This is a list of stuff that you will need... It is (and it is not) a complete list because...

This is a list of stuff that you will need to know for the final.
It is (and it is not) a complete list because saying “and how to use it” can mean many
different things.
I would suggest that you collect some representative examples from the
assignments for a quick reference… in the manner of the python syntax document
that you used on the midterm.
What a string is and how to use it
What a float is and how to use it
What an integer is and how to use it
What a list is and how to use it
What a dictionary is and how to use it
How to write a function definition and how to call it
How to print out strings, lists, dictionaries, float, integer
What booleans are and how to compare them
How to write if/elseif/else statements
How to write a loop that executes a specific number of times
How to write a loop that executes a number of times depending on some range
How to write a while loop that executes a specific number of times
How to read in a file and how to write out a file