Chapter 16 In Class Problems Period 1 16.6 The second experiment proceeds at the higher rate. I2 in the gaseous state would experience more collisions with gaseous H2. 16.11 a) Calculate the slope of the line connecting (0, [C]o) and (tf, [C]f) (final time and concentration). The negative of this slope is the average rate. b) Calculate the negative of the slope of the line tangent to the curve at t = x. c) Calculate the negative of the slope of the line tangent to the curve at t = 0. d) If you plotted [D] versus time, you would not need to take the negative of the slopes in (a)–(c) since [D] would increase over time. 16.13 16.17 16.20 a-d 16.24 16.33 Period 2 16.38 16.44 This 12.5% is 3 half lives – so multiply the value in a by 3! 16.48 16.55 16.63 Period 3 16.73 16.75 16.84 16.99a