Subject: Changes to Salary Recoveries & SBA Journal Process Background: As part of the University of Calgary’s commitment to continued improvement, an Integrated Service Delivery approach for the processing of Salary Recoveries and Salary Benefit Adjustment Journals (SBA Journals) within Faculties and Business Units is being implemented across the University effective December 10, 2012. This change will better integrate common process standards and controls while providing a comparable level of service for all faculties and units throughout the University. What Has Changed: Who processes Salary Recoveries and SBA Journals within Faculties / Business Units and where requests should be sent. Types of Salary Adjustments: Salary Recovery - an adjustment requires a “Salary Recovery” when: Operating salaries that are secondarily sourced from either a University of Calgary held project, or are to be billed to an external agency. Ie, salaries paid out of fund 10 and recovered from a project or invoiced to an external agency Generally used for regular salaried Academic appointments, (less frequently for MaPS and AUPE employees). This type of adjustment is not used for GAT, Post Docs, Hourly, Scholarship, Fixed Term (project), or salary splits within the same business unit or across projects. Benefits amounts must be included, if funding agency allows Ongoing/Recurring Salary Recoveries: Processed in the Salary Recovery Module For salaries paid out of fund 10 and recovered from a project or invoiced to an external agency. Eg. CRC chairs, iCore chairs, AHS One Time Salary Recoveries: For use to adjust ongoing salary recoveries only o Processed in Salary Recovery Module o Can be used to: Move recovered costs from the employee home Dept ID to another operating Dept ID (if not redirected in the recovery set up) Pick up retro period recoveries ie due to project being set up late, late set up of ongoing recovery, correction of over/under recovery of ongoing salary recovery etc Make corrections to prior period ongoing salary recoveries. (ie. fund 60 to 60 corrections where a project was incorrectly charged) September 2014 Cannot be used for: o One time recoveries where there will not be a future ongoing/recurring salary recovery o A one-time transfer to properly allocate salary and benefits costs for a certain period, unless there is an existing ongoing/recurring salary recovery for that person o Fund 60 to 60, where there is no recurring salary recovery Additional information on salary recoveries is located at Forward requests to: your Analyst, Finance Services; they are Salary Recovery Initiators in PS. The Analyst, Finance Services list is found at SBA Journal – an adjustment requires an “SBA Journal” when: The transaction does not fit the criteria for HCM Retro Accounting or Salary Recovery processing Fund 60 to 60 salary expense transfers that are not recurring Fund 10 to 60 where the transaction is one-time, for a specific amount or time period and no ongoing/recurring salary recovery will be set up eg. A one-time transfer to properly allocate salary and benefits costs for a certain period. Scholarships Hourly employee (timesheet) distribution corrections Benefits amounts must be calculated as part of the entry, if funding agency allows For Fund 60, 70, 11 - Forward your request to - (no change in process) All other funds – Forward your request to - your Analyst, Finance Services; they hold GL Journal Entry Requestor status. The Analyst, Finance Services list is found at HCM Retro Processing – an adjustment requires “HCM Retro Processing” when: The accounting redistribution is for o Salary & benefits adjustments across funds that are not fund 10 related Pay periods in the current fiscal year (includes retro correction to beginning of fiscal year), AND is on-going changes to future pay periods o to clear a Suspense posting in account 54995 o eg. Academic hired out of one department but will be paid by another department on a recurring basis Cannot be used for: o Salary and benefits adjustments between fund 10 and other funds o Hourly employee (timesheet) o Scholarships o Specific dollar value or limited time period that is not ongoing The request should be through the HCM document submission process (i.e.) Job Change request or Academic Accounting request. A determination will be made regarding whether HCM processing is appropriate. September 2014 Requests submitted to your Analyst, Finance Services should be submitted via email and contain the following supporting documentation: Subject line of email should contain: “Salary Recovery Request” or “SBA Journal Request”. A brief description of the salary and benefit adjustment required. Information required to process the adjustment: o Name and Department of the requestor. o Name, Employee ID, and Record Number (if known) of the employee requiring the salary and benefit adjustment, o Salary amount(s) to be moved and the time span covering the adjustment. o Faculty/Unit and Dept ID where the salary currently resides, o Fund/Dept ID/Project/Internal code where charges should be applied, or agency name/address/contact person if the charges should be billed to an external agency. o Name of budget owner / trust holder where charges should be applied. o Details of any special considerations and supporting documentation as required. All SBA Journals must follow the General Ledger Journal Entry and Supporting Documentation Requirements found at . Who to Contact: For any questions regarding these changes, please contact your supporting Analyst, Finance Services or the RTA Help Desk at . September 2014