Georgia Gwinnett College Introduction to Computing Course Design

Georgia Gwinnett College
Introduction to Computing Course Design
Last Updated: November 25, 2007
This document outlines the design for Introduction to Computing (ITEC 1001), one of
three courses which fulfills the information technology component of the GGC Core
Curriculum. The objectives, philosophy, and content of the course are given in this
Course Design Primer.
I. Determine the “higher” educational goals to which the course is
ITEC 1001 specifically contributes to four of the nine GGC General Education Learning
Outcomes. These four outcomes are highlighted in the list below.
A. GGC General Education Learning Outcome Goals
Clearly communicate ideas in written and oral form
Demonstrate critical and creative thinking
Demonstrate science literacy
Demonstrate a broad understanding of diversity
Understand and effectively use information technology
Understand global issues and perspectives
Understand the role of history in human development and national and world
8. Understand human and institutional behavior from a political, social, and global
9. Appreciate human endeavors in literature or the arts
ITEC 1001 also serves as a required course for all tracks of the B.S. in Information
Technology major (business, software development, and systems and security). ITEC
1001 specifically contributes to the Information Technology program outcome goals as
highlighted in the lists below.
B. GGC Information Technology - Business Track Program Outcome Goals
A graduate of the Information Technology Major (Business Track) will be able to (TBD):
Demonstrate a strong foundation in mathematics and science, and apply this
fundamental knowledge to solving IT problems
2. Work as individuals and as members of a collaborative team that solve IT
3. Demonstrate competence in effectively communicating technical information
using oral, written, and digital presentation techniques
4. Demonstrate a desire and ability to continuously refine their computing
knowledge and skills and learn to use new tools and processes
Georgia Gwinnett College
Principles of Chemistry Course Design
Demonstrate a working knowledge of multiple programming languages and
system environments
Demonstrate knowledge in the design, implementation, and improvement of
network and database systems
Have a strong foundation in business and management theory and practices and
be able to apply this foundational knowledge to solving IT problems
Evaluate, propose and implement plans for effective use of information
technology within organizations
Demonstrate knowledge of enterprise management in a heterogeneous
C. GGC Information Technology – Software Development Track Program
Outcome Goals
A graduate of the Information Technology Major (Software Development Track) will be
able to (TBD):
Demonstrate a strong foundation in mathematics and science, and apply this
fundamental knowledge to solving IT problems
Work as individuals and as members of a collaborative team that solve IT
Demonstrate competence in effectively communicating technical information
using oral, written, and digital presentation techniques
Demonstrate a desire and ability to continuously refine their computing
knowledge and skills and learn to use new tools and processes
Demonstrate a working knowledge of multiple programming languages and
system environments
Demonstrate knowledge in the design, implementation, and improvement of
network and database systems
Effectively apply software development practice over the entire lifecycle of a
design project including the analysis, prototyping, design, implementation, and
testing of the new design
Use software tools effectively in all phases of software development
Demonstrate knowledge of algorithms, operating systems, theory of computation,
and computer architecture
D. GGC Information Technology – Systems and Security Track Program
Outcome Goals
A graduate of the Information Technology Major (Systems and Security Track) will be
able to (TBD):
Demonstrate a strong foundation in mathematics and science, and apply this
fundamental knowledge to solving IT problems
2. Demonstrate competence in effectively communicating technical information
using oral, written, and digital presentation techniques
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Work as individuals and as members of a collaborative team that solve IT
Demonstrate a desire and ability to continuously refine their computing
knowledge and skills and learn to use new tools and processes
Demonstrate a working knowledge of multiple programming languages and
system environments
Demonstrate knowledge in the design, implementation, and improvement of
network and database systems
Identify information system requirements for a client and then develop
information systems that meet those requirements
Demonstrate a working knowledge of security practices to optimize information
Demonstrate a knowledge of current legal requirements for information and
system security
II. Determine the Course Goals that the course will accomplish.
The student who has successfully completed the course will:
1. Understand the evolution of information technology and future trends (1, 2, 3, 5)
2. Describe the ethical issues surrounding the uses of digital information (1, 2)
3. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of various personal productivity software (1,
4. Understand the functionality and interaction among the main hardware
components of a computer and appropriate terminology (1, 2, 3)
5. Acquire basic knowledge of computer security, protection mechanisms and
privacy threats on Internet (1, 3, 4)
6. Understand the role of computing tools in supporting collaborative projects (1, 2,
7. Understand the principles of computer networking (1, 2, 5)
Note: The numbers following the course goals indicate the higher education goals these
address. (To be reviewed)
III. Determine the prerequisites and major topics that will contribute to
the accomplishment of the Course Goals.
