CIS-213 INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LOGIC II USING THE C++ LANGUAGE 2006 ******************************************************* * * * The fifth project will be due on * * * * Have your materials ready in a folder on the due date * * * ******************************************************* New concepts in program # 5 include string data manipulation using several of the standard library string functions available in the header files <string.h> and <ctype.h. We will use the getline ( ) function to input data from our file. After you have successfully compiled and executed your program, you need to hand in the following materials in your folder: (1) a listing of your source code (2) the results of your program PROGRAM SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROGRAM # 5 INPUT: The name of the input file is: STRGDATA.TXT Refer to the handout for the actual contents of the input file. FORMULAS (ALGORITHMS): 1. The five (5) totals are simply an accumulation of all the vowels, consonants, spaces, lines and punctuation marks for each and every character in each and every non_duplicate line. CONSTRAINTS: When you attempt to open your file, if there is a problem, simply display the message “Problem opening the input file” and exit the program. CIS-213/Program # 5/Page 2 OUTPUT: Listed below is a sample of what your output may look like after you execute (run) your program. Actual Text of the File entitled - STRGDATA.TXT (Without Duplicate Lines of Code) There several built-in C++ functions that can be used to test for any number of characteristics of your input data. You can test to see if your character data is alphabetic, digital, uppercase, lowercase, a space, a punctuation mark and much much more. You must pass a character variable or a constant argument to the function by placing the argument in the function parentheses when you call it. These functions all return a true or false result, so you can test their return values inside an if statement or a while loop. TOTALS FOR THE TEXT FILE ENTITLED STRGDATA.TXT SUMMARY REPORT PREPARED BY: PUT YOUR NAME HERE DATE: 2006 The total number of vowels is: The total number of consonants is: The total number of spaces is: The total number of lines is: The total number of punctuation marks is: nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn CIS-112/Program # 5 Page 3 PSEUDOCODE - FUNCTION REPORT ( ) : Begin Open input file Print headers above the listing of the file entitled strgdata.txt (see sample output) While ( !indata.eof ( ) ) { indata.getline (data_in [ index ] , 80, ‘\n’ ); index++; } Print first line of the array For (row=0; row < index; row++) Begin If (array-item [row] not equal array_item [row +1] Begin Print [ row + 1 ] Add 1 to total lines For ( col = 0; col < 79; col++) Begin if a vowel - add 1 to total vowels if a consonant - add 1 to total consonants if a space - add 1 to total spaces if a punctuation mark - add 1 to total punctuation marks End of inside for loop End of if statement End of outside for loop Print totals (including headers - see sample output ) End of main ( )