
• The study of the structure
and evolution of the
Universe as a whole.
• Seeks to answer questions
such as:
The Hubble Deep Field
How big is the Universe?
What shape is it?
How old is it?
How did it form?
What will happen to it in
the future?
Distribution of Galaxies
A map of one million galaxies
• Galaxies appear to be
distributed throughout the
• Galaxies clump together
into clusters and
• Distant galaxies appear to
be moving away from us.
• We know this from the
redshifts in the spectrum
of galaxies.
The Big Bang
A plot of the distance of
galaxies versus their
recessional velocity.
The slope of the line is
Hubble’s constant.
• Since the Universe is expanding it
must have been smaller in the past.
• At some point in the past the entire
Universe must have been packed into
some very small size.
• In 1927, Abbé George Lemaitre, a
Belgian cosmologist and priest
proposed that the Universe began as a
“Primeval Atom” and estimated its
• To estimate the age you need to know
the expansion rate – in other words
Hubble’s Constant, H.
• H is 71 +/- 4 km/sec/Mpc giving an
age to the Universe of 13.7 +/- 0.2
Billion years.
The Expansion of the Universe
• The motion of galaxies away from
us is due to the expansion of the
• Like raisins in a loaf of bread,
when baked, all move away from
one another, so too are all the
galaxies moving apart.
• The raisins (galaxies) are not
moving. It is the bread (space)
itself that carries the raisins
(galaxies) away.
• Space itself is expanding and
simply carrying the galaxies with
Olber’s Paradox / Size of
Observable Universe
• Q: If the universe is infinite in extent, why isn’t the night
sky uniformly bright in all directions from the light from
all galaxies?
• Answers
– The light from distant (rapidly receding) galaxies is
redshifted to wavelengths we can’t see with our eyes
– If (since) stars did not exist at the very beginning of the
universe, we receive no starlight beyond the distance to
the oldest stars (the forest of stars is limited)
– The light from galaxies outside our cosmic horizon has
not reached us
Cosmic Horizon
Composition of the Early Universe
• As the Universe cooled Hydrogen
nuclei began to form.
• Conditions were still hot enough
for fusion reactions to occur
forming Helium.
• Nearly all elements heavier than
Helium however were formed later
by stars.
• We notice that the oldest stars have
much less heavy elements than the
Sun. This is further evidence for
the Big Bang theory.
• After neutral atoms formed the
radiation that filled the Universe
was allowed to freely propagate.
Cosmic Nucleosynthesis
A particle physicist’s proof of the
Big Bang
Curves show the relative fraction of
primeval elements compared with
the proton-neutron density for the
present day.
The bottom line is that the universe
was 24% Helium after the Big
Bang; the remaining 3% (presentday abundance of Helium is 27%)
was made in the core of stars.
This has been verified by
comparing the amount of Helium in
old stars with that of newer stars
(made from fusion-processed gas
ejected by supernovae).
A prediction of this theory is that
we should see a cosmic microwave
background in all directions in
Cosmic Microwave Background
• Universe was so dense initially that any emitted light was
absorbed on-the-spot (opaque)
• At some point the universe expanded and cooled enough
so that the radiation due to the temperature of the matter
(recall Wien’s law) could propagate and reach us today
• The universe became transparent at about 380,000 years
after the Big Bang, when it was about 3000K
• Since the universe is expanding that radiation is redshifted.
The spectrum of the radiation today has a characteristic
temperature of 2.7K (in the microwave region of the
electro-magnetic spectrum
Cosmic Microwave Background
Surface of Last Scattering
The First Few Moments
• Initially the Universe was incredibly hot.
• Matter and energy were freely transforming into one another
through Einstein’s Mass-Energy relation.
• The mass formed were in matter anti-matter pairs. Matter and
anti-matter destroy one another when they come into contact but
just enough matter existed to survive.
• This remaining matter is what fills the Universe.
Big Bang Timeline
Geometry of the Universe
•Closed/finite: sum of
triangle angles is more than
180 degrees
•Open/infinite: sum of
angles is less than 180
•Flat: sum of angles is 180
•How to measure a large
enough triangle in the
•Instead look at size of
CMB fluctuations
The Universe is Flat
fluctuations on
a scale
to theoretical
fluctuations for
a flat universe
The Accelerating Universe
Observations of distant Type Ia
supernovae suggest that the expansion
of the universe is accelerating.
A consequence of this
observation is that the universe
may continue expanding
Critical Density
Dark Energy
The Fate of the Universe
An HST picture showing a nearby
galaxy and dozens of more distant
• The Universe may expand
forever (open) or it may
collapse back in on itself
• Which occurs depends on the
amount of mass in the
• With enough mass, the mutual
gravitational attraction will
slow the expansion and cause it
to collapse.
• Astronomers do not see enough
mass to cause this collapse to
• There might be enough “Dark
Matter” however.