Since cooperative education assignments are an integral part of my educational program at Saint Joseph’s University (the
“University”), and since their successful completion is necessary for graduation, I, ____________________________ the
undersigned student, understand and agree to abide by the following:
As a cooperative student I will be alternating specific periods of academic study and employment. The cooperative
position at an employer is assigned to Food Marketing at the University, and not to the student working there at any
particular time. Therefore, I will work for the cooperative employer for the specific period of time indicated in this
Agreement and at the end of that time voluntarily return to school to continue my academic studies toward graduation.
Every cooperative position requires a minimum time commitment by the student of 16 weeks unless prior arrangements
have been made with the Faculty Program Advisor or Director responsible for that position.
I will carefully investigate, through the Food Marketing resources, available information about a prospective employer, and
will seriously consider the requirements of the position before interviewing for the position. I will make a decision to accept
a position only when I am fully aware of, and willing to honor, my responsibilities to the cooperative employer. I will make
a prompt decision so that another student may be offered the position if I decline it. Referral of students is the prerogative
of the Food Marketing Cooperative Education Program. Therefore, I will not refer any other student to a cooperative
I authorize the University and Food Marketing to release to prospective cooperative employers information relating to my
academic transcript and cooperative education records to assist in my effective placement.
Once having accepted a position. I will not seek out or accept a cooperative assignment from any other employer for the
same period.
Upon accepting a cooperative assignment, I recognize my responsibility to perform all tasks assigned to me to the best of
my ability, to meet all the standards and conditions of my employment, and to abide by the work schedule established by
my employer.
I am to notify my Employment Director and my Academic Advisor of any significant changes in my status which could
have a direct effect on my performance as a participant in the cooperative program.
In the event that, with the approval of my Employment Director, I obtain my own temporary position, I must complete the
appropriate petitions.
It is my responsibility to complete a Student-Employer Evaluation Form as well as submit to my Faculty Program Advisor,
an employer approved written report at the conclusion of each cooperative period.
I agree not to sue the University and hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the University from any and all liability that
may occur due to my participation in the Cooperative Program.
In consideration of the opportunity to participate in the Cooperative Program, I release and discharge the University, its
trustees, officers, employees, and agents from all liability defined herein arising out of or in connection with my
participation in the above described Program. For the purpose of this Agreement, liability means all claims, demands,
causes of action, suits or judgments of any kind (including court costs and attorney’s fees) that I, my heirs, executors,
administrators, assignees, or any other person or entity may have against the University because of my death, personal
injury, illness, or for loss arising out of the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the University. I hereby agree that this
Agreement shall be constructed in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
I am aware that my conduct on each Cooperative Assignment is subject to the policies and procedures of the University,
the Academy of Food Marketing, and the employer, as outlined in the University Student Handbook, The Handbook for
the Student Internship Cooperative Education Program, and the employer’s personnel handbook.
Student Name (please print or type)
Student Signature