Breaking the ICE at Tech Camp Here are a list of activities that we came up with. We figure we will do as much or as little as time permits, as long as the kids are interested in the games. 1: The Name Game Have the group stand in a large circle. Have TA’s dispersed in group, with 2 TA’s going first. Say “I’m <firstname>” while doing a gesture. Next person to go lists names of all preceding people and does the gestures for each as the name is said before telling their own name and creating their own gesture. The entire group remains silent but does the gestures as the person who is ‘it’ says the names. At the end anyone (first 5? 3?) who can repeat all of the names and gestures without any help will get a prize. The fun is in the challenge. Tell them that we’ve only seen this done with groups as large as 20 and that they would really be something if they could get it right for a group this large. Tell them at the beginning that they will have the opportunity to recite the names at the end for a prize. 2: Have You Ever… Form a single circle with all of the TA’s and students. One TA reads out the question and everyone who can answer ‘yes’ goes to the center of the circle and introduces themselves/ shakes hands/ high fives. An alternative would be that we do a smaller list, but once you get into the center of the circle, the TA who is reading tells the qualifying group what to do. For the ones I think that is appropriate for, I have included the activity after the question: 1. Have you ever been outside of the country? / Say which country 2. Have you ever sung karaoke? / group sings a song together 3. Have you ever been without a shower for more than 2 weeks? 4. Do you have both a brother and a sister? 5. Have you ever ridden a horse? / group gallops around inside circle 6. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs? / group plays leap frog 7. Can you speak 2 or more languages? / introduce & say something other language 8. Have you ever flown in an airplane? / where did you go? 9. Have you ever broken a bone? / show which bone 10. Have you done volunteer work sometime in the last month? 11. Have you ever had a close relative who lived to over 100? 12. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 20 people? 13. Have you ever been skydiving or bungee jumping? 14. Have you ever seen a polar bear? 15. Have you ever cheated on a test? 16. Have you ever slept in a movie theater? / which movie? 17. Have you ever met someone famous? / say who they met 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Can you tell funny jokes? / tell a joke Have you ever read more than 5 books in a month? Have you ever seen your Mom dance? / dance like your mom Have you ever gotten straight A’s in high school? Have you ever seen the original Star Wars movie? Have you ever had a black eye? Have you ever been to a Braves game? Do you plan to go to college? / what do you want to major in? Have you not been to the middle of the circle yet? 3: Formaline For this we need the kids split into at least 2 teams. They should compete to see which team can line up correctly in the least amount of time. A challenge round could be to have a group line up in alphabetical order without speaking. This requires that they know each other’s names. a) Height b) Youngest to Oldest c) Alphabetical 4: Stock Market: The “Mediator” stands on a chair in the middle of the crowd of kids. Each kid is handed a folded slip of paper with something written inside (we need several TA’s on the floor to do this. They are to look at the paper, but show no one else what’s on it. When the mediator says go (or rings a bell) the stock market is open and the kids’ goal is to find the other person in the crowd with the same thing written on their slip. So in our first run, each kid’s slip has the name of a technology company and they all mill around repeating the name of the company until they find their partners. Once they find their partner, they run together to the mediator and show the slips to prove they have in fact found their match. It’s a race to see who can get paired up most quickly. Prizes should be given to the winners of each round. TA’s should mill around in the group to watch for cheating like showing the slip to other kids (or in the animal noises run, saying the name of the animal instead of making the noise). We will only do as many of these runs as we like, according to time and how much they students enjoy the game. a) Company Names 1. Apple 2. Microsoft 3. Sun Microsystems 4. IBM 5. Intel 6. Motorola 7. Dell 8. AOL 9. ADOBE Systems 10. Compaq 11. CISCO Systems 12. Hewlett-Packard 13. Oracle 14. Xerox 15. Yahoo 16. Texas Instruments b) Movies 1. The Godfather 2. X-Men 3. Sister Act 4. Silence of the Lambs 5. Corrina, Corrina 6. Back to the Future 7. The Wizard of Oz 8. Shrek 9. Men in Black 10. Pirates of the Caribbean 11. The Princess Bride 12. Scooby-Doo 13. Jaws 14. Twister 15. Jurassic Park 16. Spider-Man 17. Independence Day 18. Home Alone c) Difficult Words 1. autochthonous: native, originating at the place where found 2. apodictic: demonstrated logically and irrefutably 3. zeignarik: n. Psychology, tendency to remember an uncompleted rather than a completed task. 4. zooscopy: n. hallucination of seeing animals. zooscopic, a. 5. Zollverein: an economic/customs union, as organized by Prussia in the 1800s. 6. quincunx: an arrangement in which things are at the four corners and center of a rectangle 7. zeitgeist: spirit, philosophy of a time 8. rainivorous: adj, eating frogs 9. schadenfreude: adj, taking pleasure in the misery of others 10. callipygian: having a shapely rear end 11. ochlophobia: fear of crowds or mobs 12. oriflamme: a banner, symbol or ideal inspiring devotion or courage 13. kvetch: [Yiddish] to complain habitually: gripe 14. lacuna: a gap 15. logogogue: a person who lays down rules about words; a language dictator 16. keck: to heave or retch, as in an effort to vomit 17. grammaticaster: a petty grammarian; a pretentious grammatical pedant 18. hallux: the big toe 19. haptic: relating to the sense of touch 20. hircine: characteristic of a goat, esp its odor 21. hircismus: having smelly armpits 22. hirsute: roughly hairy d) Phrases / Movie Quotes 1. “Bond, James Bond” James Bond Movies 2. “Hasta la vista, Baby” Terminator 3. “I’ll be back” Terminator 4. “Life is like a box of chocolates” Forrest Gump 5. “No, I am your father” Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back 6. “E.T. Phone Home” E.T 7. “Show me the money” Jerry Maguire 8. “Don’t let go, Jack” Titanic 9. “Houston, we have a problem” Apollo 13 10. “That was totally wicked!” The Incredibles 11. “Fish are friends, not food” Finding Nemo 12. “Adrienne!” Rocky 13. “My precious” Lord of the Rings 14. “Mr. Anderson” The Matrix 15. “I see dead people” The Sixth Sense 16. “It’s because I’m green, isn’t it?” The Grinch 17. “That’s what I call high quality H20” The Waterboy e) Animal Noises Here they will not be saying the name of the animal, but instead imitating the noise the animal makes. With this one we thought it might be best to have 3 or 4 people each have the same animal. I have included 16 ideas, but we can just choose the best 8 or 10 1. Monkey 2. Seal 3. Lion 4. Snake 5. Donkey 6. Elephant 7. Sheep 8. Hyena 9. Chick 10. Pig 11. Rooster 12. Mouse 13. Turkey 14. Yellow Jacket 15. Fish 16. Rabbit or Giraffe (silent) f) (optional) All Dog Noises The idea is that we’d hand out “One more animal noises round, but we’ve made them hard and all loud animals. You’re going to have to be really loud to hear over everyone else’s” The cards each have different breeds of Dogs or just all say “Dog”, so everyone starts barking all at once… we’ll of course stop them when they realize it’s a joke.