SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 UNIX - Question Bank – BCA (SEM4) CHAPTER – 1 [2 MARKS] 1. What is OS? [3 MARKS] 2. Explain the function of OS? [5 MARKS] 3. Explain the evaluation of OS? CHAPTER – 2 [3 MARKS] 4. Explain the process of OS? [3 MARKS] 5. What is process scheduling? [5 MARKS] 6. Difference between Multiprogramming, Multitasking and Multi-Threading CHAPTER – 3 [3 MARKS] 7. Explain physical and virtual Memory in Detail. [5 MARKS] 8. Explain Memory Allocation. 9. What is Paging and Segment? Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 CHAPTER – 4 [5 MARKS] 10.Explain UNIX architecture. 11.Features of UNIX [3 MARKS] 12.What is SHELL? 13.Explain login command CHAPTER – 5 [3 MARKS] 14.Explain UNIX file system 15.Explain File directory permission 16.Explain File and Directory command. CHAPTER – 6 [5 MARKS] 17.Explain VI Editor CHAPTER – 7 [5 MAKRS] 18.What is redirection and Piping? CHAPTER – 8 [3 MAKRS] Website: - 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 19.What is sorting and explain the tool of sorting. 20.Explain the comparing file 21.What is communication? 22.Explain Mounting file and umounting file system. CHAPTER – 9 [3 MARKS] 23.Explain SHELL keywords and variables 24.Explain Iterative shell script. 25.Explain Decision statement. 26.What is logical operator? 27.Explain looping statement 28.Explain break, continue command with example. [5 MAKRS] 29.Explain various Shell script examples CHAPTER – 10 [5 MARKS] 30.Explain Windows Manager 31.Explain Desktop Environment 32.Define Linux Booting(Grub or Lillo) Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 NETWORKING - Question Bank – BCA (SEM4) 1. What is Network Layer? 2. Explain Packet switching. 3. Explain Connectionless and Connection oriented services. 4. Explain Virtual Circuit and Datagram. 5. Explain Transmission media in detail? 6. Explain ARP and IP protocol and IP addresses. 7. Explain IPV6. 8. Explain Transport layer. 9. Explain socket and socket programming 10. Explain TCP and UDP. Difference between TCP and UDP. 11. What is Connection management. 12. Explain Application Layer. 13. DNS and DNS servers. 14. Explain E-mail and message and file transfer. 15. Explain FDM and TDM in detail? 16. Explain wireless transmission media in detail? 17. Explain layer 1 devices? 18. Write short note about Switch and hub? 19. Write A note on Modem with types? 20. Explain NIC card with their all components? 21. Wireless and Broadband Networks. 22. Explain Bluetooth sevices? 23. Define following Terms? 1)Packet 2) protocol 24. Explain X-25. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 25.Explain Diff. Network Services. 26.Expalin file and print services. 27.Explain Application services. 28.Explain PEER –to –PEER architecture? 29.Explain Client/server Architecture? 30.Write short note about Topology? 31.Write short note of media access method? 32.Explain csma/cd method? 33.Diff. de-facto and de-juire 34. Diff. slip and ppp 35.Explain OSI model in brief? 36.Explain Subneting process in detail? 37.Diff. between subneting and supernetting. 38.Diff. between ipv4 and ipv6. 39.Explain MMC console in win2003 server? 40.Explain Active directory service in detail? 41.Define steps for createing user and group? 42.Explain following Terms> 1) Domain 2) Forest 3) Tree 4) Active Directory 43.Explain CIA security model? 44.Explain Security on wheels? 45.Define Security polices with their attributes? 46.Explain security in layers? 47. Explain all Routing protocols in brief? 48.Explain BGP in detail? 49.Diff. between Tcp/ip and Ipx/spx. 50.Explain Appletalk and NEtbios protocol? Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 BCA - 4 Unit-1 JAVA Basic Java: Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 5 2 Marks What is oop? Explain Features of oop. Write a note on java Editions. What is java IDE What is Type Casting. Explain public static void main(String ar[]){} Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 3 Marks List out Decision Statements .Explain any one. List out looping structures.Explain any one. Explain jumping statements.(break,continue) Explain Command line argument with example. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Write a note on basic data types of java. Explain Types of Array in java. Write a note on operators in JAVA. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-2 Classes and Objects : Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 5 2 Marks Explain concept of oop. Write a note on class & object Explain constructor with example. Explain finalize() Explain varargs() Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 Marks Explain constructor overloading. Explain Method overloading. Attempt All Answers 1 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Write a note on static keyword. (static block, static variable,static method) Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-3 Inheritance Attempt All Answers 1 2 2 Marks What is Universal class. Write a note on class & object Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 3 Marks Explain constructor in inheritance. Explain nested or innerclass. Explain Abstract class Explain final class. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Write a note on Access Specifier(public,private,protected,default) Explain method overriding. Write a note on interface. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-4 java packages(java api) Attempt All Answers 1 2 2 Marks What is java API?list out all packages with usage. Explain import statement. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 3 Marks Explain Math class with methods. Explain String class with methods. List out all classes of java.util package with usage. What is User Define Package? Explain with import keyword. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Write a note wrapper class in java. Explain String Buffer class with methods. Write a note on each class of Util Package. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-5 Exception Handling & Thread(java api) Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 2 Marks Explain throw keyword. Explain throws keyword. What is Thread? What is MultiThreading? Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 Marks Explain user define Exception.(Custom Exception) Write a note on Types of Exception. or Explain Throwable Class. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Write a note Exception Handling Mechanism(try,catch,finally). Explain Thread Life Cycle. Explain Methods of Thread Class. Explain Synchronization in multithreading. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-6 Streams Attempt All Answers 1 2 Marks What is Stream? Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 3 Marks Explain StreamTokenizerClass. Write a note on File Class. Write a note on RandomAccessFile Class. Attempt All Answers 1 2 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Write a note on character Stream Classes. Write a note on Byte Stream Classes. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-7 Applets Attempt All Answers 1 2 Marks Explain Dimension Class in Applet? Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 3 Marks Explain passing parameters to an Applet. Write a note on File Class. Write a note on RandomAccessFile Class. Attempt All Answers 1 2 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks What is Applet?Explain Life Cycle of Applet. Explain Methods of Graphics Class. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-8 LayoutManagers Attempt All Answers 1 2 2 Marks Explain Grid Layout. Explain Card layout. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 Marks Explain FlowLayout. Write a note on Grid Bag Layout Attempt All Answers 1 2 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Explain BorderLayout. Write a note on BoxLayout,Spring Layout, GroupLayout. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-9 GUI using Swing Attempt All Answers 1 2 Marks Difference Between AWT and Swing Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Listout AWT Controls with its usage. Listout Swing Controls with its usage. Explain Each Control with its Methods. Write a note on Menu. Website: - SHREE H. N. SHUKLA COLLEGE OF I.T. & MGT. (AFFILIATED TO SAURASHTRA UNIVERSITY) 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot – 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2440478,2472590 Unit-10 Event Handling Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 5 3 Marks What is AdapterClass? Explain FocusEvent. Explain ActionEvent. Explain TextEvent. Explain ItemEvent. Attempt All Answers 1 2 3 4 2 – Vaishalinagar Nr. Amrapali Railway Crossing Raiya Road Rajkot - 360001 Ph.No–(0281)2471645 5 Marks Explain Event Delegation Model. Explain MouseEvents. Explain KeyEvents. Write a note on Listener interfaces. Website: -