Prepared by: Pam Parent
Updated: November 13, 2013
Table of Contents
1) HCM Path and Menu Selection ........................................................................................................................... 3
2) General Usage.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
3) Processing, Maintenance, Queries ................................................................................................................... 4
4) Create Salary Recoveries (Ongoing recovery)............................................................................................. 5
5) General Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................ 7
6) Input Matrix ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
7) Institutional Salary and Benefit Increases ................................................................................................... 9
6) Transaction Approval Status and Workflow............................................................................................. 10
7) Accounts and Benefit Rate Table................................................................................................................... 11
8) Accounting ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
9) One Time Recovery ............................................................................................................................................ 12
1) HCM Path and Menu Selection
2) General Usage
a) To be used for Operating salaries that are secondarily sourced from either a University of
Calgary held project, or are to be billed to an external agency.
Included are:
i. Operating Salaried – F/T and P/T
ii. Employee Group:
1. Academic
2. MaPS
3. Support (AUPE)
4. Sessionals
b) Excluded from input to the salary recovery module are:
Post Doc
Fixed Term (project)
Salary splits within the same business unit (to be set up in HCM)
1. UCALG to UCALG (operating) 2. UCALT TO UCALT (project)
3) Processing, Maintenance, Queries
a) Recoveries will be processed on a semi-monthly basis (HRR Journal) and are
subject to pay cycle calendar deadlines on the HR website.
b) Benefits are recovered as a percentage per agency agreement
c) Chart of Accounts reference listings are available from the Financial Services
web site
d) Salary and Benefit Accounting Manual available from the Financial Services
web site
Manual intervention required for:
New Recoveries
Change in Home Department (or redirect)
Compensation changes not related to annual increases
Accounting changes
Benefit changes not related to institutional updates
Change in recovery amounts/components
Note: Termination rows are system generated if the employee has a status on JOB of:
terminated, retired, or job on hold. If there are future dated rows, these will also be
The following queries are available:
b. UC_FP_QA_ACTUALS_BY_EE_RET (actuals –HCM retro accounting)
c. UC_FP_QA_EARNINGS_BY_EE ** (HCM – actuals)
d. UC_PA_REC_ACTIVE (active recoveries)
4) Create Salary Recoveries (Ongoing recovery)
Search Page
Main Page
Example with Distribution
Screen shot of Accounting tab
5) General Guidelines
1) Empl ID: validated to ensure employee has a JOB in the HCM system
2) Empl Record:
 determines the home dept that will default into the distribution
 determines the salary component value
 if the salary recovery is for a single component, with the exception
of Dual Awards, Clinical Supplements, and Research Prizes, the
associated empl record must be referenced.
 if the salary recovery involves combined components such as
Salary/Market Supplement, in all cases choose Empl Record 0.
3) Home Department: The operating department that defaults in from the Employee JOB
record is where the Credit will be directed (see redirect).
4) Salary Component: Multiple recoveries can be set up for different salary components. The
value will pull in from the JOB/Empl record . Users may choose single components such as
Clinical Supplement, etc. , or concurrent components such as Salary/Market Supplement.
Note: Sessional salaries will default in with additional 8% for benefits in lieu and
5) Effective and End Dates: are required fields for all but external billing recoveries, and
should equal the Pay Period Start and End dates
 the end date cannot be mid pay period
 for mid period terminations, a one time entry would be required
 End date will NOT BE greater than the project end date
 If end date of external billing is known, it should be input to ensure
an over-recovery does not occur.
 to terminate a recovery set the end date = start date of next pay period
 if a prior period date is entered, this will not invoke a retro transaction.
A one time entry will need to be set up for that past period
6) Effective Sequence: The effective sequence is always = 0 if the effective date on multiple
rows is different. The effective sequence will be >0 if the new record has the same effective
date as the previous record for any given salary component.
7) Suspense Accounting; This is a required field so that in the event that the funding
chartfields are no longer valid, the posting will default to the indicated department.
8) Redirect Accounting: If the Home department is not where the Credit is to be posted, this
will allow the posting to be redirected to another operating department.
9) Priority: This determines the order of the recovery distribution. There are two conditions
that are subject to a specific priority:
a) Oper/Leave Indicator: If the employee is on leave (ie) 80% sabbatical and the leave
portion impacts the calculation of subsequent recovery lines, then this must be the first
priority. If the operating department picks up the first portion of the salary and the
portion recovered is a calculation based on the balance remaining, then this also must be
the first priority.
b) Balance %: If a portion of the recovery indicates that the balance remaining after all
other sources are charged with their requisite share, is to be charged to another source,
then this would be the last priority.
10) Earning Distribution Type (see 4. Input Matrix): Earnings can be recovered as either a
Percent or an Amount
11) Salary Rule (see 4. Input Matrix):
Balance %: This is selected when there is residual salary remaining that is
to be charged to a funding support (generally the last priority).
1) The Balance % component will be system updated for salary
Total Salary %: This is selected when the recovery indicates that a
portion of the recovery is a percentage of the total salary (up to 100%).
