to bring into a
Formatting a web query into a spreadsheet
STEP2: Open Microsoft Excel. Once
excel is open, from the menu, select
File, Open.
The Open box will appear.
Make sure the Files of Type
(lower left corner) is set to All
Select the path where you
saved your file, select your file,
and click open.
When you click open, your
saved file will appear. You
will have to do some
formatting to get it to look
the way you want.
Some formatting tips:
When opening the saved file in excel, the links (blue underlined) are preserved. They
show up in the file, but will not allow you to link to anything. One suggestion to remove
the link format is to copy and paste special the numbers to a different part of the
spreadsheet. When you paste special, select the option to only copy the values. At
this point you should see values without the links. You can copy and paste back into
the area you want your numbers to appear.