{Complete this form when requesting a Social Security Number. This form is signed by your employer, which is the professor who hired you. Complete the sections highlighted in red. This signed form must be presented at the International Office (when you pick up their SSN letter) and then the Social Security Office when you submit your application.} DATE To Whom It May Concern: This is evidence of on-campus employment for: [student’s name] Nature of student’s job: [i.e. Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant, Grader, etc.] Start Date: Number of Hours/Week: Employer contact information*: _____3 6 2 1 6 7 8 1 7______________________ (Employer Identification Number (EIN)) ________________________________________ (Employer Telephone Number) __________________ ______________________ (Student’s Immediate Supervisor) Employer Signature (Original): ________________________________________ Signatory’s Title: ________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________ *The EIN # for Northwestern University is 362167817.