CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 11th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference June 6-8, 2005 Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland TABLE OF CONTENTS 'The Contribution of Sustainable Investments to Sustainable Development' Chair: Dr. Pontus Cerin and Dr. Peter Dobers ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Antonio Massarutto, Water Pricing And Full-Cost Recovery Of Water Services: A Basic Tool For A Sustainable Water Policy?_________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Cristina Romano, Environmental & social reporting: foe or friend?___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Esther Garcia, The impact of CSR risks on Investment Value Drivers. An SRI ratings agency perspective _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Thierry Sebagh, Biodiversity and Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Zaneta Stasiskiene, Environmental Management Accounting: An Essential Component of Sustainable Development Strategy for Lithuanian industry_ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Casper Boks, Christopher van Rossem, Extended Producer Responsibility of WEEE in Europe: A source of competitive advantage? ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Bertrand Montel, Guy Debailleul, Promoting environmental management systems in industrial livestock farms for securing their access to financing _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Emma Sjöström, Responsible Investments and Vice: A closer look at negative screening ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Linda Steg, Siegwart Lindenberg, Ton Schoot Uiterkamp, Arjen van Witteloostujin, Towards a comprehensive model of Sustainable Corporate Performance ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Slavka Kavcic, Darjana Vidic, Environmental Costs and Their Incorporation into DecisionMaking Process in Slovenian Companies ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 11. Peter Österberg, Daniel Berlin, Can a Market based generative Learning Management style explain the conditions or characteristics that make an organization more likely to commit to, and perform on, environmental issues? _______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Martin Andreas Streicher-Porte, Ruth Scheidegger, Hans-Peter Bader, Susanne Kytzia, Material flow analysis as a suitable tool for system analysis under the constraints of poor data availability and quality in developing countries ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Tybe Goldberg, The Role of Business in Sustainable Development__ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Niels Schenk et al., Physical indicators for industrial energy demand scenarios ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Kiyotaka TAHARA et al., Evaluation of Eco-Efficiency Indicators in the Case of Personal Computers ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Tomas Pivoras, DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDICATOR SYSTEM FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF INDUSTRIAL SUSTAINABILITY __________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Symposium on Transdiciplinary Case Study Research for Sustainable Development’ Chair: Mr. Arnim Wiek _________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Wiek, Lang, Walter, Introduction to the TCSR Symposium_ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Kemp, Bell, Rosenhead, Wen Zongg, Sheate, Kueffer, Round Table on expectations, whishes, visions and apprehensions regarding the symposium _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. J. Voss, R. Kemp, Reflexive governance for sustainable development Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Rodrigo Jiliberto Herrera, Holarchy - A fruitful paradigm for qualitative sustainable development models ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Cruz Ivonne and Cendra Jaume, Contributions to a Sustainable Human Development Theory - Analysing the Human Development paradigm through multidimensional perspectives ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Mohammad Rais, Sustaining Mountain Communities in Fragile Environment: Some Experiences from South and Southeast Asia ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Simon Bell, Stephen Morse: Problem Structuring Methods: Proof that the road to Hell is paved with good intensions? ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Walter, A. Wiek, Integration and Synthesis - Systainability Planning for City-Regions Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. R. Bancrofft: Integrated Planning for a Sustainable Urban Development: the Case of La Habana, Cuba ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. J. Rosenhead, Problem Structuring and Development ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Hironori KATO, Hideaki SHIROYAMA, Yoshinori NAKAGAWA, Interview-based Structurization of Regional Transport Problems - Case Study of Strategic Transport Plan in the Kanto Region, Japan ___________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. B. Freyer, A, Muhar, U. Vilsmaier, Transdisciplinary goal finding process in regional planning processes _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Zongguo Wen, Kunminc Zhang, Bina Du, Guojunc Song, Case study on genuine progress indicator methodology to measure sustainability in China _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. William Sheate, Maria do Rosário Partidário, Helen Byron, Olivia Bina, Sustainability Assessment of Scenarios for Agriculture Development and Biodiversity Conservation in Mountain Areas __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3 15. Paul Goodwin and George Wright, A comparison of decision analysis and scenario thinking as alternative ways of dealing with uncertainty about the future _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Paul Burger, Wolfgang Zierhofer: On the reliability of formative scenario analysis. Some epistemological reflections _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. M. Koucky, Actor group evaluation of future scenarios and identification of misconceptions between actor groups _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. C. Kueffer, Mutual learning between scientists and practioners in ecology Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Gerald Steiner et al., Communication and Social Competences in Transdisciplinary Case Studies: Graz Mobility Case Study ___________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. H. A. Mieg, Expert roles in transdisciplinary processes ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Bedall, al., Integrating Transdisciplinary Case Study Research into the University Curriculum ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Industrial Ecology and Regional Development’ Chair: Dr. Pauline Deutz, Dr. David Gibbs, Dr. Tony Jackson and Dr. Don Lyons ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Annalisa Citterio, Promoting environmental strategies: a model for territorial assessment ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. David Gibbs, Pauline Deutz, INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY, ECO-INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF CLUSTERING AND NETWORKS ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Erik Mathijs, Anne Van Hauwermeiren, Hannelore Coene, Chris Claes, Food and energy life cycle inputs: a comparison of local versus conventional food systems Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Juan C. Espinosa, Marian R. Chertow, ORGANIZING SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEMS: REGIONAL POLICIES AND INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Richard Kotter, Enhancing national / regional industrial competitiveness in the chemical industries and advancing sustainable development: successes and tensions in North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) / Germany _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Donald Lyons, Industrial Symbiosis, Recycling and Remanufacturing Firms, and Government Policy: A case study from Texas __________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Murat Mirata and Petri Ristola, Industrial Symbiosis as an enabler of more sustainable, localised industrial systems _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Peter Wells, Innovative Discourse For Sustainable Local Development: A Critical Analysis Of Eco-Industrialism ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Walter J.V. Vermeulen, Social Dimension Of Industrial Ecology: On The Implications Of The Inherent Nature Of Social Phenomena ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Anthony Jackson, Barbara Illsley, Promoting environmental justice through industrial symbiosis: establishing a regional market for low-cost renewable energy amongst rural Scottish households by using Scottish forest industry waste to provide wood pellet fuel ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Sally Randles, Multi-scalar Landscapes and Industrial Ecology _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Gareth Kane, Sam Goss, The Eco-park: Green Nirvana or White Elephant?