Weather Data Few Fields Deal With Such Quantities of Information • Climatological Data • Observational Data • Model Output Data Collection • Weather is observed throughout the world and the data is distributed in real time. • Many types of data and networks, including: – – – – – – – – Surface observations from many sources Radiosondes and radar profilers Fixed and drifting buoys Ship observations Aircraft observations Satellite soundings Cloud and water vapor track winds Radar and satellite imagery Data Collection • Satellite data is now the dominant data source (perhaps 90%)—we are talking hundreds of terabytes per day • Huge increases in the numbers of surface stations and aircraft reports. Data Quality Control • Automated algorithms and manual intervention to detect, correct, and remove errors in observed data. Pacific Analysis At 4 PM 18 November 2003 Bad Observation Observation and Data Collection Radiosonde ASOS: Automated Surface Observing System: Backbone Observing System in the U.S. Observing Networks at the Surface 3000-4000 observations per hour over WA and OR ACARS: Aircraft Observations Generally on wide-body aircraft Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System Weather Satellites Give Us Much More than Pretty Pictures • We start with imagery in several wavelengths: – Visible – Infrared – Water vapor (wavelengths where we see the water vapor distribution) • Plus the ability to get winds from tracking clouds/water vapor, vertical soundings, and winds based on ocean waves Better than Star Trek! Each wavelength gives us information Cloud and Water Vapor Track Winds Based on Geostationary Weather Satellites QuickScat Satellite Bounces microwaves off the ocean surface Capillary waves dependent on wind speed and directon Camano Island Weather Radar Numerical Weather Prediction Objective Analysis/Data Assimilation • Numerical weather models are generally solved on a three-dimensional grid • Observations are scattered in three dimensions • Need to interpolate observations to grid points and to insure that the various fields are consistent and physically plausible (e.g., most of the atmosphere in hydrostatic and gradient wind balance). Objective Analysis/Data Assimilation • Often starts with a “first guess”, usually the gridded forecast from an earlier run (frequently a run starting 6 hr earlier) • This first guess is then modified by the observations. • Adjustments are made to insure proper physical balance. • Objective Analysis/Data Assimilation produces what is known as the model initialization, the starting point of the numerical simulation. Model Integration: Numerical Weather Prediction • The initialization is used as the starting point for the atmospheric simulation. • Numerical models consist of the basic dynamical equations (“primitive equations”) and physical parameterizations. “Primitive” Equations • • • • • 3 Equations of Motion: Newton’s Second Law First Law of Thermodynamics Conservation of mass Perfect Gas Law Conservation of water With sufficient data for initialization and a mean to integrate these equations, numerical weather prediction is possible. Example: Newton’s Second Law: F = ma Simplified form of the primitive equations Numerical Weather Prediction • A numerical model includes the primitive equations, physics parameterization, and a way to solve the equations (usually using finite differences on a grid) • Makes use of powerful computers • Keep in mind that a model with a certain horizontal grid spacing is barely simulating phenomenon with a scale four times the grid spacing. So a 12-km model barely is getting 50 km scale features correct. P Forecast Skill Improvement NCEP operational S1 scores at 36 and 72 hr over North America (500 hPa) National Weather Service 75 S1 score 65 "useless forecast" 55 36 hr forecast 72 hr forecast 45 Forecast Error 35 10-20 years Better "perfect forecast" 25 15 1950 1960 1970 Year 1980 Year 1990 2000 NGM, 80 km, 1995 2001: Eta Model, 22 km 2007-2008 12-km UW MM5 Real-time 12-km WRF-ARW and WRF-NMM are similar December 3, 2007 0000 UTC Initial 12-h forecast 3-hr precip. 2007-2008 4-km MM5 Real-time Surface Temperature-12km Temperature-1.3 km Many Models • The National Weather Service runs several models. • So do other weather services around the world. • So do regional groups like the UW. • HUGE amounts of output! (each run can easily produce 100s of GB. More Models Yet • In a real sense, the way we have been forecasting is essentially flawed. • The atmosphere is a chaotic system, in which small differences in the initialization…well within observational error… can have large impacts on the forecasts, particularly for longer forecasts. • Not unlike a pinball game…. A More Fundamental Problem • Thus, there is fundamental uncertainty in weather forecasts that can not be ignored. • We should be using probabilities for all our forecasts or at least providing the range of possibilities. • There is an approach to handling this issue that is being explored by the forecasting community…ensemble forecasts. Ensemble Prediction • Instead of making one forecast…make many…each with a slightly different initialization • Possible to do now with the vastly greater computation resources that are available. The Thanksgiving Forecast 2001 42h forecast (valid Thu 10AM) SLP and winds 1: cent Verification - Reveals high uncertainty in storm track and intensity - Indicates low probability of Puget Sound wind event 2: eta 5: ngps 8: eta* 11: ngps* 3: ukmo 6: cmcg 9: ukmo* 12: cmcg* 4: tcwb 7: avn 10: tcwb* 13: avn* Ensemble-Based Probabilistic Products Probability Density Functions Everywhere PROBCAST: The National Weather Service Data Interaction Forecaster at the Seattle National Weather Service Office AWIPS Problems in Communication Icons are not effective in providing probabilities And a “slight” chance of freezing drizzle reminds one of a trip to Antarctica Commercial sector is no better A great deal of research and development is required to develop effective approaches for communicating probabilistic forecasts which will not overwhelm people and allow them to get value out of them. Traditional Approaches of Weather Information Dissemination/Display Are Incapable of Delivering the Specificity and Volume of Data Typical TV weathercasters have only 2-4 minutes! Many of us worried about this problem in the 90’s but now the solution is literally at hand There are now HUNDREDS of weather apps for smartphones…and the best are yet to come! The End