Page # 6 of 12 Multimedia Application Storyboard Detail Design Document Project Name: Moving versus Copying Files Detail Prepared by: Pat Rahmlow and Linda Moulton, MCCC Scene Name: Moving a document – conceptual Scene # 3 Screen & Animation Detail Moving The Important Document gets a new home Source folder location The Important Document The Moving Van Destination folder location Text detail Continue Graphics Detail Clip art of the important document Clip art of the organized folder (source and destination) Clip art of moving van Text Detail When you move a document from one folder to another, you must first open the source folder and locate your document. After you move the document to the destination folder, notice that the source folder no longer contains your document. Audio Detail Flying sound Open and close folder sound Moving van sound clip Voice over reading text detail Video Detail None Special Detail Animation sequence: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IMMT Program, CCBC Essex 8. Title flies in from top Introductory text appears. Graphic with closed source folder morphs to graphic with open folder that shows the Important Document Important Document flies from open source folder into moving van Moving van drives to destination folder location “After” text appears Important Document flies from moving van into destination folder Continue button appears