English 2230: Children’s Literature
Professor Kramer
Fall 2010 Syllabus
Office: M-3073
Office Phone: 322-0579
English Dept.: 322-0563
Office Hours: M: 2:30-3:30, T: 2:00-3:00 TH 12:30-1:30, 3:30-4:30
E-mail Address: (Required code in “Subject” heading: CCGP07)
Required Texts
Tomlinson, Carl M., and Carol Lynch Brown. Essentials of Children’s Literature, 6th.
ed. Allyn & Bacon, 2008
Lukens, Rebecca. A Critical Handbook of Children’s Literature, 8th. ed. Allyn & Bacon,
Course Packet: English 223: Children’s Literature Supplemental Readings (available in
the College Bookstore, listed with your other required texts)
Required Tradebooks
These tradebooks which everyone in class is required to read, are available in any library
and have been ordered for this course through the College Bookstore.
White, E.B. Charlotte’s Web
Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Freedman, Russell. Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery
Lowry, Lois. The Giver
Kadohata, Cynthia. Kira Kira
Van Draanen, Wendelin. Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief
Konigsburg, E.L. The View From Saturday
Objectives of Children’s Literature
1. To familiarize students with the major writers, illustrators and works in the five
primary genres.
2. To enable students to develop standards and understanding about judging the literary
value of children’s books.
Expected Course Outcomes
Students who successfully complete the course will be able to:
Identify a wide variety of children’s books from the different genres.
Explain the important literary criteria for evaluating a children’s book.
Identify and explain literary terms.
Write analytically about each aspect of children’s books including genre,
illustration, childhood development, style and content with appropriate
1. 3 partially open-book tests for 30% of the grade. The tests are challenging and will
contain questions from all reading in the texts, from all handouts which I distribute, from
the assigned tradebooks, and possibly even videos viewed in class. It is important to
carefully study and organize your information before you come to class on the day of a
test, as you will only have one hour and fifteen minutes to complete each test. The last 30
minutes of the class I will allow you to open up your books and consult your notes and
the Supplemental Readings. I do not give makeup tests.
2. 6 Portfolio essays totalling 20% of your grade; I do not accept late portfolio
entries. You may revise three to improve your overall average, but you cannot simply
resubmit revisions as these are optional. Instead, you must see me in a conference format
during office hours before the last day of class. In order to revise these essays you must
visit me on your own time, and you must bring both the originals and the revisions and
I’ll reassess based on content improvement. There is also a “Bonus Portfolio” option,
which you can substitute in addition to your revisions for a fourth portfolio “revision”
(see Portfolio assignments). You cannot revise an essay you never submitted; therefore, it
is always in your best interest to submit something when an essay is due, even if it’s not
your best work. Portfolio essays should be written in essay format; every portfolio entry
should begin with an introductory paragraph and thesis statement to focus the entry, and
coherent and unified paragraphs should develop your major points. Be sure to read the
“Guidelines” to accompany the Portfolio of Student Writing. These short essays must be
typed and double-spaced with a standard 12 inch font and one inch margins. You should
follow MLA format for labeling with your name, date, etc. The minimum length
requirement for each entry is 2 pages; anything shorter will receive a “0.” These short
essays make up the bulk of your writing in this course, and should be comprehensively
developed with strong examples from the reading. They should be focused, organized
and polished. Portfolio essays will not be given a letter grade, but will be assessed on a
four point scale with a v++ equalling four points, a v+ equalling three points, etc..
3. Annotations of 15 readings which you will find in almost any public library (these
include the tradebooks), totalling 10% of your grade. I do not accept late annotations,
and annotations for the major tradebooks are due at the start of class, as we will typically
discuss plot during that class period. These are an easy “A” for 10% of your grade as
long as you do the assigned reading and write comprehensive plot summaries. In other
words, you should briefly summarize the sequence of events hitting all of the high points
of plot in the book from beginning to end. You should also include some detailed
information from the book in your plot summary that demonstrates you indeed read
the book, as opposed to a general plot summary I might read on the back of the
book. If I feel your plot summary is incomplete, you may not receive credit for the
annotation, and these cannot be made up. If you complete at least 12 annotations and do
a comprehensive job on them, you will receive an “A” for 10% of your grade. Students
who complete less than 12 annotations will not receive a passing grade for the allotted
10%. In other words, you will earn either an “A” or an “F” on the annotations. You
must use the annotation form on the first page of your Supplemental Readings.
Photocopy the form or scan it into the computer for all of your annotations. Feel
free to write on the back of the page or attach additional pages if necessary.
4. Group Projects/Tradebook Presentations on 4 out of 7 tradebooks will total 15% of
your grade. It is imperative that you begin working together early in the semester and
manage your time as a group. Details of the Group Projects will follow.
