SCHEDULE OF EVALUATIONS FULL-TIME FACULTY, CHAIRS, AND COORDINATORS Schedule/Frequency Evaluation Regular evaluations Years 1, 2, and 4 Comprehensive evaluation for all full-time faculty. Every 2nd year Every 5th year Special evaluations Every year* Every 2nd year* Any year Comprehensive evaluation every two years beyond the fourth year for full-time faculty who do not have tenure or the rank of full professor. Comprehensive evaluation every five years after the faculty member has attained the rank of full professor or is tenured. A partial evaluation (form A-1 only) is required of faculty receiving six or more equivalent hours (ECH) per semester to coordinate Academic Affairs initiatives, centers, and programs (e.g., International Education Center, Tutoring Center, Mentoring Program). A partial evaluation (form A-1 only) is required of department chairs, and all faculty receiving five or more ECH per semester of reassigned time. Where applicable, this evaluation is to occur in the second year of each two-year term. A full-time member of the faculty may undergo a comprehensive or partial evaluation in any year by written request of the faculty member or the ILS. If an ILS requests an evaluation and the faculty member disagrees, the faculty member may send a written rebuttal to the ILS and dean; the dean will decide whether or not to proceed with the evaluation. A member of the faculty applying for promotion or tenure must have a comprehensive evaluation within one year of application. *If a comprehensive evaluation is required in the same year, then this partial evaluation will be part of the comprehensive evaluation. January 30, 2009