Group:__________ Group members:_________________________________________________ Target Culture:__________________________________________________

Group members:_________________________________________________
Target Culture:__________________________________________________
Interview questions
Background information:
1. What is your name? A: Fernando Dias.
2. What is the meaning of your name? A: My parent named after my grandfather.
3. Where do you come from? A: Brazil, Parana.
4. For how long have you stayed in Taiwan? A: About 3years.
5. What is your gender? A: Male.
6. What subject do you study here? A: Chinese and Economic.
I. Objective culture
1. Could you tell us some important features of your culture?
a. Where is your country?
A: Southern west, near the Paraguay and Argentina
What natural resources do you have?
A: La Santisima Trinidad de Parana.(巴拉那的桑蒂西莫-特立尼達耶穌會傳教區)
b. What is the staple food in your country?
A: rice, black beans, tapioca
Do you have any special table manners?
A: We don't use hands to eat.
What agricultural produce do you have in your country?
A: Guarana Santos coffee, Soybean
c. How is the weather like in your country?
A: It's very hot and humid.
d. What kinds of clothes do people wear to work or to school?
A: Our students wear uniform, and to work it depends on what's your job.
What do people wear at home?
A: In our country, male usually half-naked.
What do people wear to formal events?
A: We usually wear suit.
Do you have any traditional costumes in your country?
A: Carnival custumes
When do you wear those traditional costumes?
A: Brazil carnival.
e. What are the most famous landmarks, historical sites, tourist attractions, or
architectures tourists must visit?
A: Iguazu falls
f. What does the typical house look like?
A: It's kind of Southern Europe flavor.
Is it expensive to buy a house or an apartment?
A: It's depends on location.
When do young people leave home?
A: I not sure, I leaved home when I studied in college.
Do young adults live with their parents?
A: Not at all, we prefer live by ourselves because we need some private life.
g. How do people get to work?
A: We usually get to work by bus.
h. What is the most popular sport in your country? Do you play it?
A: I think everyone know that Brazil is famous of it's soccer. And yeah, I love to
play soccer. That's my favorite sport.
i. Who are the most famous writers in your country? What stories have you read?
A: O Alquimista( the alchemest) written by Paulo Coelho.
j. Who is the most famous (your favorite) singer in your country? What is his/her
most famous song about?
A: Caetano Veloso, I think his most famous song is "O LEAOZINHO" It's a
lovely song.
2. Regarding the items mentioned in question 1, what differences do you find
between your culture and Taiwanese culture?
A: I think there's a big difference between Taiwan and Brazil. For example, we
usually get to work by car or scooter, and house we live in apartment and detached
house or building.
II. Subjective Culture
1. Could you tell us the subjective feature of your culture?
a. Time: Is it important to be punctual? Do people always arrive on time? Is it ok to
arrive late?
A: Of course it is, if late of school or work that will be a punishment because if we
late the other will think we are not responsible for this.
b. Invitation: Is it normal to invite a friend to have dinner at home? Or people meet in
the public places, like restaurants or cafés? Do you need to bring something if you
are invited?
A: Sometimes, if I first to come to someone's home, I will buy some fruits. We
usually meet friends at outside, so we can talk a lot of private things and have a
good time.
c. Greeting: How do people greet each other when they meet? Do you shake hands,
bow, hug, or kiss? What do you say to each other?
A: We will say hi and face touch face, and greeting lively.
Agreement and disagreement: How do you express agreement or disagreement?
Acceptance or refusal?
A: We will say no or don't count me in something like that.
d. Directness: Is it polite to be direct? Or do people tend to be indirect?
A: Yes, we love to be taught, and teach someone. We think this is a good way to
learn from each other.
e. Do people use body language a lot? Is it polite to touch someone while speaking?
A: If we chatting too exciting, we will do that.
g. Are there any taboos foreigners must know before visiting your countries? What do
you think are the underlying reasons of those taboos?
A: We very enjoy to look someone's hip because we think this part is the most sexy.
2. Regarding the items mentioned in question 2, what differences do you find
between your culture and Taiwanese culture?
A: When we meet each other we says hi or gesture, and we seldom hug or face
touch face.
III. 就你自己的經驗,對這個訪談活動有何心得感想:
陳星宏: 這次訪談很特別,讓我學到了其他國家的文化,他國跟台灣相比雖然有些
何明駿: 跟外國人接觸真的可以學到很多東西,特別是對我們以語言為主要科目的
1. 我覺得這個訪談活動有何優點?
Ans: 可以了解一些外平常接觸不到的外國文化。
2. 我學到什麼新的文化知識?
Ans: 巴西人算是相當熱情的一個民族,雖然生活水平不算太高,但是給人的
3. 我學到什麼新的語言或單字?
Ans: Dias 交了我一些西班牙文的打招呼用語 像 Buenas tardes 是西班牙文
的午安 諸如此類的用語。
4. 我在和外籍學生中運用什麼溝通技巧來理解和表達?
Ans: 溝通技巧當然不外乎手語,主要的問題還是講話的口音還有講話速度有
5. 我覺得訪談活動有什麼缺點?
Ans: 題目稍嫌多了點,剩下沒什麼大問題。
6. 我在尋找國際學生訪談的過程是否有任何困難?
Ans: 他的時間不太好配合,聽他說平日晚上還滿忙的,算是百忙之中抽空來