5. Illustrators Reports will comprise 15% of your grade. You will be expected to present
an illustrator and his/her art orally to the class. Your report will be a timed presentation
where you will be expected to provide concrete biographical researched information and
discuss his/her contributions to Children’s Literature, along with awards earned. A major
objective of the illustrators Reports includes your awareness of his/ her artistic style
through examples, and your ability to provide visuals of the artist’s illustrations,
either through book illustrations, a brief slideshow, powerpoint, etc..
6. Attendance and Class Participation will account for 10% of your grade. You are
allowed to miss six classes without penalty, but you are still required to meet submission
deadlines or make other arrangements for any work due on those days. Students who
miss a class and wish to make up any work must contact me prior to the class missed and
request an extension, except in cases of emergency; otherwise a “O” is assigned to any
work not submitted on the day it is due. I do not give makeup tests. Missing more than
six classes will result in the loss of a letter grade from your final grade in the course
and may result in failure of the course. An “excused” absence, outside of your allowed
six, requires medical or court documentation, and Doctor’s notes must have a contact
number. If you are late you will be marked “tardy,” and 3 tardies equals one absence. If
you miss more than 1/3 of the class it is considered an absence. In other words, if you are
more than 25 minutes late to class or you leave class with more than 25 minutes
remaining, you will be marked absent.
Your professional behavior is expected, and improper behavior cannot and will not be
tolerated. You are all adults who pay good money for your education, and class time
belongs to all students. It is part of my responsibility to insure that the classroom climate
remains conducive to learning at all times. Therefore disruptive behavior of any kind will
be dealt with in strict accordance with college wide policy. Please remember to turn your
cell phones off; answering a phone call or text messaging in the middle of class is both
rude and disruptive. Although I don’t mind if you eat or drink during class, please do so
without being loud and disruptive, and be sure to clean up after yourself. When someone
else is talking, whether it is me or a classmate, you should be respectful and not talk at the
same time. There are other “givens” about conducting yourself in a professional manner
that I will assume you are aware of and will follow as adults.
A Statement on Civility at Prince George’s Community College
At Prince George’s Community College, student learning is our first priority. In order to
promote a community of scholarship and culture and civility, everyone at Prince George’s
Community College is expected to be respectful, tolerant and courteous toward others at
all times.
At PGCC, we value a community where we work to instill respect and appreciation for
members of the college community, our facilities, our environment, our community and
our institution.
Creating a culture of civility both inside and outside the classroom is everyone’s
responsibility. To this end, students are expected to exhibit and practice civil behaviors
that exemplify:
Respecting faculty, staff, fellow students, guest and all
university property, policies and rules.
Taking responsibility for your actions and choices.
Accepting the consequences of your actions.
Communicating in a courteous manner at all times, both
verbally and non-verbally.
No classes – College closed – Presidents’ Day
Last day to apply for spring graduation
Last day to withdraw from first-half semester classes
No classes – College closed – Spring break
Monday, February 15
Tuesday, February 16
Wednesday, March 3
Mond-Sund, March 29-April 4
Last day to withdraw from full semester classes
Last day to withdraw from second-half semester classes
Final exam period/last week of spring 2010 classes
No classes – College closed – Memorial Day Observed
Summer sessions begin
Friday, April 16
Friday, April 30
Tuesday - Monday, May 11-17
Thursday, May 27
Saturday-Monday, May 29-31
Tuesday, June 1
Begin open registration for all summer 2010 sessions
Advance registration for fall 2010
Begin open registration for fall 2010
Monday, April 19
Monday-Friday, April 26-30
Monday, May 3
Students requesting academic accommodations are required to contact the Disability Support Services
Office (B-124) or call (301) 322-0838 (voice) or (301) 322-0122 (TTY) to establish eligibility for services
and accommodations. Students with documented disabilities should discuss the matter privately with their
instructors at the beginning of the semester and provide a copy of their Student/Faculty Accommodation
The Prince George's Community College Code of Conduct defines the rights and responsibilities of students
and establishes a system of procedures for dealing with students charged with violations of the code and
other rules and regulations of the college. A student enrolling in the college assumes an obligation to
conduct himself/herself in a manner compatible with the college's function as an educational institution.
Refer to the 2009-2010 Student Handbook, beginning on page 49, for a complete explanation of the code of
conduct, including the Code of Academic Integrity and the procedure for dealing with disruptive student
The college is an institution of higher learning that holds academic integrity as its highest principle. In the
pursuit of knowledge, the college community expects that all students, faculty, and staff will share
responsibility for adhering to the values of honesty and unquestionable integrity. To support a community
committed to academic achievement and scholarship, the Code of Academic Integrity advances the
principle of honest representation in the work that is produced by students seeking to engage fully in the
learning process. The complete text of the Code of Academic Integrity is in the 2009-2010 Student
Handbook (pages 50-53) and posted on the college's website.
Delayed College Openings
When the college announces a delayed opening, all classes with at least 45 minutes of
class time remaining at the time of the opening will be held. For example, in the event of
a 10 a.m. opening, a 9:30-10:45 a.m. class will be held. This procedure applies to all
credit classes.