A. Course prerequisite/corequisite:
B. Major topics: (To be reviewed)
Course goal
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Understand the evolution of
information technology and future
Describe the ethical issues surrounding
the uses of digital information
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of
various personal productivity software
Understand the functionality and
interaction among the main hardware
components of a computer and
appropriate terminology
Acquire basic knowledge of computer
security, protection mechanisms and
privacy threats on Internet
Understand the role of computing tools
in supporting collaborative projects
Understand the principles of computer
Milestones of computing
Emerging technologies
Copyright & fair use
Document and Multimedia
Word Processing Skills
Presentation Tools
Basic of Spreadsheets
Formulas and use of Functions
Creating Charts
Open Source tools
Computer Hardware
How computers work
Introduction to Operating Systems
How OS manage your computer resources
Computer Security
Viruses, spam, Trojan horses, spyware and
Use of Cryptography to secure your
Using PGP and how it works
Wireless Security and WPA (WIFI protected
Access) and WPE encryption
Privacy Threats on The Web
Identity Theft and others
Create collaborative documents and
introduction to learning management systems
Overview of network terminology and
Role of the Internet in society
Examples of Internet applications
IV. Determine programmatic and/or integrated educational experience
skills and attitudes to be embedded in the course.
From Course Design Primer: Should the course contain a writing assignment?
Should it contain an oral presentation? How should information technology be used in
the course? Should the course include an assignment focused on critical thinking
skills? Certain learning outcomes, such as critical thinking and proficiency in oral
and written communication and information technology, are not Course Goals but are
IEE goals or Program Goals. Program leadership and collaboration among faculty
members should assure that the courses in a program will contain sufficient learning
experiences to assure the accomplishment of these “higher” educational goals.
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(Needs development)
V. Determine the teaching and learning methods that will best
contribute to the accomplishment of the Course Goals.
From Course Primer: Should the course use collaborative learning, cooperative
learning, discovery-based learning, problem-based learning, active learning,
traditional lecture, Socratic lecture, online, hybrid, independent study, studio,
integrated lab/lecture, or a combination? Again, this decision should not be based
solely on the instructor’s preference but also on which teaching and learning methods
are best for the accomplishment of the Course Goals.
This course uses a variety of teaching and learning methods: (Needs development)
Labs - this is where students will participate in hands on activities using the computers in
the classroom.
Assigned readings - students will be required to read the textbook prior to attending
Lecture –
Online - .
Demonstrations - the instructor will demonstrate the use of various pieces of software.
The ITEC 1001 faculty members routinely meet to discuss teaching and learning methods
which have been found to be effective. Experiences are documented and shared in a
repository of exercises.
VI. Determine the textbook and auxiliary material which will best
support the accomplishment of the Course Goals.
Required textbooks:
 Discovering Computers: Fundamentals. Shelly, Cashman & Vermaat. Fourth
edition. Thomson Course Technology. ISBN: 1-4239-1209-8. Feb 21, 2007
 Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques. Shelly,
Cashman, & Quasney. Thomson Course Technology. ISBN: 1-4188-4342-3.
Publish date: May 14, 2007
Additional resources:
 WebCT: The ITEC 1001 faculty will use WebCT to post course syllabus, lecture
notes, supplementary material, and online quizzes. The student will use WebCT to
submit assignments and collaborate with classmates between class meetings,
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Microsoft Office 2007: The student will complete exercises to increase their
proficiency in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. This software will be available on
the computer machines within the classroom and available for students to
checkout at the GGC library.
GGC Wiki ( A wiki is a
web site which allows users to add and edit content collaboratively. The ITEC
1001 course wiki is the place where students can collaborate to generate a
common set of course notes, how-to guides, study guides, and other resources.
VII. Determine lesson objectives.
From Course Primer: Lesson objectives are the specific learning outcomes contained
in a lesson. A lesson may be one or more class attendances. Published lesson
objectives are a contract between an instructor and his students. (“If you accomplish
these lesson objectives you will do well in this course.”) Lesson objectives are
derived from the Course Goals and should contribute to accomplishment of Course
Goals. They are an important part of the relationship between instruction, testing, and
objectives. Lesson objectives guide the content of instruction and the construction of
The following conceptual, computational and laboratory skills will be addressed in ITEC
1001 Lecture and Laboratory components. (To be reviewed)
Introduction to Computers (1 week)
Students will be able to:
Define the term computer and apply the definition to determine if a device is or is
not a computer.
Categorize hardware into input devices, output devices, system unit, storage
device, or communications device.
Define the terms network and Internet and be able to describe how they relate to
one another.
Describe the difference between system software and application software.
Describe the general properties that categorize computers into different groups
such as personal computer, mobile computer, game console, server, mainframe,
supercomputer, and embedded computer.
Classify users as home, small office/home office, mobile, power, and enterprise
by the types of tasks they perform and the types of computers they tend to use.
Give brief examples of how computers are used in education, finance,
government, health care, science, publishing, travel and manufacturing.