_______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4 13. Van V. Miller: Exchanges: Physical, Economic, but also Institutional Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Andrew Flynn, Natalia Yakovleva, Regional Development, Sustainability and the Food System ________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Flaviano D´Amico, Marian Mihai Buleandra, Maria Velardi, Ion Tanase, Industrial Ecology application: Murano case __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Sustainability Networks’ Chair: Dr. Alfred Posch _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Carl Dalhammar, Regulating indirect aspects in the product chain: The emergence of a life cycle approach in environmental law _________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Cal Douglas, Implementing Local Agenda 21 across ten local authorities in Greater Manchester, UK – strategies, appraisals and outcomes ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Esther Hoffmann, Innovating through Consumer-Integrated Product Development __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Benoit Lefevre, Urban Energetical Signature: a new methodological approach for indicator ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Dritan Prifti, INDUSTRIAL METABOLISM SITUATION AND THE CLEANER PRODUCTION IN ALBANIA ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Tiina Salonen, Impact of Management Models on the Network Structures in (Eco)-Industrial Parks __________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Heinz Strebel, International Developments in Eco-Industrial Networking _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Nur Indriantia, Masaaki Murakib, An alternative tax administrative system to support industrial ecology ________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Gyöngyi Kovács, Demand networks for sustainability: a cross-industrial comparison Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Minerva Chaloping-March, Understanding collaborative mechanisms between business, communities and local government towards social sustainability ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Gemma Dawson, E.J. Probert, Promoting green waste as a viable and sustainable product ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Damien Giurco, M. Stewart, J.G. Petrie, UNDERSTANDING INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY ACROSS SCALES: DEVELOPING A REFERENCE SCHEMA _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Harn Wei Kua, John Fernandez, Randolph Kirchain, Understanding Associated Effects of Policy Tools in Promoting Industrial Ecology in the Construction Industry: Case Studies of European Virgin Material Tax and US Forest Management Regulations _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. E. Avþar, G.N.Demirer: Cleaner Production Opportunity Assessment Study in SEKA Balikesir Pulp and Paper Mill _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Terrence Hines, Engaging disenfranchised communities in the United Kingdom (UK) through addressing previous environmental injustice _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Ketty Kortelainen, Global supply chains and social requirements: Case studies of ethical auditing in China _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Ketty Kortelainen, Abigail Oxley Green, How to ensure social compliance in a global supply chain __________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5 18. Lise-Lotte Lindfelt Sustainability as a strategy– A longitudinal case of Stora Enso’s sustainability development _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Tong Xin, Learning to be Green: Diverse Responses at the Environmental Challenges by Electronics Enterprises in China _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Cristiano Hugo Cagnin, Denis Loveridge, Jeff Butler, Managing Business Sustainability ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Jan Lepoutre, Aimé Heene, Jef Tavernier, Dealing with uncertainty when governing networks working for CSR __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Emma Rex, Henrikke Baumann, Implications of a constructivist-faced understanding of LCA practice ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Thomas P. Seager, Coupling LCA with analytic-deliberative decision making ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 24. Thomas P. Seager, Hilary Grimes-Casey, Developing Policies that Foster Cooperative Approaches to Life Cycle Management: The Case of Refillable Bottles __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 25. Anne M. Wallis, Sustainability Indicators – Is There Consensus Among Stakeholders? ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 26. Alfred Sarno, Raimo Blom, Harri Melin, Irina Sarno, Corporate responsibility, trust, sustainable development - The case of St Petersburg's industrial firms in 2004 ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 27. Simon Ford, The Dynamics of Technical Obsolescence: a Case Study of the PC ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 28. Gara Villalba, Xavier Gabarrell A Proposal for a Masters Degree in Industrial Ecology in Southern Europe _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 29. Libby Sommer, The development of a metric for waste management professionals _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 30. Thomas P. Seager, Industrial Ecology: One of the Many Sciences of Sustainability _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 31. Walter Vermeulen, P.J. Ras, S.L. Saalmink, GREENING GLOBAL PRODUCT CHAINS: BRIDGING BARRIERS IN THE NORTH-SOUTH COOPERATION __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 32. Pierre Desrochers, Historical Perspectives on Eco-Efficiency and the Environmental Benefits of Industrial Waste Recycling ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 33. Marianne Lindström, Mikko Attila, Terhi Fitch, Jaana Pennanen, Waste related conditions in environmental permits _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Sustainability and Accounting’ Chair: Dr. Pall Rikhardsson _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Roger Burritt, Prabanga Thoradeniya, Chika Saka, Drivers of Sustainability Accounting in the Public Sector _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Hwa-Rung Shen, Research on the Factors of Establishing Environmental Accounting System in Taiwanese Industry, Take companies with ISO 14001 for example ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Christine Jasch, Pilot Project on Sustainability Management Accounting with the Styrian Automobile Cluster _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Tobias Viere, Stefan Schaltegger, Christian Herzig, Sustainability Management Accounting – revolution or evolution of management accounting? ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6 5. Gwendolen Barnett White, Sustainability Reporting in North American Universities: What is the state of the art? _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Suzuya Tang, Richard Welford, Environmental Disclosures of private and public organisations in Hong Kong ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Anna Kumpulainen, Tuula Pohjola, Metrics and Indicators Determined Using Environmental Business Accounting ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Robert Langford, Sustainability: the role of accountants ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Iain A Wright, Environmental reporting ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. José M. Moneva, Pablo Archel, Carmen Correa, GRI and the camouflaging of corporate unsustainability __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Graciela Scavone, Environmental management accounting: a new perspective for environmental and social communication ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Hwa-Rong Shen, Yu-Sho Kao, An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting Environmental Accounting System Adoption in ISO 14001 Certificated Manufacturing firms in Taiwan ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Eco-Efficiency’ Chair: Dr. Jukka Hoffrén ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Paula Kivimaa, The links between environmental policies, technological innovations and eco-efficiency ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. TEEMU HAUKIOJA, JARI KAIVO-OJA, Exploring Empirical Tests of the Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 Emissions in the EU-15 Economy and the U.S. Economy __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Vlasis Oikonomou, Martin Patel, Ernst Worrell, Does climate policy lead to relocation with adverse effects for GHG emissions or not? A First Assessment of the Spillovers of Climate Policy for Energy-Intensive Industry __________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Minna Halme, Martin Lodenius, Erja Heino, Markku Anttonen, Mika Kuisma ja Nea Kontoniemi: Material Savings as Business _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Mads Borup, Approaches of eco-innovation: Uncertainty assessment and the integration of green technology foresight and life cycle assessment as a policy tool Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Maryse Chappin, The relation between environmental regulation and environmental innovation in the Paper and Board Industry: The case of energy-improvement and wastewater treatment _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Sibel ULUDAG DEMIRER, Nalan Tepe, (presented by Goksel N. Demirer): The Practice of Ecoefficiency in a Small Enterprise: Demircanlar Oil Industry (Eskişehir, Turkey) ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Ton van Dril, Dutch energy efficiency covenant policies and the conversion of these policies into the EU emissions trading scheme ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Vicky Lofthouse, Tracy Bhamra, End of Life Decisions – A Design Guide Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Marijke Meul, Frank Nevens, Ignace Verbruggen, Eco-efficiency of specialized dairy farms in Flanders: evolution and future goals ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Mirela Miresan, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION IN ROMANIAN ORGANIZATIONS – A DRIVING FACTOR FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7 12. Tiina Randla, Olga Gavrilova, Raivo Vilu, On long-term energy development scenarios for Estonia taking into account the possible evolution of Kyoto Process _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Bruce Paton, Identifying Opportunities for Cross-Sectoral Collaboration: Applying the Virtue Matrix to Sustainability ____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Xiaozi Liu, Investigating the interactions of environmental quality and economic growth in Shenzhen, China’s first Special Economic Zone_________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Yue-Hwa Yu, Teng-Yuan Hsiao, Material Flows Analysis on Construction Aggregates in Taiwan _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Alexander R.C. de Haan, Scott Cunningham, Long term forecasting for Sustainable development: The empirical and scenario approach applied on the issue of air travel demand for 2050 _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Bradley Parrish, Understanding 'Value' is the Key to Understanding the Sustainable Enterprise ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Chiara Lombardini-Riipinen, Socially Responsible Consumers and