GeoKids LINKS Year-end Survey for Teaching Fellows. You thoughtful participation in the evaluation of this program is much appreciated. Your responses to this and other surveys will be used to help improve the program, and to provide data to funders of the program. Your name will not appear on any individual data or quotes used in reports. You can either print this form and write into it, or open it in MS word and type into the spaces. Background information Name: ____________ How much time have you been involved in GeoKids LINKS? ___________ How successful have you been in accomplishing the following objectives during the past year of GeoKids, in your opinion? Very successful Somewhat successful Neutral Not very successful Not successful at all Sharing subject matter expertise with your partnering teachers Sharing subject matter expertise with the students as a group Sharing subject matter expertise with students one-on-one Introducing new materials and methods for instruction (curriculum units, lesson planning, preparation) Providing or creating teaching materials, including hands-on exercises Introducing new classroom technology (e.g computers, software.) Providing teacher partners with contact to science content resources Improving your own teaching skills Serving as a role model for students Completing your coursework Making progress on your research project Please comment here (or on the back of the paper) about any of the above. Include any comments about the appropriateness of these goals, ideas about better ways to achieve them, etc. How important was each of the following resources in helping you meet your GeoKids LINKS objectives? Very important Somewhat important Neutral Not very important Not important at all The summer workshop The monthly meetings with teachers and Wagner staff Your teacher partners School principals and other staff Wagner education staff Other teaching fellows Your SJU faculty research mentor Faculty associated with the GeoKids LINKS project Please comment about any of the above. Using the following scale, indicate your level of understanding of the K-12 issues below, both before and after your involvement in GeoKids LINKS this year. no understanding 1 minimal understanding 2 significant understanding deep understanding 3 4 Before GeoKids LINKS The experience of elementary school teachers in the classroom General issues in elementary school science education reform (standards, assessments, etc.). Barriers to improving elementary school science education Roles I can play to help improve science education Special needs of children in urban Philadelphia schools How to create age-appropriate curriculum materials How to create curriculum materials aligned with K-12 standards Approaches to teaching Ways to assess student learning How to participate in future K-12 outreach activities Please comment about any of the above. After GeoKids LINKS Using the following scale, rate your skill level for the items below, both before and after your participation in GeoKids LINKS this year. no skill 1 minimal skill 2 moderate skill 3 great skill 4 Before GeoKids After GeoKids LINKS LINKS Managing multiple and/or conflicting demands on my time Working effectively on a team Explaining science topics to a non-expert audience Making presentations Writing collaboratively Please comment on any of the above. What do you see as the most worthwhile outcomes of your participation in GeoKids LINKS from the perspective of the children you worked with this year? What do you see as the most worthwhile outcomes of your participation in GeoKids LINKS from the perspective of the teachers you worked with this year? From a personal perspective, what do you see as the most worthwhile outcomes of your participation in GeoKids LINKS this year? What do you see as having been the largest barriers to this program being more successful? What improvements need to be addressed for next year’s program? How, if at all, has participation in this program influenced decisions about your career? Feel free to include any additional comments you feel will help us improve the program and/or measure its success.