The Greenhouse Effect Global Warming 101 Huge Amount in the Media and the Political Realm on this Issue Inconvenient Truth: Basically Accurate But Contains Some Errors Downplays Global Warming The Day After Tomorrow: Global Warming Causes Ice Age: Complete Nonsense In contrast, others hold that the lack of warming of the planet over the past ten years indicates that global warming is no real threat George Will ..and that scientific consensus is a myth …but thousands of scientists from around the world have written a series of reports indicating the imminent threat of global warming due to mankind’s influence IPCC Reports Some ask: How can scientists predict climate when they can’t get the next week’s weather forecast right? What is the truth? What is biased and wrong? What do we know for sure? What are the uncertainties? What will happen here? “Greenhouse Warming” Makes Earth Liveable The Earth With No Atmosphere (infrared) Earth’s surface would be 60F cooler than today…no life. But the Earth has an atmosphere! • Dominated by gases such as nitrogen and oxygen • Also includes greenhouse gases. What is a Greenhouse Gas? • Greenhouse gas is a gas that that is relatively transparent to solar radiation, but absorbers and emits in the infrared…the type of radiation the earth and clouds emits. • Some examples: – Water vapor – Carbon dioxide – Nitrous oxide – Methane – Chlorofluoromethanes Earth With An Atmosphere That Includes Greenhouse Gases Partly (infrared) Greenhouse Gases Warm the Earth in a Similar Way That Blankets Warm Us at Night The Problem: Rapidly Rising Greenhouse Gases Due to Mankind Gases Trapped in Ice Gives Us a History of the Gases in the Atmosphere The Problem: greenhouse gases have increased but will continue to increase But it is worse than that… • There are a number of natural “amplifiers” of mankind’s emission of greenhouse gases. • The warming due to increased carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases will cause more water to be evaporated from the earth’s oceans. Why? • The amount of evaporation increases with temperature. • The amount of water vapor air can contains increases rapidly with temperature • Water vapor is the most potent greenhouse gas and thus causes even MORE warming. • This is caused a positive feedback. But it gets even worse… • Warming temperatures melt snow and ice. • Snow and ice help cool the planet because they reflect much of the sun’s radiation….that is why you need sun glasses while skiing. • As the snow, melts less radiation is reflected to space and more is absorbed. • Thus, the earth gets warmer, which melts more snow. • Another positive feedback! The Technology of Climate Prediction • Atmospheric scientists use complex climate prediction models…called General Circulation Models…to predict the future climate. • These models are similar to weather forecast models, but allow the gases in the atmosphere to change. • They also simulate the evolution of the oceans. • Have to assume the future emission of greenhouse gases by mankind…a major uncertainty. • These models are not perfect and cannot exactly replicate the current climate….but they are close and getting better each year. • Use some of the largest supercomputers in the world Details on Current Study: GCM • Which Scenario Will Mankind Follow? IPCC Report, 2001 IPCC Report, 2001 How good are are climate models? • The technology is constantly being tested and improved in our weather prediction models. • But even more important, how well can we duplicate the climate of the past hundred years? IPCC.AR4.2007 Range of Global Warming Sample Climate Model Output for 2100 Projections of Future Changes in Climate Projected warming in 21st century expected to be greatest over land and at most high northern latitudes Precipitation Subtropics Drier, Midlatitudes/Polar Regions/Tropics Moisten Winter Summer Global Warming is NOT Uniform • Arctic warms up the most for a number of reasons, including the melting of sea ice. • Continents warm up more than oceans. • Eastern oceans up less than western oceans. • In general, the dry areas (e.g., the SW) will get drier and wet areas (e.g., British Columbia) will get wetter. Uncertainty: Get Used to It! • Considerable uncertainty regarding global temperature changes (roughly 1.5 to 4 C) • Even more uncertainty for local changes • Uncertainty has not lessened much even with past decades of research. Temperature Change in the NW Figure 1. Average annual temperature change for the Pacific Northwest (in °F, relative to the 1901–1960 average). The dashed line is the fitted trend.ii Climate Change in NW • Temperatures have warmed by about 1 F over the past 120 years. • This warming appears to have been occurring over the entire period, with short-term excursions due to natural variability (e.g., the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO) • There is no discernable trend in precipitation. Warming in the Northwest • It appears that there has been little human-caused warming in most of the Northwest so far. • This makes a lot of sense--our weather has controlled by the Pacific and the eastern Pacific is one of the last places that will warm significantly. • Global warming will be weaker and delayed here…but it will happen in force by the end of the century. Change in Winter Surface Air Temperature (°C) for 1979-2008 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 +0.2 +0.4 Air Temperature Trend (1979-2005) +0.6 +0.8 +1.0 +1.2 +1.4 Cascade snowpack hasn’t changed in the last 30 years Future of the Northwest • Several groups are using very high resolution simulations forced by the global climate model predictions • Gives a view of the local implications of global warming. • Could our mountains and other local features make it worse or better? Advice: Don’t buy this after 2050! Can We Predict Climate When We Can’t Forecast Next Week’s Weather? In weather prediction we forecast the exact state of the atmosphere at some time in the future • Tomorrow’s high in Spokane will be 67F • It will rain tomorrow afternoon after 3 PM In Climate Prediction we DON’T do this. • We predict average quantities over extended periods. • Example: the mean winter temperatures will be 3F higher over the Pacific Northwest. • MUCH easier to do. • Furthermore, the average conditions are closely controlled by the amount of radiation reaching and leaving the planet-and we can figure that out fairly well. Should we expect stronger storms and more floods under global warming? We don’t know. And there is no reason to expect stronger storms here. • The number of windstorms and floods have increased during the past decade or so in Washington, but DECREASED in Oregon. • Storms follow the jet stream --a current of strong winds in the upper atmosphere-and most climate models predict the jet stream will move northward. • It is possible that storms here might WEAKEN under global warming. Extreme Claims • Greenhouse warming “advocacy” groups and some activist scientists have been making unfounded claims that individual extreme weather events are undoubtedly the effects of global warming. • The media highlight such reports as if they were true. • Many are not. New Study by Professor Elizabeth Barnes of Colorado State “Using the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 5 multimodel ensemble, we demonstrate that climate models consistently project a decrease in the frequency and persistence of the westward flow that led to Sandy’s unprecedented track, implying that future atmospheric conditions are less likely than at present to propel storms westward into the coast.” Claims That Extreme Events are the Result of Global Warming are Often Unsupported by the Facts Texas Temperatures No Real Trend IPCC Report on Extremes: Quite Moderate Finally, does the lack of warming during the last ten year’s mean anything? No, one should expect this. • Atmospheric temperature trends are a combination of man-caused global warming and natural variations, which are quite significant. • The global warming signal will increase rapidly this century, but natural variations will not. • So one expect some short period when natural cooling balances out global warming. • Eventually, global warming wins. Bottom Line • Global warming and its local implications are serious. • There are significant uncertainties, but they are NOT in whether global warming will occur, but rather the magnitude and its local effects. But even without human-caused greenhouse warming the earth’s climate would change Milankovitch Cycles Eccentricity of Earth’s Orbit • Varies over 10s of thousands of years Obliquity and Precession Fig. 14-12, p. 396 Periodic Ice Ages Can We Stop the Next Ice Age The End