COURT OF APPEALS DEVELOPMENTS The Pataki Court Vincent Martin Bonventre, J.D., Ph.D. Legislative CLE, December 14, 2006 The Current Court (updated Sept. 2006) Court of Appeals, 2006 Criminal Law Voting (Recent 5 Years) 90 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Fall '01 - Spring '06 [5yrs] GB Smith ( - '06) Ciparick Kaye Rosenblatt ('99 - ) RS Smith ('04 - ) Read ('03 - ) Graffeo ('01 - ) Wesley ('97 - '03) 76 51 50 37 35 14 13 10 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Current Trends (Recent 5 Years) Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GB Smith ( - '06) Ciparick Kaye Rosenblatt ('99 - ) Fall '01 - Spring '03 [2yrs] 67 48 43 24 Fall '03 - Spring '06 [3yrs] 81 53 53 43 RS Smith ('04 - ) 35 Read ('03 - ) Graffeo ('01 - ) Wesley ('97 - '03) COURT 0 10 10 19 15 15 38 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Recent Trends Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 90 (From 2000) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GB Smith ( - '06) Ciparick Kaye Rosenblatt ('99 - ) 2000 & 2001 57 29 36 36 Fall '01 - Spring '03 [2yrs] 67 48 43 24 Fall '03 - Spring '06 [3yrs] 81 53 53 43 RS Smith ('04 - ) 35 Read ('03 - ) Graffeo ('01 - ) Wesley ('97 - '03) COURT 0 7 21 0 10 10 19 15 15 38 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Judith S. Kaye Appointed 1983, Cuomo (replaced JF [elect]) First woman on Court From NYC (born in Monticello) Appointed Chief Judge 1993, Cuomo (replaced SW [Cuomo]) Current term expires March 2007 Mandatory age retirement 2008 George Bundy Smith (retired 2006) Appointed 1992, Cuomo (replaced FA [Cuomo]) From NYC (born New Orleans) Term expired Sept. 2006 Denied reappointment by Pataki (mandatory age retirement would have been 2007) Carmen Beauchamp Ciparick Appointed 1994, Cuomo (replaced SFH [Cuomo]) First Hispanic on Court From NYC Current term expires Jan. 2008 Mandatory age retirement 2012 Richard C. Wesley (resigned 2003) Appointed 1997, Pataki (replaced RDS [Cuomo]) From Livonia [Rochester area] (born Canandaigua, New York) Resigned for 2d Circuit Appointment, 2003 Albert M. Rosenblatt Appointed 1998, Pataki (replaced VJT [Cuomo]) From Dutchess County (born NYC) Mandatory age retirement 2006 Victoria A. Graffeo Appointed 2000, Pataki (replaced JWB [Cuomo]) From Guilderland (born Rockville Center) Term expires Nov. 2014 Mandatory age retirement 2022 Susan P. Read Appointed 2003, Pataki (replaced HL [Cuomo]) From Capital Region (born Gallipolis, Ohio) Mandatory age retirement 2017 Term expires Jan. 2017 Robert S. Smith Appointed 2003, Pataki (replaced RW [Pataki]) From NYC Mandatory age retirement 2014 Hon. Eugene F. Pigott, Jr. Appointed 2006, Pataki (replaced GBS [Cuomo]) From Grand Island [Buffalo Metro Area] (born Rochester, NY) Mandatory age retirement 2016 Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Current "Pataki" Court 90 (Recent 5 Years) Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GB Smith ( - '06) Ciparick Kaye Rosenblatt ('99 - ) COURT Fall '01 - Spring '03 [2yrs] 67 48 43 24 19 Fall '03 - Spring '06 [3yrs] 81 53 53 43 38 RS Smith ('04 - ) 35 Wesley ('97 - '03) Graffeo ('01 - ) Read ('03 - ) 10 10 0 15 15 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 The Process Background: Wachtler, Fuchsberg, Breitel, Carey Commission: composition, purpose [evaluate, report, recommend] Applications: notice, solicitation, applicants Interviews: prelim evaluation, in-person meeting Vincent M. Bonventre, 12/06 The Process cont’d Voting: ranking/no-ranking, 2/3 support, revoting & winnowing Findings & Recommendations: 3-7 candidates “report” on “character, temperament, professional aptitude, experience, qualifications and fitness” —otherwise entirely confidential Vincent M. Bonventre, 12/06 The Process cont’d Gubernatorial Nomination: limited to list, agenda? Senatorial Advice & Consent: committee hearing, full senate, “advice” or just consent? Vincent M. Bonventre, 12/06 The Process cont’d Election vs “Nonpolitical Merit” Appointment: Pros / Cons Final Product, Comparisons Essentials