1) The Total Salary % component will be system updated for
salary increases
Flat (Amount): This is selected when the recovery is a set amount of
salary that does not increase for the term of the funding.
1) The flat component will not be updated for salary increases.
2) If the salary components to be recovered are less than the
Maximum amount allowed, the recovery should be input as a
Flat until the salary reaches the Maximum and Under Max
butten should be selected.
Maximum (Amount): This is selected when the overally recovery,
including benefits, is capped at a set amount.
1) The Maximum component will not be updated for salary
2) If the salary components to be recovered exceed the
Maximum to be recovered this is the required selection. (See
Flat for salary less than the Maximum)
12) Operating or Leave?: This indicator is checked when the employee is on a leave (ie) 20%
of salary/time or when the first portion of the salary component is to be funded from
13) Benefit Rule (see 4. Input Matrix): No benefit, Inclusive, Plus benefits
All benefits are entered as a percentage and are reflected as a direct
transfer of costs between the operating department and the project.
%age will be per agency agreement, or to a max of the UC rate for the
component (ie) 22.5%, 7%, etc.
14) Max Benefit %: This indicator is checked when the benefit rate in the recovery transaction
cannot be changed if the UC benefit rates increase or decrease.
15) Under Max: If the salary components to be recovered have not yet reached a Maximum set
amount, the Under Max button should be selected so that the record will be updated for
annual increases. Manual intervention will be required to monitor the recovery and remove
this indicator when the Max salary is reached.
16) TRANSACTION STATUS: New, Pending, Retracted, Denied, Approved
6) Input Matrix
Salary Rule
Earnings Type
Flat ($)
Flat ($)
Balance (%)
Balance (%)
Total Salary (%)
Total Salary (%)
Maximum ($)
Benefit Rule
Plus Benefits
No Benefits
Plus Benefits
No Benefits
Plus Benefits
No Benefits
7) Institutional Salary and Benefit Increases
8) Mass Salary Increase Update: Salary recovery records will be system updated for Annual
salary increases by Central HR with the exception of:
a. Flat and Maximum recoveries
b. One-time adjustments
c. When an ongoing recovery is changed after the effective date of the mass retro
Note: A report will be generated centrally to detail records that will require manual
input, including salary recoveries that are Under the Maximum and are eligible for
salary increase updates.
9) Mass Benefit Rate Update: Salary recovery records will be system updated for benefit rate
increases by Central HR with the exception of those records where the Max Ben% flag is
6) Transaction Approval Status and Workflow
Approval Status
Begin Approvals – Initiator submits to electronic approval routing
Approve – Once approved the transaction will be picked up with the next pay run
Pushback –approvers can push back one step in approval process
Deny – Pushes transaction back to the Initiator
Retract – Initiator can pull back the transaction after it has been sent for approval,
but before it has been approved.
f) Cancel – Initiator can cancel the transaction before it has been sent for approval
System Workflow (not subject to SAM)
1) Fund 60 Projects – to Compliance and Eligibility (C&E)
2) All other funds – Self Approve (manual sign off on template)
3) One time
 Operating Dept – to Dept budget owner (or delegate)
 Fund 60 – C&E
4) External Billings – Department Owner
Accounts Receivable/Billing
Accounts Receivable runs a query each month to pick up the external billing
transactions that have been generated through the module. An invoice is then
generated and sent out. The query looks for postings to Account 12226 – Internal
FARxxxxxx (FAR = customer ID #).
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7) Accounts and Benefit Rate Table
Salary Accounts Associated with the Recovery ID types:
8) Accounting
1) Accounting Tab>>Edit Chartfields
a. the accounting is for the DEBIT (or charge) side of the entry
b. the distribution is based on annualized salary amounts
c. the system will automatically calculate the recovery semi-monthly by
dividing the entry by 24
d. the CREDIT will generate to the home department in the header
e. chartfields are subject to on line real time validation against FSCM tables
and rules
2) Note: If the Operating or Leave? If indicator is chosen, then accounting input is
not required. The salary costs will be charged to operating per the regular
pay cycle.
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Sample Accounting Entries:
DR: Salary and Benefits
CR: Salary
CR: Benefits
10 - home dept - 54xxx (per table above)
10 - home dept - 56xxx (per table above)
DR: Salary
DR: Benefits
CR: Salary
CR: Benefits
60 - dept - 50/3xxx (per table) - RTxxxxxx-xxxxx
60 - dept - 56xxx (per table) - RTxxxxxx-xxxxx
10 - home dept - 54xxx (per table above)
10 - home dept - 56xxx (per table above)
9) One Time Recovery
The one time page is subject to the same usage restrictions as the ongoing recovery page and is
used to set up:
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recovery transactions that are for periods retro to the ongoing
recovery corrections such as over-recoveries
recovery corrections are allowed for both active and terminated
This is a journal that requires a balanced entry. The chartfields are subject to validation against
FSCM base tables.
NOTE: Always “Search for Transactions” first by entering the Empl ID. If it returns “No matching
values were found”, then go to the “Initiate New Transaction” tab.
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