EAP 0090-02 Fall 2008 Symbol VT (verb tense) VF (verb form) AGR (agreement) WF (word form) ART (article) PASS (passive voice) PREP (preposition) CONJ (conjunction) INF (informal usage) PRO (pronoun) POSS (possessive) # (number) CAP (capitalization) SP (spelling) WC (word choice) WO (word order) MW (missing word or words) REDUN (redundant/omit) AWK (awkward) FRAG (fragment) CS (comma splice) ROS (run-on sentence) PUNC (punctuation) Error Symbols – Dr. Jernigan Explanation and Example Incorrect verb tense or incorrect form of the tense is used. Ex: Yesterday, I drink my coffee. Incorrect verb form (often an ending) is used. Ex: John was ask a question. Error in agreement between subject and verb or pronoun and antecedent. Ex: He have taken the test three times. Incorrect word form (often a word ending or part of speech marker) is used. Ex: Mrs. Jones is a political. (should be politician). An incorrect article(a/an, the) is used, or an article is needed. Exs: One of my hobbies is listening to the music. Seoul is capital of South Korea. Passive voice is called for, or passive voice should be avoided. Ex: The puppy took out of the box. A preposition is used incorrectly, is missing, or a different preposition is needed. Ex: Her sister is living at Chicago. A conjunction or linking word is used incorrectly or is needed. Exs: We spoke to Jeff, Maria, Claire. Neither Bob or Sara knew the answer. An informal word or phrase is used and should be replaced with a more academic term. Ex: Many students enjoy hanging out with their friends. A pronoun is used incorrectly, or a noun needs to be replaced with a pronoun. Ex: When I asked Dr. Jones that question, Dr. Jones’ answer was strange. A possessive form is misused, or a possessive is needed. Ex: John mother is living in Chicago. A noun or pronoun needs to be changed to reflect singular or plural number. Ex: Many person knew the answer. A word needs to be capitalized, or a capital letter is used incorrectly. Ex: My friend ernesto is from mexico. There is an error in spelling. Ex: We need to develope this idea more fully. A non-idiomatic word is used and should be replaced with a more appropriate word. Ex: I appreciate your comprehension of my problem. (should be understanding) There is an error in word order. Ex: She is a tall very woman. A word or words are missing or needed. Ex: Is a good chance we can win. One or more words are redundant and should be omitted. Ex: I want to take out away this mark. A phrase or sentence is awkward and should be reworded. Ex: Sometimes we having too hard to try something. An incomplete sentence or phrase is marked as a sentence, and needs to be completed. Ex: I am happy. About the results of the test. Two complete sentences are joined with a comma, rather than being marked as sentences. Ex: John is a good friend, he always helps those who are in need. Two (or more) sentences are run together without proper punctuation or conjunction. Ex: This camera doesn’t make sense to me it came without a manual. There is an error in punctuation. Ex: Sally went to the bakery and bought a loaf of rye; a baguette; and a cinnamon roll. Some general symbols: V ( verb), N (noun), ADJ (adjective), ADV (adverb), SUBJ (subject), OBJ (object) may be used when words or phrases of that type are missing or incorrectly used.