
班級:休閒碩研一甲 姓名:張微羚 學號:MA0B0210 日期:2012 年 5 月 22 日
文章名稱 :第十一章 在另一個生活領域中的休閒利益
關鍵字: Rest of life, leisure benefits,life satisfaction, quality of life, job
satisfaction, spillover theory, compensation theory, activity ,continuity
1. leisure can provide opportunities that foster various forms of psychological
well-being. It seems reasonable, then, to assume that people with higher
levels of psychological well-being may have more personal resources to deal
with, and even enjoy the demands and challenges they experience in other areas
of daily life, whether it be on the job or in the context of family or other
interpersonal relationships.
2. researchers often, assume that leisure is more likely to be influenced by
experiences in other areas of life than it is to influence what goes on in
those other domains.
3. The demands and obligations in the work and family domains combined to
strongly influence behavior in the leisure domain. Family, work and gender
roles have a powerful effect on leisure (e.g., Bella, 1989; Horna, 1989a;
Horna & Lupri, 1987).
4. leisure involvements can be a form of resistance against role constraints
that may lead to changes in other areas of life —a benefit. This idea of
leisure as resistance has been applied primarily to understanding the role
that leisure can play in helping women resist and challenge gender
stereotypes that limit what is seen as appropriate behavior (Wearing, 1990;
Freysinger & Flannery, 1992).
5. leisure involvements can be a form of resistance against role constraints
that may lead to changes in other areas of life —a benefit. This idea of
leisure as resistance has been applied primarily to understanding the role
that leisure can play in helping women resist and challenge gender
stereotypes that limit what is seen as appropriate behavior (Wearing, 1990;
Freysinger & Flannery, 1992).
6. The effects of leisure on other areas of life can also be negative. For example,
leisure involvements can constrain women and men's behavior in a variety of
life domains if they reinforce traditional views of "femininity" and
"masculinity" (Shaw, 1994)—a cost.
7. When researchers have been interested in the impact of leisure on other
domains of life, they have often focused on satisfaction with the whole of
life—that is, what is called life satisfaction.
8. Life satisfaction is a popular measure of quality of life.
9. People are typically asked to rate their satisfaction with life as a whole
or some aspect of it. Satisfaction is seen to have a past "time orientation"
and life satisfaction scales measure relatively enduring and stable beliefs
or cognitions.
10. Generally, small but significant relationships have been found between
frequency of leisure participation and life satisfaction.
11. The best support for the link between leisure participation and life
satisfaction comes from research on successful aging and life satisfaction.
12. Positive relationships between leisure activity patterns and the life
satisfaction of older adults have frequently been found. In fact, some
research has suggested that leisure activity levels may be better predictors
of life satisfaction than health and income (see Mannell & Dupuis, 1996).
13. there is growing evidence that the strength of the influence of leisure
participation on well-being varies substantially depending not only on age
and gender, but on socioeconomic status, ethnicity and race (Brown, Frankel
& Fennell, 1991; Brown & Frankel, 1993; Evans & Haworth, 1991; Cutler Riddick
& Gonder Stewart, 1994).
14. Measures of leisure satisfaction have been found to be better predictors of
life satisfaction than have leisure participation measures—the higher
leisure satisfaction, the higher life satisfaction (e.g., Ragheb & Griffith,
1982; Russell, 1987; Brown, Frankel & Fennell, 1991; Ragheb, 1993).
15. In a widely cited study, London, Crandall and Seals (1977) found that job
satisfaction and leisure satisfaction contributed independently to the
quality of life, and that leisure satisfaction was the better predictor.
16. Regardless of how satisfying people experience their leisure or how
frequently they participate, their leisure may not strongly influence life
satisfaction if they are at a stage in their lives where leisure is
overshadowed in importance by other concerns.
17. The leisure-life-satisfaction link has been found to vary as a function of
wide range of social experiences as reflected by differences in age,
ethnicity, gender, occupation and social status.
18. The rationale for this research focus is rooted in the assumption that the
job dictates activity selection, participation times and the people with whom
an individual has frequent contact.
19. leisure which occurs during free time is relatively unconstrained, and
consequently, it is free to vary in response to paid work demands and
arrangements (Iso-Ahola & Mannell, 1985).
20. The spillover and compensation theories suggest that the nature of people’s
work directly influences their choice of leisure activities.
21. Compensation theory suggests that deprivations experienced at work are made
up for during leisure, or that people participate in activities which satisfy
needs that they cannot satisfy at work.
22. The recreation and relaxation theories of play were based on the belief that
most work was boring and monotonous and that engagement in play and sports
had restorative qualities.
23. Kelly (1983) and Shamir (1988) have suggested that when work-setting rules
and expectations impede the satisfaction of important needs, leisure can
provide opportunities for people to more readily meet these needs and affirm
who they are.
24. It could be postulated that leisure provides the opportunity to compensate
for psychological needs not met by work, help workers achieve a better balance
in their lives, and consequently feel better about their work.