Internet and the World Wide Web (1 week)
Students will be able to:
Describe multiple methods for connecting to the internet, and their
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Application software (1 week) <Couldn’t find>
Students will be able to:
Describe XX
System Unit (1 week)
Students will be able to:
Give a high level overview of how information is transmitted across the Internet
Describe the parts of an Internet address
Compare the functionality of at least three different search engines
Describe the parts of a Web address
Differentiate between web browsers, web sites, web pages, and web servers.
Describe what is meant by Web 2.0
Classify web sites into the categories of portal, news, informational,
business/marketing, educational, entertainment, advocacy, blog, wiki, social
network, content aggregator, personal.
Describe at least 5 criteria by which to evaluate a web site's worth.
Give a high level overview of the basic steps of web publishing
Describe the basic purpose of email, FTP, message boards, mailing lists, chat
rooms, instant messaging, and internet telephony
Describe some basic principles of netiquette
Specify what is in the system unit
Describe what is a motherboard
Describe what is a processor and how it works
Describe two main components of the CPU and their roles in processing data
Describe the machine cycle
Know what the Binary system is and why the computers use it
Describe memory, address, size, access time and types of meory (RAM, ROM,
Describe different ports (serial, parallel, USB and firewire)
Describe buses, their purpose, and types
Describe dual and multi core processors, their advantages
Input/Output (1 week)
Input Students will be able to
Describe some health risks associated with computing (RSI) and importance of
Distinguish between mechanical, optical, laser, and air mouse
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Identify how input devices typically differ for notebooks (touchpad, pointing
Identify how input devices typically differ for PDAs and smart phones(stylus,
mini keyboard)
Define terms related to scanning devices (OCR, OMR)
Define biometrics and provide several examples of how and why it is used
Define bar code, RFID
Output Students will be able to
Distinguish between LCD, Plasma, and CRT technology for monitors
Evaluate the quality of an LCD monitor in terms of resolution, response time,
brightness, dot pitch, and contrast rate
Evaluate the quality of a CRT monitor in terms of resolution, dot pitch, and
refresh rate
Describe the following printing technologies: ink-jet, photo, laser, thermal, and
mobile printers
Identify input and output options for physically challenged users
Storage (1 week)
Students will be able to
Describe the characteristics of magnetic disks
Describe the characteristics of a hard disk
Discuss various types of miniature, external, and removable hard disks
Describe the characteristics of optical disks
Differentiate among various CD and DVD formats
Identify the uses of tape
Discuss PC Cards, ExpressCard modules, and the various types of miniature
mobile storage media
Define the following terms: capacity, external hard disk, hard disk, online storage,
optical disc, reading, secondary storage, storage device, storage medium, smart
card, and writing
Operating Systems and Utility Programs (1 week)
Students will be able to
Define systems software and the distinction between operating systems and utility
Describe what a device driver is
Describe what is an operating system
Describe what happens when the computer is turned on
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Distinguish between command-line and GUI interfaces
Determine types and characteristics of different OS: UNIX, linux, Mac OS X,
Explain basic concept of job scheduling, monitoring performance, network OS
and security
Introduction to different utility programs
How to use the OS utility programs to maintain the performance of a computer
Terms to know: Virtual memory, paging, thrashing
Operating Systems and Utility Programs (1 week)
Students will be able to
Discuss the components required for successful communications
Describe uses of computer communications
Differentiate among types of networks (Optional to discuss Network
Communication Standards)
Explain the purpose of communications software
Describe various types of lines for communications over the telephone network
Describe commonly used communications devices
Discuss different ways to set up a home network
Identify various physical and wireless transmission media (Just mention the
different types of physical and wireless transmission media, not a lot of detail;
Optional to cover broadcast radio and microwaves)
Collaboration (1 week)
Students will be able to
Use collaboration features within MediaWiki (same software Wikipedia uses):
Use Outlook web calendar
Use e-mail features such as setting up subfolders, automatically filtering email
messages/rules (e.g. based upon sender), and adding signature
Understand email etiquette (e.g. how email is different from chat, why a subject is
Use WebCT
Computer Security, Ethics, and Privacy (1 week)
Students will be able to
Identify general safeguard measures against computer viruses, worms, Trojan
horses, botnets, denial of service attacks, and spoofing
Discuss techniques to prevent unauthorized computer access and use
Identify safeguards against hardware theft and vandalism
Explain the ways to protect against software theft and information theft
Georgia Gwinnett College
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Discuss the types of devices available that protect computers from system failure
Identify risks and safeguards associated with wireless communications
Discuss issues surrounding information privacy
Discuss ways to prevent health-related disorders and injuries due to computer use
Describe the ethical issues surrounding the uses of digital information
VIII. Determine the testing and evaluation plan.
A. Grading Policy:
Grades will be assigned according to the following scale:
A = 100-90
B = 89.9-80
C = 79.9-70
D = 69.9-60
F <60
B. Grading Basis:
Three written tests
Assigned projects
Class participation
IX. Design the assessment plan.
(Needs development)
Georgia Gwinnett College
Principles of Chemistry Course Design