Faculty Senate Minutes Thursday, November 19, 2009 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM, CH-105 1. 1. Attendance: Please check-in on the attendance roster. In attendance, Senate officers and delegates—Mark Hubley (FO President), Swazette Young (FO Vice President), Kathi Linville (Nursing), Eldon Baldwin (at large), Rosanne Benn (Educational Development), Laura Ellsworth (Public Safety & Law), Alan Mickelson (at large), Darlene Antezana (Liberal Arts), Charles Thomas (CIS), Nicole Ives (BSBS), Leon Weaver (Student Services), Daniel Jones (at large), Len Sekelick (Liberal Arts), Greg Weiss (Business Management), and Sherry Kinslow (Social Sciences). There was not a quorum at the beginning of the meeting. 2. Review the Agenda for the 11/19/09 meeting. Discussion only due to lack of quorum 3. Review the Minutes of the 11/5/09 meeting. No approval due to lack of quorum 4. Calendar Fall 2009 important dates A. College closed or no classes i) Labor Day, college closed, Sat. 9/5—Mon. 9/7 ii) College Enrichment Day, no classes, Tue. 10/27 iii) Thanksgiving, no classes, Wed. 11/25; college closed, Thu. 11/26—Sun. 11/29 B. Other important dates i) Last day to withdraw from 15-week classes, Fri. 11/20 ii) Final exam week, Fri. 12/11—Thu. 12/17 iii) Grades due, 4:00 PM Fri. 12/18 November/December important dates E. Senate meetings i) Thu. 11/5, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 ii) Thu. 11/19, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 iii) Thu. 12/3, 3:15—5:00 PM, Accokeek 221 F. Board of Trustees meetings i) Thu. 11/12, 7:00 PM, Kent 262 ii) Thu. 12/10, 7:00 PM, Kent 262 G. College-wide Forum i) Tue. 11/3, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B ii) Tue. 11/17, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B iii) Tue. 12/1, 2:00—3:30 PM, LSC B H. Academic Council i) Thu. 11/12, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133 ii) Thu. 12/10, 3:00—5:00 PM, CAT 133 1 5. Attachments A. Minutes from the 10/15 meeting B. Candidates for still more elected positions (at end of this document) C. Draft revisions of promotion and tenure prodecures 6. Reports A. Senate President o Mark Hubley reported on the question of Faculty Emeritus Status: Anne King’s name has been mentioned, but the college has no formal procedures. Mary Stevenson’s name was also mentioned. Hubley will convene an ad hoc committee to develop a process. Appoint members who are interested. Possible criteria to include recipients of the Faculty Senate Excellence Award. B. Senate Vice President o o Swazette Young reported that the Salary and Benefits Committee is finishing up work on a faculty salary proposal: Found full text of the Hendricks Report (will email link to members of the Senate. All faculty?) Plan to present the salary proposal: First to the Senate Then forward to FO for information Then to HR through the CWF Executive Committee CWF procedures will require HR to report back to CWF (for information) and to FO. HR will soon report back to CWF regarding the proposal for domestic partner benefits. General discussion about the governance process – it has improved in recent years. C. Academic Council o o Hubley reported there was discussion of Spring Opening Week Activities on Tuesday – Thursday (1/19-1/21) following MLK Monday Holiday. Working on meeting schedule. Unclear as to topic of the area meeting. Faculty need to be available to help with registration – times when most help is needed may have shifted from morning to early afternoon. Discussing institutional “Philosophy of Education.” D. Representative from President’s Leadership Team o o o o o Eldon Baldwin reported that the PLT met on November 18. Andrea Lex presented an integrated planning and budget model. Brenda Mitchell and Brian Holland discussed organization and programs of the Office of Grants and Development. Ethel Shepard-Powell (CSO) initiated a discussion of institutional values, and encouraged the PLT to discuss values during future meetings. Baldwin e-mailed agenda, minutes, and presentations to all Senate members. 2 E. College-wide Forum i) Representative from Faculty Organization Laura Ellsworth reported that the CWF has created an ad hoc committee on smoking. John Bartles is co-chair The issue was raised by the students, but no students have joined the committee thus far. ii) Facilities Committee Rosanne Benn reported that the Committee on Transportation, Access and Parking continues to meet. Dave Mosby will be reporting to CWF regarding the status of signage. iii) Human Resources Committee iv) Budget Advisory Committee v) Campus Culture Committee vi) Learning Committee vii) Technology Steering Committee Baldwin previously shared a draft proposal for training faculty to employ technology in their teaching and learning activities. (last Senate meeting – attached at end) Name of program is now TechExpress. Shared with the Faculty Professional Development Committee. TSC will be meeting on December 3 to discuss the proposal further. viii) Strategic Planning Committee ix) Assessment Committee E. Chairs’ Council o Discussing Testing Center issues. Situation improving. Additional positions being advertized. Faculty may not end an exam on the day of a class meeting. Faculty may once again submit new exams on Monday. G. Adjunct Faculty H. Representative from the Student Governance Board 7. Old Business A. Update on benefits proposals B. Tenure and promotion revisions o o Hubley reported that the committee working on revision of promotion and tenure procedures continues to meet, including one more meeting this fall. The committee plans to disseminate a draft plan to Senate, Chairs Council, and administration by the first week of February. C. Faculty Grievance Committee (FGC) o Danny Jones has met with the committee and shared the following options that the committee had discussed thus far: Disband – write a letter to the Senate. 3 o o Work to revise the Title 3 procedure (e.g., include a constituency member in the hearing process). Make a case to retain the committee based upon the issue of Academic Freedom This is an ongoing discussion and the committee has not reached consensus on any particular action. Hubley said he would like to receive some response by spring. There was a general discussion of CSO mediation procedures. Noted that CSO process is different from that of the AAUP. Alan Mickelson has researched this process previously, and agreed to obtain information for the Senate. Hubley will ask the FGC if they wish to keep working on the issue or if they would prefer for the Senate to appoint an ad hoc committee to discuss the issue and make recommendations to the Senate: One advantage to this approach would be that interested faculty who are not members of the FGC could participate. (e.g., former members, current department chairs, etc.) D. Elections o o Spring elections are scheduled during March 2010. Please contact the nominating committee if you are currently in a position that is up for election, and indicate whether or not you are willing to run again for this position. Hubley and Young will not be running again for the positions of FO President and Vice President. Please start recruiting candidates to run for these positions. E. Other old business? _________________________________________ 8. New Business A. Full-time Faculty Contracts Baldwin reported that during the last meeting of the President’s Leadership Team, Dr. Dukes was pointing out that the college can and must continue to work 12 months of the year, even though faculty are not on contract during the summertime. Baldwin concurred, but pointed out that the model for our full-time faculty contract is over 50 years old, and suggested it might be time to consider a different model contract (e.g., Valencia CC). As the hour was late, the Senate agreed to place this topic on the agenda for the December 3 Senate meeting. 9. Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings A. Full-time faculty contracts 10. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5:05 PM. 4