2016 Teaching and Learning Grants Program SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING AND LEARNING STREAM APPLICATION Complete this form clearly and fully, using the description of the adjudication criteria in the grants program materials on the Taylor Institute website (www.ucalgary.ca/taylorinstitute/). When finished, please delete the non-bold information and instructions, leave all headings and subheadings, and ensure that your entire application document is no longer than 2,500 words. (With the non-bold information and instructions deleted, the form is approximately 190 words.) Submit your application to tigrants@ucalgary.ca by February 8, 2016. PROJECT TITLE: Duration: □ 1 year / □ 2 years Experiential Learning? □ yes / □ no Principal Grantholder’s Name: Rank, Department/Unit, Faculty: Email Address: Campus Phone Number: For all collaborators (if relevant), include the following: Name: Project Role: (Principal Investigator, Co-PI, co-applicant, RA, etc.) Rank, Department/Unit, Faculty: Email Address: 1. Abstract Up to 250 words. 2. Goals for Understanding or Improving Student Learning All applications should explicitly address how the project, regardless of focus or context, will help to better understand or improve student learning at UCalgary. 3. Context & Inquiry Describe how your project emerges from your local teaching and learning experiences and challenges—as well as from larger (e.g., disciplinary or national) contexts? What do you want to investigate to respond to these contexts? (Please state your inquiry as a question, and put it in bold font.) 4. Grounded in Existing Scholarship Demonstrate that the project is informed by existing scholarship 1 relevant to the teaching and learning issues central to its inquiry and goals. 5. Methods Aligned with Inquiry and Goals 5a. Describe your plan for your project’s activities, steps, or methods (including the kinds of evidence of student learning you’ll gather and how you’ll analyze it), clearly and explicitly explaining how they answer your inquiry (#3) and support your goals for understanding or improving student learning (#2). 5b. (If Relevant) Explanation of Experiential Learning: If your project involves an experiential learning component, describe it here, including your understanding of how it is experiential learning. What do you hope students will learn from the experiential activity, and what do you hope to learn from it within the context of this project? 1 Educational or pedagogical research, the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), discipline-based educational research (DBER), learning theory or science, etc. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant Application 1 6. Potential for Impact Describe how you’ll assess the project’s success and its effect on understanding or improving student learning. How do you hope this project (upon completion) will inform the contexts described in #3 above? How will teaching and learning at the University of Calgary—other courses, educators, and contexts—benefit from your project’s activities, instruments, assignments, or findings? How will its impact be sustained beyond the funding period? 7. Dissemination Of Results Describe your plan for sharing your project’s results with relevant audiences at the University of Calgary, and with relevant audiences beyond UCalgary.2 8. Project Timeline Clearly outline your monthly schedule and specific activities, including when you’ll seek ethics certification. 9. Budget Write an itemized list and rationale of each budgeted item below (9a and b). To avoid delays resulting from requests for revisions (or disqualification), consult the budget guidelines for the Teaching and Learning Grants Program on the Taylor Institute website. 9a. Itemized List (Add more rows as necessary. For two-year projects, copy and paste the table below for the second year.) Description of Item/Activity (Year 1) Cost Total Budget for Project Total Requested from Teaching & Learning Grants Program3 . 9b. Budget Rationale Clearly explain how each budgeted item or activity supports the project’s goals. 10. Bibliography Include full citations for all sources cited in this application. 11. Signatures 2 To share locally, consider presentations, publications, media, and/or workshops at the Taylor Institute (contact TI Administrative Coordinator Bernice Molloy), in your department (contact your Head), or in your Faculty (contact your Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning). Additionally, the University of Calgary Conference on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching occurs May each year. For ideas on disseminating your results off campus, consult with the Taylor Institute’s Academic Director and/or its subject librarian. 3 If the overall project budget exceeds the amount requested from this Program, identify the additional funding sources and which components of the project they will support. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant Application 2 11a. Signature(s) of Consent If I am chosen as a grant recipient, I agree to follow the “Expectations of Grant Recipients” listed on the Taylor Institute website (http://bit.ly/grant-expectations). Check the blank below: I (we) the undersigned, agree. ____ Printed Name of Primary Grantholder Signature of Primary Grantholder Date Printed Name of Co-Applicant Signature of Co-Applicant Date Printed Name of Co-Applicant Signature of Co-Applicant Date Printed Name of Co-Applicant Signature of Co-Applicant Copy and paste the above rows to include additional co-applicants. Date 11b. Faculty Support Signatures Signature of Department Head Department Date Signature of Dean (or designate) Faculty Date Complete this form clearly and fully, using the description of the adjudication criteria in the grants program materials on the Taylor Institute website (www.ucalgary.ca/taylorinstitute/). When finished, please delete the non-bold information and instructions, leave all headings and subheadings, and ensure that your entire application document is no longer than 2,500 words. (With the non-bold information and instructions deleted, the form is approximately 190 words.) Submit your application to tigrants@ucalgary.ca by February 8, 2016. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant Application 3