Grievance Form University of Texas at Arlington Office of Student Conduct

University of Texas at Arlington
Office of Student Conduct
Grievance Form
The purpose of this form and the referral process is to direct the suggestion/complaint to the
appropriate office or person so the best solution can be reached. Please leave this form at the Office
of Student Conduct, E.H. Hereford University Center, Room B170 or email to conduct@uta.du.
Date: ____________________________
Name: _____________________________________
Phone: __________________________
UTA Email Address: ____________________________
UTA ID# _________________________
___ FR
___ SO
___ JR
___ SR
___ GR
___ Faculty / Staff
Nature of the Grievance: _________________________________________________________
For Office Use Only
Referred By: ______________________________
Date: _____________________________
Referred To: ______________________________
Office: ____________________________
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________
Resolution by Office
Please complete this form and submit the Office of Student Conduct.
Resolved By: ______________________________
Date: _____________________________
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________
The Office of Student Conduct Follow-Up Required: ________________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Date : _______________________________