25. In a study of Israeli female elementary school teachers (Meir & Melamed, 1986)
and engineers, physicians and lawyers (Melamed, Meir & Samson 1995),
researchers looked at the degree of correspondence between the workers'
personality-based needs and the opportunities available to satisfy these
needs in both their work and their leisure.
26. Hildebrand and Mannell (1996) found that teachers’ leisure contributed to
their job satisfaction by providing for relaxation, relieving stress,
recharging, providing a positive frame of mind, maintaining self-esteem, and
influencing teaching ideas.
27. For workers who experienced their vacations as highly satisfying, their level
of job satisfaction was higher after their vacations than before (Lounsbury
& Hoopes, 1986).
28. accumulated evidence shows that a large portion of retired men have few
problems in adjusting to retirement, though there is still substantial
variation in the degree of adjustment and the subsequent quality of life
experienced (see McPherson, 1983; Jensenscott, 1993) .
29. Research suggests that the retirement transition is less traumatic and more
satisfying among people with higher perceived levels of health and economic
status; who have harmonious marriages and social support from their spouses
and families.
30. Consistent with activity and continuity theories, research has shown that
those people who use their free time to continue to participate in similar
types of social activity at about the same level as they did prior to
retirement, and who have positive attitudes toward leisure, adjust better
and are more satisfied with their lives.
31. Stebbins (1992) suggested that serious leisure can be important to the
quality of older retired adults’ lives by providing work-like activity,
offering a link with former work associates, current friends and relatives,
expanding one’s social circle, fostering responsibility, and creating the
opportunity to feel needed by other people.
32. Warr (1983) identified nine potentially negative features of
unemployment—financial anxiety, less variety in life due to reduced income
and more time spent at home, fewer goals or aims in life, reduced opportunity
for making important decisions, reduced opportunities to exercise skills or
expertise, increase in psychologically threatening activities such as
unsuccessful job searches, insecurity about the future, fewer social
contacts, and reduced social status.
33. Orthner and Mancini (1991) found that research has shown the positive impact
of shared leisure experiences on the quality of family relationships.
34. The benefits for families claimed for leisure can be divided into three major
types: family stability, family interaction, and family satisfaction
35. The idea of family stability is reflected in the common phrase used to promote
family recreation, “the family that plays together stays together.”
36. The more frequently couples did things together, the more likely they were
to communicate and as part of that communication, to argue. However, verbal
disagreements have been viewed as indicators of strategies being used for
reducing family tension and disagreements (Orthner & Mancini, 1980).
37. The consistent finding is that husband and wives who share leisure time
together in joint activities tend to be much more satisfied with their
marriages than those who do not.
38. The influence of gender relations on family leisure has also been largely
ignored (Bella, 1992). The greater responsibility of mothers for family
leisure identified by some authors (e.g., Bella, 1992; Hunter & Whitson, 1991)
may interfere with the ability of family leisure to foster more positive
experiences of family life and relationships among women (Shaw, 1992).
39. Gender-role differences may result in leisure having different meanings for
women and men.
40. The heavier responsibilities for planning and managing family leisure
experienced by women may prohibit them from experiencing the benefits in
spite of the fact that they enjoy it as much as men at the time of occurrence.
41. There is some evidence that certain kinds of leisure can spice up or enhance
both friendships and marital relationships by making the social interaction
more exciting and enjoyable (Larson, Mannell & Zuzanek, 1986), as well as
by contributing to the participants' personal growth through the enhancement
of their social relationships (Reissman, Aron & Bergen, 1993).
42. When the quality of the respondents' experiences in these relationships was
examined,it was found that interactions with a spouse were experienced as
the least positive and exciting; interaction with friends were experienced
as much more positive and exciting.
43. However, before one gets too cynical about long-term intimate relationships,
it should be noted that the researchers found that the most positive and
exciting experiences occurred when individuals were interacting with friends
plus their spouse (see Figure 11.3).
44. Aron and Aron (1986) have proposed that if leisure time spent together to
enhance marital satisfaction, the partner need to engage in joint
activities which are “expanding”, that is, activities which are exciting
and stimulating because they provide new experience.
45. Clearly, there is evidence that what people do in their leisure can have
a significant impact on a wide range of psychological outcomes that most of
us would see as beneficial.
46. The nature of people’s leisure behavior and experience; the skills,
attitudes and need people possess; and the social circumstances of their
lives—not only leisure contexts—all interact to affect whether their
leisure is a benefit or a cost.
47. Researchers have found evidence that the right kind of leisure can make people
feel better temporarily during the present moment, facilitating long-term
personal growth, affirm their identities, provide a buffer against stress,
enhance their satisfaction with their work and personal relationships, and
support their efforts to deal with transitions in their lives.
48. However, researchers also saw that leisure may have no affect or in some cases
negative affects on a person’s well-being and satisfaction with different
domains of her or his life.