Vincent M. Bonventre, 12/06 Court of Appeals Making of the Pataki Court Voting and Decisional Patterns in Criminal Cases: From Cuomo thru Pataki Vincent Martin Bonventre, J.D., Ph.D. December 2006 100 Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 90 Cuomo & Pataki Courts 80 (Composite of Studies) 70 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) 60 Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 50 40 30 20 10 0 Tito ne (- '98) GB S m ith (- '06) C ipa ric k Ka ye Le vine ('93 - '02) 48 Wa c htle r ( -'92) 17 B e lla c o s a ( - '00) C OUR T R o s e nbla tt ('99 - ) R S S m ith ('04 - ) We s le y ('97 - '03) 1990 & 1991 91 4 26 po s t W / e a rly K (11/92-5/94) 81 52 63 63 24 13 48 1994 & 1995 81 45 65 60 15 25 45 '96/'97 thru '97/'98 80 47 53 27 31 33 27 0 '97/'98 thru '98/'99 100 69 46 31 50 8 31 15 1996 thru 1998 83 21 43 Gra ffe o ('01 - ) Read ('03 - ) 57 68 39 48 1999 thru 2001 61 29 39 41 28 35 17 2000 & 2001 57 29 36 36 21 36 7 2001 56 22 22 33 11 33 0 0 '01/'02 thru '02/'03 (2yrs ) 67 48 43 18 19 24 10 10 0 '03/'04 thru '04/'05 (2yrs ) 70 63 63 41 52 35 11 11 '01/'02 thru '04/'05 (to ta l 4yrs ) 69 56 54 31 40 35 10 10 F a ll '05 - S pring '06 95 40 40 35 30 35 20 20 F a ll '04 - S pring '06 [2yrs ] 85 48 52 39 42 36 18 18 F a ll '03 - S pring '06 [3yrs ] 81 53 53 38 43 35 15 15 F a ll '01-S pring '06[5yrs ] 76 51 50 32 37 35 13 14 18 8 10 0 Late Wachtler – Early Kaye All Cuomo Court Late Wachtler era Pro-prosecution record Wachtler/Bellacosa v. Kaye/Titone Post-Wachtler – Early Kaye Pro-defendant swing Wachtler Court – Kaye Court transition Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Late Wachtler - Early Kaye (All Cuomo Court) 100 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Titone (- '98) 1990 & 1991 91 post W / early K (11/92-5/94) 81 GB Smith 52 Ciparick 63 Kaye COURT 48 26 63 48 Levine ('93 - '02) 24 Wachtler ( -'92) Bellacosa ( - '00) 17 4 13 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M . Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Emerging Kaye Court All Cuomo Court Reprise Late Wachtler Early Kaye Emerging Kaye Court Pro-defendant swing persists Kaye/Titone/G.B. Smith/Ciparick “liberal” majority Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Emerging Kaye Court (All Cuomo Court) 100 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Titone (- '98) GB Smith Ciparick Kaye COURT 48 26 Levine ('93 - '02) Wachtler ( -'92) Bellacosa ( - '00) 17 4 1990 & 1991 91 post W / early K (11/92-5/94) 81 52 63 63 48 24 13 1994 & 1995 81 45 65 60 45 15 25 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M . Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Cuomo to Pataki Transition Reprise Post-Wachtler / Early Kaye Emerging Kaye Court Post Court-Bashing Pro-prosecution “adjustment” Kaye/Ciparick voting shift Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Cuomo - Pataki Transition 100 90 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Titone (- '98) GB Smith Ciparick Kaye COURT Levine ('93 - '02) Bellacosa ( - '00) Wesley ('97 - '03) post W / early K (11/92-5/94) 81 52 63 63 48 24 13 1994 & 1995 81 45 65 60 45 15 25 Fall '96 thru Spring '98 80 47 53 27 27 31 33 0 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M . Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Trending-Pataki Court Reprise Emerging Kaye Court Post Court-bashing Pataki’s Increasing Impact Kaye/Ciparick shift persists Pataki’s appointees: Simons to Wesley Titone to Rosenblatt Bellacosa to Graffeo Court’s pro-prosecution record [But] Rosenblatt: the “non” Pataki appointee ? Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Trending-Pataki Court 100 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rosenblatt ('99 - ) Titone ( - 98) GB Smith Ciparick Kaye COURT Levine ('93 - '02) 1994 & 1995 81 45 65 60 45 15 25 Fall '96 - Spring '98 80 47 53 27 27 31 33 0 Fall '97 - Spring '99 100 69 46 31 31 50 8 15 57 29 36 21 36 2000 & 2001 36 Bellacosa ( - '00) Wesley ('97 - '03) 7 Graffeo ('01 - ) 0 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions Source: Vincent M . Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 6. Kaye: Public Law Voting (Combined, Civil, Criminal), 1987 - 2001 60 Pro-Individual Rights Voting Percent Civil & Criminal Civil Criminal 50 40 30 20 10 0 15 YEAR TOTALS 1987-1991 1992-1996 1997-2001 Civil & Criminal 50 54 51 35 Civil 45 49 44 38 Criminal 53 57 56 32 Judge (Pro-Individual Rights Voting Percent) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School STREAMS OF TENDENCY ON THE NEW YORK COURT (2003) 7. Kaye: Criminal Law Voting Comparisons, 1987 - 2001 80 Pro-Individual Rights Voting Percent 70 1987-2001 Totals 1987-1991 1992-1996 1997-2001 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Titone ('87 - Aug. '98) KAYE Smith Ciparick COURT Levine Bellacosa ('87 Aug. '00) 1987-2001 Totals 77 53 51 51 38 29 20 1987-1991 80 57 1992-1996 74 56 47 56 42 25 19 1997-2001 89 32 61 40 26 40 21 37 21 Judge (Pro-Individual Rights Voting Percent: criminal) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School STREAMS OF TENDENCY ON THE NEW YORK COURT (2003) 8. Ciparick: Public Law Voting (Combined, Civil, Criminal), 1994 - 2001 Pro-Individual Rights Voting Percent 70 60 Civil & Criminal Civil 50 Criminal 40 30 20 10 0 8 YEAR TOTALS 1994-1997 1998-2001 Civil & Criminal 54 63 29 Civil 57 70 24 Criminal 51 58 31 Judge (Pro-Individual Rights Voting Percent) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School STREAMS OF TENDENCY ON THE NEW YORK COURT (2003) Pataki’s Court ? Reprise Pataki’s Increasing Impact: “Bashing” + Appointments Pataki’s Majority? Titone to Rosenblatt, Bellacosa to Graffeo Levine to Read, [Simons to] Wesley to R.S. Smith Court Re-Adjustment Kaye/Ciparick Re-shift Pataki’s Judges: Wesley, Graffeo, Read, and (?) R.S. Smith “Non” Pataki Judge: Rosenblatt Court’s Pro-defendant Swing Back (?) Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Pataki's Court ? 80 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Rosenblatt ('99 - ) GB Smith Ciparick Kaye COURT Levine ('93 - '02) Wesley ('97 - '03) Graffeo ('01 - ) Read ('03 - ) Fall '97 - Spring '99 69 46 31 31 50 2000 & 2001 57 29 36 21 36 36 7 0 Fall '01 thru Spring '03 67 48 43 19 18 24 10 10 0 Fall '03 thru Spring'06 [3yrs] 81 53 53 38 15 15 RS Smith ('04 - ) 15 43 35 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting Cuomo Court vs Pataki Court 90 Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Titone ( - '98) CUOMO: '90 & '91 91 CUOMO: early K (11/92-5/94) 81 GB Smith Ciparick ( - '06) Kaye Levine Wachtler Bellacosa Rosenb't RS Smith Wesley COURT ('93 - '02) ( -'92) ( - '00) ('99 - ) ('04 - ) ('97 - '03) 48 17 52 63 63 24 PATAKI: F '01 - S '03 [2yrs] 67 48 43 18 PATAKI: F '03 - S '06 [3yrs] 81 53 53 4 26 13 48 19 24 38 43 10 35 Graffeo ('01 - ) Read ('03 - ) 10 0 15 15 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 11/06 The 2006 Court Re-Emerging Pro-defendant Wing G.B. Smith, Kaye & Ciparick Solid Pro-prosecution Votes Graffeo & Read The Less Predictable R.S. Smith Rosenblatt in the Center An Unmistakable Spectrum G.B. Smith/Kaye/Ciparick Graffeo/Read Rosenblatt/R.S. Smith ?? G.B. Smith Replaced by Pigott?? Court of Appeals: Criminal Law Voting 2006 Court 90 (Recent 5 Years) Pro-Defendant Voting Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 GB Smith ( - '06) Ciparick Kaye Rosenblatt ('99 - ) COURT Fall '01 - Spring '03 [2yrs] 67 48 43 24 19 Fall '03 - Spring '06 [3yrs] 81 53 53 43 38 RS Smith ('04 - ) 35 Graffeo ('01 - ) Read ('03 - ) 10 0 15 15 Judge (Pro-Defendant Voting Percent: divided criminal decisions) Source: Vincent M. Bonventre, Albany Law School 12/06 The Current Court (updated Sept. 2006) Future Court Spitzer’s Opportunities ? Rosenblatt Replacement, Jan. 2007 Kaye Reappointment/Replacement, March 2007 Ciparick Reappoint./Replacement, Jan. 2008 Mandatory Retirement, 2012 Graffeo Reappoint./Replacement, Nov. 2014 Mandatory Retirement, 2008 Mandatory Retirement, 2022 R.S. Smith Mandatory Retirement, 2014 Pigott Mandatory Retirement, 2016 Read Reappointment/Replacement Jan. 2017 Mandatory Retirement, 2017