Voluntary Contributions to Public Goods __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Adeline Maijala, Michael Lettenmeier, Elina Virtanen, Salla Hänninen, Eco-efficiency Management of Municipal Services: Water Supply, Delivery and Wastewater Treatment ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Sabine Gelter, ECOPROFIT: Sustainable Development in a Public Private Partnership ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Peter Johansson, Environmental Performance - Impact of Environmental Management Systems _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Pil-Ju PARK, Kiyotaka Tahara, In-Tae Jeong, Kun-Mo Lee, Process of Environmental and Economic Decision Making for End-of-Life Stage of Washing Machine __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Srinivas Sistla, Suresh Kumar Chintalapati, Jasvinder Dhillon, Ecological & Economical Industrial waste Management: A Case Study ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 24. Stefano Apolloni, Matteo M. Savino, Ecological Plant Optimisation of a Small Sized Enterprise ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 25. Dalia Sakr, A. Sherif, S.M. El-Haggar, Adoption of ISO 14001 by Construction Companies in Egypt: An Investigation of Top Fifty Contractors _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 26. Pierre Desrochers: The EU waste legistlation’s 5P’s: Some Historical Perspective and Policy Implications ________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 27. Jussi Nikula, Arto Saari, Michael Lettenmeier, CALCULATING THE MATERIAL INTESITY (MIPS) OF HYDROELECTRIC PRODUCTION IN FINLAND Error! Bookmark not defined. 28. Tiina Pajula, Environmental Impacts of Technology Changes – Case: Pulp and Paper Production ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 29. Rajesh Kumar Singh, H. R. Murty, S.K. Gupta, A.K. Dikshit, Integrated Environment Management in Steel Industries _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 30. J. Marcos Castro, A FUZZY COMPOSITE INDEX FOR SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 31. Maria Enroth, To formulate and realise a corporate sustainability strategy Error! Bookmark not defined. 32. Tanja Tötzer, Brigitte Ömer-Rieder, Aspects of sustainability in innovation processes: results from a business survey in the Vienna region, Austria Error! Bookmark not defined. 8 33. Valentina Dinica, Hans Th.A. Bressers, Theo J.N.M. de Bruijn: The implementation of the second negotiated agreement on energy efficiency in industry in the Netherlands __ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Eco-Industrial Development and Eco-Industrial Networking’ Chair: Mr. Arnulf Hasler ________________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Matias Gonzalez, Improving Industrial Waste Management in Islands: An Industrial Metabolism Approach _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Jyrki Heino, Tuomo Koskenkari, Harjavalta industrial ecopark as a model to develop sustainable thinking in carbon steel making ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. James Ireland, Status of EIN in Canada and its potential direction for the future ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Wolfgang Staber, (Waste)material flow management in recycling networks – Visualisation of waste flows ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Arnulf Hasler, Thomas Sterr, Noel Jacobson, Confidence as a Key Factor for Sustainable Eco-Industrial Networking __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Hung-Suck Park, Strategies for sustainable development of industrial park - planning for eco-industrial park in Ulsan, Korea ___________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Mudjalin Poonprasit, Ann Smith, David Naseby, Paul S Phillips, The Application of Waste Minimisation to Business Management to Improve Environmental Performance in the Food and Drink Industry ________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Wang Zhen, Where we are? An introduction of Eco-industrial Park in China _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Gudrun Lettmayer, Ingrid Kaltenegger, Making innovation networks learn towards sustainability – methodical approaches and experiences for eco industrial development in an Austrian Water network and in the Automotive Cluster Styria ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Will Clark, P.T Laybourn, A case for publicly-funded macro industrial symbiosis networks: a model from the UK’s National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP) __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Angkarn Wongdeethai, Thailand´s Eco-Industrial Estate and Network: Pilot Projects Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Noel Brings Jacobsen, Industrial symbiosis in the making: bridging social and technical explanations - The case of Kalundborg, Denmark _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Arnulf Hasler, Development of Sustainable Eco-industrial Networks Based on a System Approach _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Wang Ling Mei, Weidou Ni, Coal and Its By-production Industrial Metabolism and Ecological Optimization ____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Bossilkov, D. van Beers, R. van Berkel, Industrial Symbiosis as an Integrative Business Practice in the Kwinana Industrial Area: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Life Cycle Approaches and Sustainable Development in Africa’ Chair: Dr. Evans Kituyi:___________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Simon Kihumba, Water purification for rural communities _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Victor Ojakorotu, Environmental Crisis, Politics of Exclusion in the Niger Delta of Nigeria ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9 3. Mokoko P. Sebola: Economic development through nature reserves: A strategy for developing and managing tourism potentials of nature reserves in Limpopo Province, South Africa __________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability’ Chair: Dr. Karl-Henrik Robért __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Henrik Andersson, Dave Waldron, Chad Park, Karl-Henrik Robèrt, Applying “backcasting from principles” in regional planning for sustainability _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Johan Sandström, The Natural Step and sustainable development: Lessons for the study of corporate sustainability' ____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Mandy Tew, Roya Khaleeli, Jessica Webster, SDSS for Sustainable Development Decision Making _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Paulo Bento Maffei de Souza, Heather Worosz, Yury Kozhuro, Key Success Factors for Sustainable Community Development Processes _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Birte Berlemann, Mitchell Rhodes, A Sustainable Future for the Olympics? _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Paulina de Gonzague, ‘Systems Education: seeding the development of an integrated mind for Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability’ _________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Laura MacKay, Pavan Vummadi, Collins Amanze, Renewable Energy for Sustainable Agriculture ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Tomás B. Ramos, Sandra Caeiro, Sustainable Development Indicator framework to monitor oceans and coastal homogeneous areas ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Susan Garrett, Alvaro Pureza, Defining Sustainable Business Development for the Energy Sector: A case study of Public Services Company of New Mexico (PNM) Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Kerly Acosta, Arash Sangari, Renewable Energy Decision Making Tool _ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Wind Energy Policy, Planning and Management Practice’ Chair: Dr Peter A. Strachan ________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Peter Strachan: An Introduction to the Wind Energy Stream Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Dr Dave Toke, keynote speech (30min), Comparing wind power planning outcomes in different countries - how can we account for the differences? ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Niels I. Meyer, National Energy Policy and Wind Power Implementation _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Brian O´Gallachoir, Eamon McKeogh, Wind Energy Policy Development in Ireland - A Critical Analysis __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Linda Kamp, Danish and Dutch wind energy policy - lessons for the futureError! Bookmark not defined. 6. Gabriel Negreanu, Otilia MARIN, Elena VĂRZARU, ECONOMICS OF WIND ENERGY PROJECTS IN ROMANIA __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Vilja Varho: 'Choosing wind power policy options in Finland: Analysis of criteria used by energy sector actors' ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Kerstin Astrand: Is there a future for wind power in Sweden? An assessment of the green certificate trading scheme´s effects on wind power development ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10 9. Pushkala Ratan: Performance of the power purchase agreement in the wind energy sector in India _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Dave Toke: Comparing wind power planning outcomes in different companies: how can we account for the differences _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Peter A. Strachan & David Lal, Strategic Opportunities and Barriers in the Evolving UK Wind Energy Market: a business perspective ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Peter A. Strachan, UK Wind Energy Policy – ‘Blowing Away’ Public Opposition ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Karin Hammarlund, Anders Folkesson, Communication strategies in large scale offshore wind developments - A paper presenting knowledge applied in the European DOWNVinD project _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Environmental/Sustainable Development Policy’ Chair: Dr. Andrew Gouldson Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Isabelle Bedoyan, Theo Jans and Irina Tanasescu: An Integrated Product Policy for the EU: are new policy instruments the way to go? _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Louise Ellis, Sustainable Development: A Multi-Actor Consultation. Who is influencing the UK Strategy. ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Joe Howe, Realising the Benefits of Stakeholder Participation in the Water Framework Directive? The Case of the UK Ribble Pilot_____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Maria Francesch, Singapore and Hong Kong Government-NGOs Relations for Sustainable Air Quality: Competing Governance Approaches ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Isabel Mendes, ESTIMATING THE RECREATION VALUE OF ECOSYSTEMS BY USING A TRAVEL COST METHOD APPROACH _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Dirk-Jan Peet, Mulder Karel, Options for a Transition Towards a More Sustainable Information and Communication Technology-Sector _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Åsa Persson, Lisa Segnestam, Environmental indicators as policy tools: a case study of the reporting system for the Swedish national environmental quality objectives _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Davide Poletto et al, NEW INSTIUTIONAL CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES TO GLOBAL GOVERNANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BEYOND THE ORGANISATIONAL VISION ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. David Silbergh, Ruben Spreeuwers: Limiting the size of indicator sets without loss of validity or representativeness for policy actors: an assessment of ‘headline indicators’ and alternatives _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Grazia Cioci, Emyr Thomas, Styles of power interaction and policy learning in European Union environmental policy _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Robert Barrass, Shobhana Madhavan, The Priorities of European Environmental Policy ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Markku Lehtonen, OECD Peer Reviews as a Means of Enhancing Sustainability Transition: Empowerment or Cognitive Changes? ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Katriina Parikka, Ari Nissinen, Product panels for promoting environmentally sound products - finding balance between pre-given objectives and autonomous goal setting ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Arif Satria, POLITICS OF MARINE CONSERVATION AREA IN INDONESIA: FROM A CENTRALIZED TO A DECENTRALIZED SYSTEM ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11 15. Bhaskar Sen Gupta et al., A strategy for asset recovery from consumer tyres – a view from Northern Ireland _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Jerzy Sleszynski et al., RECREATIONAL VALUE OF SELECTED NATIONAL PARKS IN POLAND _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Mercedes de Miguel Cabeza, Environmental taxes in a regional context: a Spanish experience ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Semra Cerit Mazlum, The Politics of Sustainable Development in Turkey: Between Continuity and Change ____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Michael Nye, Understanding Participation in UK Emissions Trading: The Importance of Policy Context ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Petrus Kautto, Industry - government interaction in the preparation of the EuP directive: Formation of a new mode of governance ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Caterina Rinaldi, Paolo Masoni, Roberto Luciani, Application if IPP Tools in the Furniture District of Marche Region (Italy) _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Ernst Luckner, National Transposition of European Directives WEEE and RoHS, and What Companies can learn from _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Robin Vanner, Paul Ekins, Management of produced water on offshore oil and gas production facilities: The application of the precautionary principle using flow analysis Error! Bookmark not defined. 24. Pekka Kauppi, Export of environmental problems: A case in northern Europe" _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 25. Annemarie P. van Wezel, Sonja Kruitwagen, How Dutch Environmental Policy Contributes to Meet European Environmental Standards; Dutch Environmental Balance _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 26. Joanna Ejdys, Economic Instruments of Environmental Policy in Poland_ Error! Bookmark not defined. 27. Hellmuth Lange, How to bring policy changes about? Rapid change in agricultural policies in Germany _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 28. Ignazio Mongelli, G. Tassielli, B. Notarnicola, GWP Accounts in Italy: Alternative Scenarios on the Basis of Producer/Consumer Responsibility ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 29. Markus Knigge, Nicole Kranz, The Role of Labour Unions in the process towards sustainable consumption and production patterns _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 30. David Schmedding, Regio-SUSTAIN - Monitoring the sustainable effectivness of road transport-related policy measures in regions ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 31. Elisabetta Venezia, 'Sustainable pricing and European maritime policy' _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 32. Alexandrre Borde, information based policies for sustainable development ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Theories and Concepts of Sustainable Development’ Chair: Dr. Martina Keitsch ________________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. John Hermansen, A model for considering the concept of industrial ecology as a construction of the connection between the ecological sphere (nature) and the societal sphere (culture) __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Anil Kumar, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM : GLOBALISATION AND THE SUSTAINABLE WAY OUT ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12 3. Anil Kumar, TOWARDS AN UNDERSTANDING OF GLOBALIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - AN AGENDA ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Leonardo Rios, DEBATES ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: TOWARDS A HOLISTIC VIEW OF REALITY _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Alexander de Haan, Grande, Darby, Sustainable Development in practice: A comparison of the operationalised concept for technological innovations in aviation and the Dutch energy system _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Leena Haanpää, STRUCTURES IN SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION RESEARCH: Institutional and individual levels as factors affecting environ-mentally friendly consumption ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Meijer, Ineke, Marko Hekkert, Perceived uncertainties regarding the transformation towards sustainability ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Joachim H. Spangenberg, The economic sustainability of the economy - Assessing the sustainability of a complex system by applying orientor theory______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Delyse Springett, Managing the Narrative of Sustainable Development__ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Johanna Kohl, Experts on the field of forest biodiversity___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Husam Al Waer, M. Sibley, SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS: COMPLEXITY OF MEASUREMENTS AND NEW TRENDS ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Jan Barkmann, How to quantify the normative loading of Sustainable Development indicator systems? _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Katja Keinänen, Protecting the environment from its protectors? ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Esther Ruiz Ben, The Gender Digital Divide and the concept of Sustainable Development ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Yusel Gönenc, MODELING THE DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY, BASED ON DEVELOPED-DEVELOPING NATIONS DISTINCTION ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Marko Hekkert, Functions of Innovation Systems: A new approach for analysing transitions to sustainability __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Liisa.Häikiö, Legitimate positions in local governance practises. A discursive approach to the planning of sustainable development ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Tomi Kallio, Piia Markkanen, Ari Ahonen, Rationality and Legitimation in Sustainable Development Discourse ___________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Thomas Magnusson, Johan Sandström, Sustainable development and technological innovation - a contradiction in terms? _________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Jonnalagadda Rajeswar, Cultural Relativism and its Role in Development-Paradigm Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Ivonne Cruz Barreiro, Contributions to a Sustainable Human Development Theory; Analysing the Human Development paradigm through multidimensional perspectives Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Yazmin Cruz, S. Lozano, J. Carrés, M. López de Asiain, L. Ríos, Social Network Analysis: How to examine social aspects of Sustainable Development in depth Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Igor Nikolic, Crelis Rammelt, Complex Systems Approach to Development Aid ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13 24. Mohua Guha, Sustainable Development: Controversies and Conflicts Error! Bookmark not defined. 