MGMT 4100 – Organizational Behavior Attachment 1 – “Listen to the Music” The following must be completed and submitted when making the presentation to the class. This will count toward the Professionalism/Participation grade. Students must submit song titles to professor in advance, as no two students may present the same song. “Let’s Work” Mick Jagger 1987 Rock and Roll “The world don’t owe you” “Don’t waste your energy on making enemies” “And work your way up” “Let’s work, be proud” “Ain’t gonna sweat for you… If you’re lazy” How does the song relate to 1) This song disputes what Follett belief that employees OB (key course concepts)? should be “pulled” instead of “pushed”. This song says that the employees should be responsible for striving for excellence and should be dependent on themselves and be proud of their work. This can be seen in every lyric of the song, especially when talking about how he will not basically “pity” those who are lazy and do not work their way up (ostracism) and not dealing with social loafing. 2) Learning Capacity and Human Capital is also addressed through the song in that he basically says that you have to keep moving and working in order to keep growing in a company. 3) This would also fall under the Positive Psychology Movement as this song is preaching about satisfaction, hope, happiness, and so much more. Though again, this song is saying that the employees should be responsible for themselves in this aspect rather than management or the company. 4) This song also relates to Organizational Culture as it is attempting to spark a positive, hard-working attitude and create and exclusionary effect on those that are lazy and don’t live up to those expectations which also ties into socialization, attitudes, and motivation. a. Also applies to values, espoused values, and enacted values. 5) This would be a great song for setting a societal culture, like a theme song for a company as it would help people understand how to think and act in a positive manner. 6) Something I don’t agree with, but is evident in this song is Name of Song Artist Year Released Music Genre Key Lyrics Related to OB (please attach the lyrics of the entire song) Does the song portray the workplace/work in a positive, negative, or neutral manner? How so? What questions does the song prompt for you? Why do you think the song was written? the collectivist culture that it fosters in attempting to make everyone work hard in order to get everyone working towards a higher group goal then individual goals. Though there are parts that reflect individualistic tendencies, such as: “and work your way up”. 7) This song also attributes internal factors to behaviors as it is encouraging individuals to work hard to achieve success. 8) Self-efficiency is also a huge part of this song in believing that you can get somewhere by doing something well and working hard at it which goes along with proactive personalities. 9) Motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, is definitely evident through a sense of pride, promotion, and the ability to be free. 10) This also deals with group cohesiveness as it relates the work towards “us” and all “men and women”. This song is neutral about the workplace, you don’t really get a sense of what kind of job this is about, it can simply be about any job, any organization. This song is more focused on creating a positive, can-do attitudes in employees more than anything else. This song reinforces my questions of: when did this country change for independent, innovators to needy children that have to have everything handfed? Honestly, a company should not have to motivate a person to work, a person should be motivated to work because they want things in life, do things in life, or just have money, or because they simply enjoy it. If a employee is not motivated to work, then the company should not concern themselves with trying to motivate someone who cannot even motivate themselves, they should move onto people who already have a “can-do” attitude. So my question remains, what has happened to this country, when we now have to come up with “organizational behavior” to explain unmotivated employees? I think the song was written, honestly, as a slap in the face to the changing beliefs in society that we, as a people, need to work to accomplish something instead of just holding out our hands and expecting the world to cater to us. Of course, if you just take the song at face value, then it could simply be an anthem to work hard and strive for something greater.