Where to turn for help
I have an “open-door” policy, and should you need help outside of class, you should feel
free to see me during office hours. These operate on a “first-come, first serve” basis, and
you need not schedule an appointment. When I am not in my office, you can slip a note
in my faculty mailbox located in Marlboro 3072, leave a voicemail message, or leave a
phone message with the secretary in the English Department. The English Department #s
are: 301.322.0563, 0562, 0561. You may also choose to send me an e-mail. Include the
following code and don’t send any attachments: CCGP09. This code should appear
in the “subject” heading of any e-mail you send me. The code prohibits legitimate
messages from being evaluated wrongly as SPAM, but does not allow emails that contain
a virus or illegal attachment into our network. Should you desire feedback on a piece of
writing, simply “copy” and “paste” either part or all of it into an e-mail.
Center for Work-Based Learning
Marlboro Hall, Room 2102
The Center for Work-Based Learning assists students with combining work
experience and academic study. Students are placed in jobs or internships where they
may apply classroom learning to the real world. Faculty and on-site supervisors
monitor the training to assure that it is relevant to the student’s major. College credit
is earned for this work-based learning. Work sites are located throughout the
Washington, D.C. area as well as in Europe and Africa.
Collegian Centers
The College’s five Collegian Centers provide a “place to belong” outside of the
classroom. They bring students in particular disciplines together for co-curricular
activities and opportunities:
Administration of Justice – criminal justice, forensic science,
and paralegal/pre-law
 Bernard Center – business management and accounting
Humanities – art, communication, English, language studies,
music, philosophy and theatre
PSE – psychology, sociology, teacher education, and early
childhood education
STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Hillman Entrepreneurs Program
Marlboro Hall, Room 2051
Students in any major, who have a passionate desire to start, run, or own a business,
may apply for admission to the Hillman Entrepreneurs Program. Admission is
competitive. The program builds entrepreneurial skills, pays up to 64% of tuition,
provides a $500 stipend, and, qualified students transfer to the University of Maryland
College Park as Hillman Entrepreneurs where they have up to 64% of their tuition
paid and receive a $1,000 stipend.
Honors Academy/Program
Marlboro Hall, Room 2051
The Honors Academy admits academically outstanding honors students who are
interested in a rigorous program of academic excellence, intellectual development,
leadership and community service. Prince George's Community College Honors
Program promotes students’ intellectual growth and enrichment.
International Education Center
Lanham Hall, Room 221
The International Education Center provides academic support and assistance to
students who need help with courses or with understanding the American higher
education system. The Center brings international and American students together for
learning enrichment activities, including a variety of discussion forums that foster
awareness and understanding of cultural issues.
Service Learning
The Service Learning Program encourages the development of civic responsibility
through students’ participation in service projects within the community that support
their academic objectives. Through Service Learning, students learn actively by
applying principles learned in the classroom while developing critical reflective
thinking as well as personal and civic responsibility.
Student Development Services
Student Development Services offers programs that provide students with advising, individual
counseling, and mentoring. For more information, call 301-322-0886 or check the website:
Computer and Learning Labs
Hours of Operation
Learning Lab
Marlboro Hall
Room 2129
Mon.-Thurs.: 8 am – 9 pm
Fri.: 8 am – 4 pm
Sat.: 8:30 am – 3 pm
Sun.: 10 am – 1 pm
Open Computer Lab
Bladen Hall
Room 104
Mon.-Thurs.: 8 am – 10 pm
Fri.: 8 am – 5 pm
Sat.: 9 am – 5 pm
Sun.: Closed
Hours of Operation
Math Learning Center
Marlboro Hall
Room 3104
Mon.: 9 am – 9 pm
Tues.: 8 am – 8 pm
Wed.: 9 am – 8 pm
Thurs.: 9 am – 9 pm
Fri.: 9 am – 6 pm
Sat.: 9 am – 3 pm
Sun.: Closed
Other Resources, Services, and Academic Support
Hours of Operation
Largo Student
Ctr. Room 116
Hours vary at beginning and end of
the semester. Please call or check
website to confirm.
College Life Services
Largo Student
Ctr. Room 149
Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 am – 5 pm
Distance Learning
Offices Rm. 100
Mon.-Fri.: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Phone support available until 9 pm.
Lanham Hall
Mon-Thurs.: 8 am – 8 pm
Room 112
Testing Center
http: //
Bladen Hall
Room 100
Fri.: 8 am – 5 pm
Sat.: 10 am – 3 pm
Sun.: Closed
Mon-Thurs.: 8:30 am – 8:30 pm
Fri.: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
1st Friday of each month:
8:30 am – 2:30 pm
Sat.: 9 am – 3:30 pm
No additional students will be
admitted for testing 30 minutes prior
to the posted closing time.
Mon-Thurs.: 8:30 am – 8:30 pm
Fri.: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Sat.: 9 am – 3:30 pm
Tutoring and Writing
Bladen Hall
Room 107