33. Eva Pongrácz, Industrial Ecology and Waste Management – From theories to applications ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 25. Joost Dessein, Putting the impracticable into practice. Charting social sustainability among Flemish farmers. _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘IE and SD in Asia’ _________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Ghette Pascual-Sison, Sharon Ablaza Gil, Mapping the Asian Industrial Ecology Network: A Stakeholder Analysis, Defining Eco-Industrial Development in the Philippines as a Context for Development _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Dabo Guan, Laixiang Sun, Klaus Hubacek, ‘Virtual’ Water Flows in China: An extended Input-output Analysis ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. HSIAO-WEN WANG, Lucia Liu Severinghaus, Changes of Avian Species in Yilan in Relation to Recent Changes in Natural and Human Aspects Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Transportation and Sustainability’ ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Eamonn Judge, Mariusz Czepczynski, Olgierd Wyszomirski, A Tale of Two Cities? The Development of Sustainable Transport Policies in the Gdansk Agglomeration, Poland, 1990-2005 ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Warren Walker, Maarten van de Voort, Rik van Grol, Adnan Rahman, Robert Burg, POLICY ANALYSIS OF SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT AND MOBILITY: THE SUMMA PROJECT ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Wolfgang Röhling, Policy Analysis of Sustainable Transport and Mobility: The SUMMA Project _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Elisabetta Venezia: Urban sustainability and transport demand _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ 'Decentralized Energy Systems' Chair: M.Sci. Ingela TietzeStöckinger: ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Ingela Tietze-Stöckinger, Decentralised Energy Modelling _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Simona Negro, Marko P. Hekkert, A Techno-Institutional Analysis of Energy Systems in Transition - The case of biomass gasification technology in the Netherlands from 1980 until 2003 __________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. E. Kathy Stuart, The Impact of Diseconomies of Scale on Energy Pricing in Small Islands ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Jun Abraham, Geothermal Energy in El Slavador________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Christian Jungbluth, Replacing Base Load Power Generation by Distributed CHP-Systems ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Markus Franke, Antje Dietrich, Andreas Geyer-Schulz, Andreas Kamper, Peter Lockemann, Daniel Rolli, Hartmut Schmeck, Christof Weinhardt, Impacts of Distributed Generation from Virtual Power Plants ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Xavier Lemaire, Regulatory Policies and Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Business and SD’ _________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Matti Kojo: 'APPROACH CHANGE IN PUBLIC PARTICIPATION, The case of the site selection process of the final disposal facility for the high-level nuclear waste in Finland' ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14 2. Ki-Hoon Lee, The Promises and Pitfalls of ISO 14001 EMS Market in Korea: The Present and the Future ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Marileena Koskela, The stakeholder cooperation of safety and environmental personnel ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Carlos Eduardo Lessa Brandão, Antonieta E. M. Oliveira, Business and sustainable development: the use of ecological economics, economic profit and balanced growth to bridge the language gap ___________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Andrejs Cekuls, The role of competitive intelligence in sustainable business development of Latvian enterprises _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Joerg Epple, Integrating the Management of Intangible Assets and Sustainability ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Catrin Lammgard, Demand for goods transport and sustainability- present state and implications for tomorrow __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Gary Lynch-Wood, David Williamson, Empirical evidence of the importance of regulation in driving environmental change in manufacturing SMEs ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Dolores Mellado Romera, Integrated Management System and strategic positioning of companies from the south of Spain ___________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Fernando Ferrari, Simone Narciso Lessa, Environmental management system in the oil refinery of Paulinia – Brazil _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Josefina Murillo-Luna, Concepción Garcés Ayerbe, Pilar Rivera Torres, CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGY AND EXPECTATIONS OF COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Gary Lynch-Wood, WILLIAMSON David, Keith Michael Moreton, An Emergent Typology of Strategy, Innovation and Culture as Determinants of Business Performance in Small and Medium Sized Environmental Enterprises _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Maurizio Cellura, Marco Beccali, Vincenzo Franzitta, Marina Mistretta, Decision Support Systems in a Sustainable Management: A Case Study on Excavation Techniques __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Uwafiokun Idemudia, Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Nigeria’s Oil industry ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Kati Heikinheimo, THE PRIVATE SECTOR’S ROLE IN PROMOTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT– FINNISH PERSPECTIVES __________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Tarja Ketola, György Pataki, Greening Processes in a Finnish versus Hungarian Chemical Company _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Tarja Ketola, György Pataki, Environmental Management Consequences of MacroStructural Changes in a Hungarian and Finnish Chemical Company _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Fawzi Halila, Sven Åke Hörte, Innovations that combine environmental and business aspects ________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Nel A. Hofstra, Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Dialogue _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Totti Könnölä, Sustainability Management Systems Lock-in Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Uwem E. Ite, SUBSTANCE OR SPIN? SHELL’S APPROACH TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15 1. Jonh Colvin, Helen Chalmers, Addressing environmental inequalities in UK policy and research: an action research perspective ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Joshua Gogo, Public Choice and Efficiency of Environmental Policy in Heterogeneous Society: A Southern Perspective _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Asthriesslav Rocuts, Preliminary Strategic Analysis -of Ideas- from World Civil Society: Diagnosis, Proposals and Actions for an Integral Sustainable Development Approach Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Valdas Arbaciauskas, ROLE OF DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS IN THE PROCESS OF SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT _________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Marcin-Filip Jedrzejczak, Sandy coastline ecosystem management - Bridging biodiversity and tourism towards sustainable development __________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Melita Rogelj, Global Sustainability Innovations Showcase Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Jaime López de Asiain, Claudio A. Delbene, Jaime Hernando, María López de Asiain, MODERCO. A Coherent Opportunity With The Paradigm Of Sustainability _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. João Guerra, João Ferrão, Quality of life in Portuguese Municipalities Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Jan Kunz, Full employment and sustainable development – how to kill two birds with one stone? _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Ernest Garcia, Social Change Beyond the Limits ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Peter Hills Richard Welford Jacqueline C.K. Lam Annie H.Y. Wong Jannie H.T. Wong: Introducing Fuel Cell Buses in Hong Kong: Stakeholder Perspectives Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Srinivas Sistla, Suresh Chintalapati, Jasvinder Dhillon, Reviewing the Methodologies for Sustainable Living ________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Felix Wong, THE DEVELOPMENT OF QUANTITATIVE HEALTH INDICATORS FOR THE TASC (TOOL FOR ASSESSMENT OF SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION) _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Kaarin Taipale, CITIES FOR SALE Disintegration of Public Space, a Barrier to Urban Sustainability ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Matti Luostarinen, Innovaatiostrategia ja -kapasiteetti. Ekologinen klusteri ja innovaatiopolitiikka _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Frieder Otto Wolf, Metamorphoses of a Strategy - The Institutional Dimension of Governance for Sustainable Development in Europe _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Rachel Curzon, Sustainable Development in Practice: Examination of a cross European project to create a training programme for sustainable economic development and environmental management ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Pernilla Gluch, Ann-Charlotte Stenberg, The Image of Greening as Communicated by Trade Press _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Panayota Alevizou, Caroline Oates, Seonaidh McDonald, Environmental Labelling and information: A cross-cultural study of consumers’ perceptions ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Safwan Al Assaf, Towards Better Climatic Responses in Architectural and Urban Design An Integrated Approach for Syria _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16 21. Nelly Correa Sandoval, D. Fabián Lozano García, Nature Services endowed chair: Ecologic and economic valuation as a key for sustainable development _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Lucie Lustigova, Sustainable marketing in Czech business sphere __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Rachel Curzon, Mineral Extraction And Site Restoration in the UK – A Sustainable Process? _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 24. Mahmoud Saffarzadeh, Indicators of Sustainable Development in Transportation __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 25. J.Andrés Dominguez, Antonio Aledo, Raquel Huete, Guadalupe Ortiz: Sociocultural determinants of water utilisation. Results from Aquadapt UE project _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 26. Simone Klawitter, A Programmatic Concept towards Sustainable Water Pricing for Residential Water Use ____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 27. Regina Eich, Jürgen-Friedrich Hake, Energy Research and Innovation – On the Road to a Sustainable Energy Policy? ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 28. Eino Timola, The Entry Strategy for Sustainable Building Challengers Error! Bookmark not defined. 29. Turunen Helka, Riitta Keiski, ENGINEERING APPROACH TO THE ESTIMATED EARTH'S CARRYING CAPACITY FOR CARBON DIOXIDE _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 30. Francesca Giglio, Tools of local planning negotiated for the integrated management of the building wastes __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 31. Maurizio Aversa, Innovation and Architecture. Design strategies and intervention models. ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 32. Andreas Pape, Igor Nikolic, Common Language for Mulidisciplinary research in Industrial Ecology ________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Developing country perspective’ Chair: Dr. Evans Kituyi Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Anamika Barua, Causes and challenges of water pollution in India __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Vijaya Gupta, Non-market Valuation of the Benefits of Environmental Quality of Powai Lake, Mumbai (Bombay) India ______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Amir Hossain Chowdhury, Sustainable Development: Bangladesh Perspective ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Doriana Delfino, A Pilot Study Into The Effects Of Indoor Air Pollution On Respiratory Health In West Bengal, India ________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Riana Stone, A Van Staden, A. P. Joubert, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA: INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS AND STRATEGIES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT _________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Riana Stone, MEETING BASIC NEEDS – THE INFLUENCE OF A LACK OF ENERGY SUPPLY ON THE HEALTH OF POPULATION’S IN RURAL COMMUNITIES: A CASE STUDY OF THE MATOME COMMUNITY, IN THE LIMPOPO PROVINCE ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Geoffrey Nwaka, Planning Sustainable Cities in Africa ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Absolom Masendeke, Is sustainable natural resources management compatible with sustainable livelihoods? A critical analysis of lessons and experiences from three action research districts in Zimbabwe ______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17 9. Chiedza C. Gwata, Willingness to Pay for Soil Conservation: An Incentives Approach to Sustainable Management of the Save Catchment Area: South-East Zimbabwe ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Obayuwana Quincy, Environmental Degradation In Africa: Its Problems and Prospects ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Jan K. Coetzee: Listening to the marginalised: from narratives of hardship and disruption to policy and practice _______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Shankar Ramasubramaniam, A PERSPECTIVE ON INDIAN EXPERIENCE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND LIFESTYLE ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Subhra Datta, Mohua Guha, Water Resources in India: Critical Issues in Relation to Availability and Sustainable Use _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Vijaya Gupta, Karan Ahluwalia, Searching for an Empirical Evidence for Environmental Kuznets Curve and Projecting Future Emission Scenario for India___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Anand Pandey, An approach for LCA of Cement Production in India _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Rana Gulzar Ahmad, Kyoto Protocol and Pakistan_______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Megha Raj Regmi, Sustainable Approach to Environmental Sanitation: Dry Ecological Toilets in Nepal __________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Shova Thapa, Social-ecological resilience and the institutions in protected areas: A case study of Royal Bardia National Park, Nepal ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Narayani Tiwari, Women’s Agency in relation to Population and Environment in Rural Nepal ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. PRAVIN AGRAWAL, Sustainability of Self Help Groups-A Practical approach _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Chhewang Rinzin, Walter Vermeulen, Pieter Glasbergen, Bhutan’s Approach towards Sustainable Development: The Middle Path Development Strategy in Practice _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. A.Sahay: Environmental Management in India: Its Social, Economic and Legal Aspects ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Angkarn Wongdeethai, Jürgen K. Ertel, The Concepts of Eco-Industrial Estate and Networks: The Thailand Pilot Projects ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 24. Angkarn Wongdeethai, Jürgen K. Ertel, Material Flow Analysis in Thailand: Total Material Requirement Method ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 25. Emel Baylan, A Research On Development and Conservation of Natural and Cultural Environment Through Local Responsibility; Case Study: Terkos Lake, Istanbul ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 26. Celine Germond-Duret, Progress and obstacles on the way towards sustainable development: the World Bank and its Inspection Panel, with a special attention to hydroelectric projects _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 27. Dmitri Gudkov, A.B. Nazarov, Radioactive contamination of aquatic ecosystems within the Chernobyl exclusion zone: environmental policy and autorehabilitation processes __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 28. Raheem Kolawole, Kari Hänninen, Life Cycle Approaches, Government and Corporate Social Responsibility; Major Challenges In An African Country _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18 29. Ralph Cobham, The Role of Institutional Change in the Management of Sustainable Development Strategies and Plans ___________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘CSR Special Stream’ Chair: Dr. Richard Welford __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Beate Littig, Work-Life-Balance – a promising concept for sustainability policies? ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Jordi Carrés Gonzàlez, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AT THE ENTERPRISE First step towards the sustainability for Catalan enterprises Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Lauren Darby, Frances Hines, Heledd Jenkins, Applying sustainability indicators to the social enterprise business model: the development and application of an indicator set for Newport Wastesavers, Wales _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Arun Sahay, Sanjeev Varshney, Analytical Study of Corporate Sustainability Reporting in India __________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Stephen Barthorpe, Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK Construction Industry ________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Paul Blyton, Sustainable Work-Life Integration: What we know and why we need a Broader View __________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Consumption and SD’ _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Anna Scott, Understanding sustainable development in households _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. William Young, Kumju Hwang, Seonaidh McDonald, Caroline Oates, DECISION-MAKING FOR SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Jun Bi, Bing Zhang, Environmental Behavior Analysis of Residents Living in High-rise Buildings _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Kate Pears, A preface to sustainable development in Australia _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Environmental Education Stream’____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Jawanit Kittitornkool, Peter Burt, Promoting Learning Processes for Public Participation in Sustainable Development: Lessons and Experiences from Action Research in Southern Thailand _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Carolina Armijo, The Mexican strategy towards education and sustainable development: the case of the Autonomous University of Baja California _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Clemens Mader, Integration of Sustainability into Universities - Students Role and Contribution _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. LEONARDO RIOS, EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: INTEGRAL FORMATION PROGRAM IN INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY IN AN OPEN, FLEXIBLE AND PERTINENT CURRICULUM _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Masashi OKAMOTO, Mohammad Sarkar Arani, Energy Education in Developed and Developing Countries -A Comparative Study on Japan, Iran & China National Curriculum ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Yazmin Cruz, Javier Alvarez, Sustainable Development and Higher Education - Story of a limited impact ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Mario Fargnoli, Edoardo Rovida, Experiences in the education for sustainable development in the industrial field ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19 8. Jari Hietaranta and Jenni Koivisto: Environmental Health Education, Project in Msunduza Township, Swaziland _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Maria Lopez de Asiain, Ide@sostenible - A New Communication Space For Students And Young Researchers ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Maria Lopez Asiain, Curricular Environmentalisation. For or against the obsolete faculty? ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Constantina Skanavis, Free Choice Learning for Sustainable Development in Greece Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Zaneta Stasiskiene, Jurgis Staniskis: An integrated approach to environmental education and research: a case study from Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania) _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Petr Rychtecký, Sustainable development in environmental education regarding Czech NGOs _________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Sancar Ozaner, Outdoor Ecology Based Environmental Training in Turkey to Enhance Sustainable Development __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Peter Eyerer, Dörthe Krause, Peter Stockmayer, From frontal lecture to learning workshop (TheoPrax) _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Peter Hills, Environmental and Sustainability Reporting at the University of Hong Kong: Concept and Practice _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. Robert L. Wallis & Anne M. Wallis, Progressing Sustainability – an Outcome from Successful Engagement and Partnerships between Regional Universities and their Communities ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Robert Wallis, Anne Wallis, The South West Sustainability Partnership – an Alliance to Promote and Support Research in Sustainability in Australia Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Santiago Cáceres, Broadening Engineering Education: Engineering and Sustainable Development ____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Godwell Nhamo, South Africa´s Kids in Parks Programme: Controversies, Key Actors and Actor-Network ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Kate Pears, Exploring the value of experiential learning within the sustainability discourse ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Petra Aigner, Hilary Tovey, A comparative investigation of the implementation of concepts of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘nature protection’ in the national curriculum of Austria versus Ireland ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Richard A. White, Innovative ways to integrate environmental courses in universities with sustainable development projects in local communities: experiences from University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa __________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Sustainable Performance Measurement’ Chair: Dr. Frank Figge and Dr. Tobias Hahn ____________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Timo van den Brink, Environmental Funds: Measuring Financial and Governance Performances ___________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Wolfgang Meyer, Sustainable Performance, Impact Measurement and Evaluation Research ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Ronnie Chatterji, David Levine, Improving Non-Financial Performance Measurement: A Call to Action _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Yannis A. Phillis, Vassilis S. Kouikoglou, Definition and assessment of sustainability via fuzzy logic: Promises and difficulties __________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20 5. Isidro López, Sustainability in Spain __________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Oliver Salzmann, Ulrich Steger and Aileen Ionescu-Somers, Quantifying economic effects of corporate sustainability management: Importance, effects and gaps __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Natalia Yakovleva, Measuring the Sustainability of the Food System: a Case Study of the UK ____________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Andrew Gouldson, Do Firms Adopt Lower Standards in Poorer Areas? Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Justice in the EU and the US ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Frank Figge and Tobias Hahn: Sustainable Value – Putting a monetary figure on corporate sustainability performance. The case of BP ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Cleaner Production (CP) Special Stream’ Chair: Mr. Arnulf Hasler ________________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Dorothy Maxwell, W. Sheate, Enabling Sustainable Development through Sustainable Consumption and Production _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Marcel Weil, E. Gasafi, A. Buchwald, K. Dombrowski: Sustainable Design of Geopolymers Integration of economic and environmental aspects in early stages of material development ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Jolanta Dvarioniene, Zaneta Stasiskiene, Integrated water resource management model for process industry: exploratory study of current practices, possibilities and strategic intents in Lithuania _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Olga Gavrilova, Tiina Randla, Raivo Vilu, On land use related carbon cycling monitoring and control in Estonia _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Samy Abd-Allah, Towards a more safe environment: (4) Disposability of uranium by some clay sediments in Egypt ___________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Pertti Keskitalo, FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEM AND NUTRIENT FLOWS – Case of Tampere and the neighboring municipalities ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Alexandre Peyroteo, Carla Carvalho, Said Jalali, Comparative environmental evaluation of steel structures and reinforced concrete structures _____________________________ 22 8. Mickael Planasch, Product Service Systems for Water - A Way To Sustainable Water Management Systems For Companies ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Wang Lingmei, Ni Weidou, Study on Circle Economy Mode of Coal-based Industry _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Arzu Özbay and Göksel Demirer: Cleaner Production Opportunity Assessment For Market Milk Production in Ataturk Orman Ciftligi (AOC) Facility ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Tracy Bhamra, Vicky Lofthouse, Integrating Sustainability into Education: the development of a Toolbox for Sustainable Design Education _________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘LCA/LCM Special Stream’ __________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Seppo Junnila, Applying life cycle assessment to determine the environmentally significant activities of a service company ______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Winnie Gerbens-Leenes, H.C. Moll, Measurement of Environmental Sustainability of Food Companies using a Life Cycle Approach ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Francesca Cappellaro, Paolo Masoni, Balázs Sára, Environmental Analysis and Comparative LCA of UPS Systems ___________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21 4. Fulvio Ardente, M. Beccali, M. Cellura, N. Marvuglia, THE PRODUCT ORIENTED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (POEMS) Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Julia Pflieger, A New Internet e-learning Resource on Sustainability _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Barthel Leif, Marc-Andree Wolf, Peter Eyerer, Methodology of Life Cycle Sustainability for Sustainability Assessments _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Martin Lehmann-Chadha, Olli Hietanen, ICT and Energy Consumption Patterns of an Office Week – A Future Cycle Analysis _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Industrial Ecology, Systems Analysis and Evolution’ Chair: Dr. Jim Baldwin ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Jim Baldwin, F.Birkin, S.C.L.Koh, An Evolutionary Classification Scheme for Industrial Symbiosis ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Anita Zvolinschi, Signe Kjelstrup, A Technology Maturity Indicator for Industrial Ecology ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Anneke Juliana Richards, Investigation of sub-catchment to catchment scale sustainability indicators, specifically interactions between indicators and the impacts of spatial scale ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Cynthia Echave, Ecological Approach for an Urban Energy Model Analysis _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Yannis Mouzakitis, E.D. Adamides, S.Goutsos, Systems Modelling in Industrial Ecosystems: Towards an Integrating Framework ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Lenny SC Koh, F.Birkin, Jim Baldwin, Eco-supply Chain in Manufacturing and Logistics ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Juha Helenius, Reija Hietala-Koivu, Minna Mikkola, Laura Seppänen, Esa Aro-Heinilä, Helmi Risku-Norja, Marko Sinkkonen, Antto Vihma, Systems frame for multidisciplinary study on sustainability of localizing food _______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Local and Regional Authorities Stream’ ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Emel Baylan, EU Funds Based Local Actions For Sustainable Development, In The Case Study of: Northeastern Region of Turkey As A Developing Country __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Ivana Capozza, ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES AND CHARGES IN DECENTRALISING GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEMS. THE CASE OF ITALY ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Bruce K. Chung, Taiwan Eco-Industrial Policy Review: from the perspective of environmental history on high-tech industries ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Brian McGarrie, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE NORTH EAST OF ENGLAND ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Luisa Moretto, The European Union Approach to Sustainable Urban Development in Developing Countries _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Anni Panula-Ontto-Suuronen, Compiling and monitoring the Environmental Programme of South Savo _____________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Ulrika Palme, Sustainable development indicators for urban water systems? Case studies on prerequisites and demand _______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Hans Bruyninckx, Kris Bachus, Mayke Poesen-Vandeputte, Governance for sustainable development in Flanders ___________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22 9. Sara Fuller, Prioritising local environmental concerns within neighbourhood renewal in the UK ____________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Mallik Hossain, Urban Environmental Management and Governance: Sanitation for the Poor in Bangladesh Cities __________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Fábio Giardini Pedro, Ana Luiza Roma Couto Serra, Daniella Farias Scarassatti, Jason Katz, The Politics of Intervention: Relocating Slum Communities in Areas of Risk in the Municipality of Campinas, Brazil _____________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Maria Angela Sorce, Arianna Cecchin: ‘The Allocation of Structural Funds’ Performance Reserve for Environmental Sustainability: the Italian Objective 1 and 2 Regions ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 13. Simon Chubb, Promoting Regional Sustainable Development through European Funding Programmes: Experiences from the East of England _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. João Guerra, Luisa Schmidt, Joaquim Gil Nave, Local Agenda 21 and Citizenship: The Portuguese Case within European Context ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Petra Zerebakova, Relation Between Urban Greenery and sustainable development Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program/ ‘Agriculture Stream’ Chair: Ville Niutanen_____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Robinson Borba, Brazilian Agri-Industrial Ecopark _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Ben Gilna, Landscape Biotechnology – what does it mean for wilderness? ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Mulier, A., Nevens, F., Reheul, D. and Mathijs,E.: A holistic sustainability monitor at farm level ___________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Sanjeev Panwar, Anil Kumar, Identification of Indicators for Sustainability of Agriculture: A Farmers’ Perception Approach ______________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Inga Grinfelde, Erik Mathijs, Soil conservation in post-transition agriculture: An econometric analysis of Latvian farmers’ behaviour ________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Erwin Wauters, Erik Mathijs, Gerard Govers, Jean Poesen, Charles Bielders, Sustainability assessment of soil erosion measures in Belgium ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Isayas Haile, Investigating the Diversity of Smallholder Livelihoods in the Central Highlands of Eritrea _______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Pälvi Pöyhönen, Kari Hänninen, Sustainable Waste Management in Brewery and Meat Processing Industry. Production of Energy through Biomethanation of the Biowastes Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Richard Spalding, BMV Land : versatile or VULNERABLE ? - valuing agricultural land as a resource for local food provisioning in the SW of England _ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Ahto Oja, Modelling organic farming in Estonia: which factors lead to the innovation – to the adoption of organic farming _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Balint Balazs, Györgyi BELA, György PATAKI, Barbara BODORKÓS, VALUING CROP BIODIVERSITY ON FARM IN HUNGARY _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. General Program II ________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Vimala NR, Planning and Implementation of Sustainable Development–A study of Leather and Water in India ________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Isidro López, Land Use evolution in Spain _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23 3. Barbara Bodorkós, SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOUTH-BORSOD REGION, HUNGARY _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Matthias Egerer, Global Change and the Effects on Industrial Water Use in the Catchment Area of the Upper Danube _________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Effects on Industrial Water Use in the Catchment Area of the Upper Danube ______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Lily Changyun Jiang, How does mixed-use neighbourhood affect residents´ work-travel? Findings from case studies in Beijing, Chin ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. YARIME Masaru, Transition from the State of Technological Lock-in: A Case Study of Replacing Diesel Vehicles with Low-Emission Vehicles in Tokyo ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Gonçalo LOBO, Sérgio COSTA, Regina NOGUEIRA, Paula ANTUNES, António BRITO 'A scenario Building Methodology to Support the Definition of Sustainable Development Strategies: the Case of the Azores Region' ____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Jesper Sølver Schou, Thomas Bregnballe, Management of water bird shooting by voluntary agreements _____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Tiago Pedrosa, Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Communication of science to non-scientific audience: VGAS - exploration of energy, lifestyles and climate _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. ‘Developing Country Perspective II’ __________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Tohnain Nobert Lengha, Indigenous Organisations and Sustainable Development in Cameroon ______________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Babatunde Lawal, Impact of a Reach-out Educational Programme on Nigeria Police Officers´ Profile in Environmental Legislation ___________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Saleh Ahmed, Imranul Haque, G.M. Sonny Shankhary: 'Dynamics of Riparian Land Uses along river bank buriganga: Scenario analysis of a SOUTH ASIAN CITY, DHAKA' __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Reynaldo Perez Ramos: 'ENHANCING STAKEHOLDERS PARTICIPATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL DECISION-MAKING PROCESS: A CASE STUDY OF WASTE DISPOSAL SITING IN THE PHILIPPINES' _____________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Mahendra Varman, T.M.I Mahlia, H.H Masjuki, M. Husnawan, Historical and Future Trend of Energy Demand and Environmental Emissions from Transportation Sector in Malaysia ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Mahendra Varman, T.M.I Mahlia, H.H Masjuki, M. Husnawan, Feasibility and Potential of Switching to NGV for Commercial Vehicles in Malaysia ___ Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Raheem Kolawole et al., An Overview of Environmental and Social Responsibility of Potential Pollutant Industries in Lagos and Ogun States of Nigeria __ Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Raheem Kolawole, Pekka Kupari, Education for Sustainable Development; Teachers’ Perspectives in the Developing Countries______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Mariam Ubilava, Integration of Ecological, Economical and Social Aspects for Achieving Sustainable Development in Country (Georgia) _________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Jamil Sadiq, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT & NETWORK-INFORMATION _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Alain Ndedi, Water privitisation in Africa _______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 12. Maria Lopez de Asiain, Co-operation & Sustainability ____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 24 13. Morris Chidavaenzi, Title of the paper to be updated _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 14. Furong Xu, Tuula Pohjola, Developing of environmental management training in China ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 15. Furong Xu, Tuula Pohjola, Environmental performance improvement in Chinese enterprises ______________________________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 16. Mr. Robinson, Title of the paper to be updated __________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 17. T Ramjeawon, Title of the paper to be updated _________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 18. Cesar Reyes Nájera, From South to South Latin American Networks of Ecomaterials and Sustainable Solutions for Social Housing ______________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 19. Heidi Dumreicher, A concept leading to strategies for sustainability The example of Chinese villages and regions ______________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 20. Digna Jatiningsih, Global warming : The contribution of CO2 emission from small cities in the Developing Country ____________________________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 21. Damaris Kimilu, Title of the paper to be updated ________ Error! Bookmark not defined. 22. Kudakwashe Moyo, Title of the paper to be updated _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 23. Romeela Mohee, Title of the paper to be updated _______ Error! Bookmark not defined. 24. Morris Chidavaenzi, Title of the paper to be updated _____ Error! Bookmark not defined. 1. Alexandre Peyroteo, Carla Carvalho, Said Jalali, Comparative environmental evaluation of steel structures and reinforced concrete structures In Search of Environmental Friendly Structures: A Comparative Evaluation of Steel Structures and Reinforced Concrete Structures Alexandre Peyroteo, Carla Carvalho, Said Jalali University of Minho, Department of Construction Engineering 2004 Guimarães, Portugal Introduction: The concept of sustained development, as defined in the Brundtland report in 1987 and later on endorsed in Rio Earth Summit in 1992, is a complex and dynamic challenge that demands contributions of the most diverse sectors of activity. Research works concerning direct application of this concept for most industrial activities still is needed. The implementation of sustainable development in construction industry has led to concept of sustainable construction. Hence, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach is becoming, slowly but surely, the acceptable 25 tool for selection of construction materials and products, as well as, construction processes and design. The application of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for selection of construction materials constitutes, at present, the first step in a more complex assessment of the whole life global environmental performance. In order to assist designer different approaches to LCA have been suggested and a few software have been developed namely: SimaPro (Netherlands); general applications of LCA studies. GaBi (Germany); general applications of LCA studies. BEES 3.0 (U.S.A); support of decisions making in the materials selection. ATHENA (Canadá); support of decisions making in buildings conception. GBTool (Canadá); support in complete buildings system valuation. However, it was found that the software available could not be used directly for the case at hand and hence it was deemed necessary to develop a simple software for this research work. This research work is an attempt for gathering the necessary data for evaluation of reinforced concrete structures and steel structures, as well as, developing a user friendly software for quick comparison of these two construction materials that are used most frequently.